Chapter 33 : Complications

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" Ikuta, How are you doing?" Belial asking, waiting for two minutes to realize that he won't get a response. He released the doorknob before walking down the stairs
" I see you've eaten, that's checked off the list.." He said, noticing a empty food bowl laying on her welcome mat.
There wasn't much for him to say, Belial regretted his actions. He should've listened instead of allowing his emotions to guide him.
" I know you're upset with me, you have all right to. If you we're in my place, Would you do the same thing I did?" He asked, knowing there wouldn't be an answer but he still did it.

" I'll check on you tonight... Love you Sis." Belial said, taking his time with walking away from her cabin. He walked in the direction of the training field, wanting to distract his mind with some form of combat.

Inside the Cabin, Ikuta was curled up in a ball on the floor. Clothes were scattered all over the place, showing that she hasn't left since arriving back at the Faction.
" Stupid.. Stupid.. Stupid... FUCKING STUPID!"She yelled, feeling it necessary to bring herself down.

" He's the boy who tried killing Doom, The boy who I fought and beat in that tournament ten years ago.." She said quietly, swaying back and forth with her arms holding her knees close to the chest.
" Deno never tried harming us in any way, He protected me and Belial when the guild members got serious, and attempted to kill us... He would even do small activities with us...." She regretted leaving Deno's side when Michael betrayed them, it was slowly driving her insane.

Ikuta closed her eyes, allowing a few tears to run down her face. She should be resting due to her injuries, but it seems Ikuta doesn't want to rest.
" You didn't want to kill us... You begin showing your true self to us, but when you lost control... We weren't even your friends at the point, we were prey in a predators line of sight...." She said, grabbing hold of her blanket before screaming into it.

" I just want to hear it from you if we're your friends or not..." Ikuta said, burrowing her face deeper into the blanket. The sound of Deno's cabin door swing open caught her attention, making her curious to go see who was exiting it.
" Luna, Take a second to process this. I don't believe for one second Deno has anything to do with Tsumi. I believe that to my core!" Artemis shouted at Luna, doing her best to convince her friend from killing Deno on sight.

" First it was Michael, but now I know that mother fucker is tied to my daughter. Artemis, I will not sit still until I have my information!" Luna shouted back, getting up in Artemis's face and stared into her eyes. This was very unusual for Luna, but every mother is protective over their children.
" Can we Atleast wait for Master Tatsu to come? He'll be able to give better insight to our situation, but if you want to rush it then we'll have to deal with him and Leona." Artemis stood her ground, not backing down from Luna even if she's this upset.

Ten minutes passed by, Leo was observing Deno from a separate room. Watching to see if something would happen to the young man, but it has only been peaceful.
" None of this adds up.. Most prisoners do something similar. Use their shackles to engrave stuff on the wall, attempt to break free, or even attempt suicide to prevent information from being leaked. But this boy, He's just meditating..." Leo said, placing the orb back onto the table and went to grab something to drink.

Deno slowly opened his eyes, feeling that something is coming for him. He took his time standing up, not wanting to tangle the chains together for a second time.
" You better prepare yourself boy, I'm going to beat the information out of you!" Luna shouted out, kicking open the cell door as she locked eyes with him.

The two stared one another down, and Deno noticed the dagger residing in her right hand.
" I do not care for Michael this moment.. TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT" Luna's voice rose while she walked towards him, tightening her grip on the dagger at the same time.

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