Chapter 34

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)
P. S. You may need to re-read last couple of chapters to remember what's going on. ;)

As David said he would, an hour later he returns with Samuel by his side. 

" I trust you've made your decision," he says. I nod slowly. 

"I have." he stands quietly for a second. 

"Well? What is it?" he demands. I lean forward as much as my sore ribs allow and spit on his boots. 

"I'll never be used as your weapon," I growl at him. He narrows his eyes. 

"So be it," he says before turning around and walking out of the room. Aaron and I look at each other in confusion. That's it? He just left? Of course we aren't that lucky though. Seconds later, two guards and Samuel walk in. Samuel grabs me and the two guards grab Aaron. That really is insulting, why does Aaron get two guards and I only get one? Do they think I'm weak? I scoff. They drag us out of the room and lead us up multiple flights of stairs before we stop in front of two, quiet large wooden doors. Are we in some medieval castle or something? One of the guards holding Aaron walks forward and opens one of the doors and we are dragged inside. The door is shut behind us. Inside, the room is much smaller than I imagined it to be but is still relatively large. With the very dim lighting, all I can make out is a whole bunch of cells lined up against the far wall, at least twelve, only 2 currently occupied. One of the cells holds a girl about my age, maybe a couple of years older. The other holds a bit about the same age as the girl, both of them look exhausted and they don't bother looking up from the floor at us. The guards lead Aaron and I towards two cells and ruffly shove us inside. Why did they drag us all the way here just so that we could change cells? I do notice that this time however, Aaron and I are in separate cells, even though we are still next to each other. The guards lock the cell doors before leaving the room. I sit down in the corner and pull my legs up to my chest. Aaron sits down in the corner of his cell next to me and reaches his arm through the cage to grasp my hand comfortingly. 

"Don't worry Lexi, once the team realizes we're missing they'll come looking for us," Aaron says quietly. 

"And how are they going to find us? We don't even know where we are. For all we know we could be on a different earth or universe!" I snap at him. He lets go of my hand and hangs his head. I go to apologise but he turns away from me. I sigh. This is like the 50th time we've been kidnapped this year! I feel so useless. What's the point in having powers if you can't even save yourself? 


When I wake up next a slither of light is filtering through the small window of my cell. I didn't even realise I had fallen asleep. I take advantage of the light to try and look around the room but it isn't light enough yet. I look around my small cell and see a small wooden chair in the corner that gives me an idea. I grab it and drag it under the window and stand on it so that I can look out. As I assumed by all the flights of stairs we climbed to get here, we are pretty high up, at least the 4th or 5th floor. There's no way I'll be able to jump out this window without falling to my death. It might be possible if I had my powers but they don't seem to be working at the moment. The building must have some sort of power dampers in it. 

I hear footsteps outside the door and quickly put the chair back to where it originally was and sit down on the hard floor just in time as the door opens and David and Samuel walk in followed by the two guards I have named Smelly and Fat. David walks over to my cell and motions to Smelly to open it up. He quickly unlocks it and grabs me by the arm, dragging me out. 

"Where are you taking her?" Aaron shouts as they start to drag me outside the room. David doesn't answer and instead proceeds to walk out the room, Samuel closes it behind us. David continues to lead us down the hallway with Samuel following behind us. We walk up to the door and walk inside. It is a very plain room with only a table and two chairs that I can see. David sits down and motions to Smelly who shoves me into the chair opposite David before he, Fat and Samuel leave. 

"What do you want, David?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him. He chuckles. 

"Straight to the point, you and I are much more alike than you think," he says. I shake my head. 

"I'm nothing like you." I snarl. He just grins. 

"I'm going to give you two options. One, you allow me to erase all your memories and work as my weapon otherwise I'll kill your little friend," he threatens. I stare at him for a minute. "What's number two?" I ask. He tilts his head slightly. 

"I kill you then let your friend go," he answers. I scoff. 

"Not much of a choice. Either way you kill Aaron," I say. He shrugs. 

"I prefer option three," I tell him. He raises an eyebrow. 

"And what would that be?" he asks. I smirk. 

"You let Aaron, myself and those two other kids go before my friends come and get us themselves." he laughs out loud. 

"Trust me, your little friends won't find you here," he says. I stare blankly at him before he sighs and calls the guards back in to take me back to my cell. 

(1132 words)
Yay, I'm back!!!
I really didn't think I would continue this story but decided why not?? I can't just leave it there.

These updates are going to be extremely slow because I'm high school this year (eek!!) and have soo much going on. Hope you enjoy because I have no idea what I'm going to do. Lol. I'll just work it out as I go.

Feel free to give me ideas!!!!!

Until next time
Byeeeee. ;)

P. S. You may need to re-read the last couple of chapters to remember what's going on. ;)

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