Chapter 33

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

I groan as I splitting pain shoots through my head. I try to open my eyes but feel too weak. What happened? Suddenly all my memories come rushing back to me. Our water must have been drugged. I feel someone start shaking me lightly. I use all my might and manage to pry open my eyes. I see Aaron sitting in front of me, peering into my eyes worriedly.
"How are you feeling?" he asks worriedly, "You've been out for about two hours longer than me."
"I'm fine, just have a bit of a headache," I say in a raspy voice. My throat is also extremely dry.
"Do you know where we are?" I ask him after clearing my throat slightly which seems to help. He shrugs.
"Apart from being in a tiny dark room, nope," he answers. Just as he finishes taking, I hear keys rattling in a lock. The door opens and in walks David followed by his henchman/ bodyguard/ butler, Samuel.
"Why did you bring us here?" Aaron demands, pulling on the chains that tie him to the wall by the handcuffs. I didn't even notice they were there but now I can clearly feel the heavy weight on my wrists.
David smirks.
"You may not realise it but the powers we gave you Lexi are strong enough to potentially destroy whole countries at once. You just have to learn to unlock your full potential," David says, turning his attention to me. I narrow my eyes at him.
"What, so you're going to turn me into a weapon?" I ask him. He nods, grinning. I scoff.
"You do realise I'll never work for you willingly. Or are you just not the brightest of the bunch?" As soon as the words leave my mouth, Samuel walks up to me and punches me in the stomach, hard. I fall to the side and cough up a small patch of blood. I've definitely broken a few ribs.
" Lexi, are you alright? "Aaron exclaims, he tries to move closer to me but his chains are too short. I sit up and wipe my mouth before giving him a hopefully convincing smile.
"I'm fine."
"Well be back in an hour and you better give me an answer I want then," David threatens before turning around and leaving the room, Samuel following him. I hear a click as the door locks before I allow myself to lean my back against the wall.
"Are you really OK?" Aaron asks unconvinced. I don't answer him. Instead, I turn my head to the side and allow my eyes to close. I should at least use this time to get a bit of rest.

(533 words)
Sorry this chapter is so super duper short. It's been really busy with Christmas coming up soon. I hope you still all enjoy this?? I noticed a lot of people that voted for the chapters before have stopped.

Oh well, please be sure to comment any ideas, reviews or questions, share and vote.

P. S. The next chapter will be Sunday the 6th or earlier. Byeee.

P. S.

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