Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

They both speed off, leaving Cisco and I to pack away all the equipment. He looks at me pleadingly.

"Lexi, can you...?" he nods his head towards all the equipment. I groan and, using my speed, pack all the stuff back into the STAR Labs van. Even though for him it all happens in less than a second, for me it feels like minutes still.

I stop using my speed and everything unfreezes around me.

"Thanks," Cisco says, taking in the now clean of equipment runway. We both hop into the STAR Labs van and head back towards STAR Labs

By the time we get there, Barry and Wally are already back.

"What's wrong?" I ask them as I take in Caitlin, Wally and Barry's equally worried expressions.

"Snart's back," Barry says. Beside me, Cisco gasps but I only look at them all in confusion.

"Who is Snart?" I ask nobody in particular.

"Leonard Snart, A.K.A Captain Cold. He stole a gun that Cisco made that can reach the temperature of absolute zero. A while ago he turned to the good side and sacrificed himself for the lives of many," Barry explains.

"Then why is he alive now?" I ask him.

"When the crisis happened, a lot of things in the past changed, it is possible that he's alive now," Caitlin says.

"Oh, and there's one other thing," Wally says, "He's a metahuman."


"How is that even possible!" Cisco exclaims.

"What are his powers?" I ask out of curiosity.

"He can do exactly what his cold gun could do, except now he doesn't need the gun," Barry explains. Even though I know this is a very serious moment, I can't hold help but let out a yawn. Everyone looks at me.

"Sorry, it's been a very long day and it's getting pretty late," I explain. Caitlin nods in understanding.

"I'm surprised you haven't fallen asleep from exhaustion yet," Caitlin remarks.

"Come, let me find you a place to sleep, I'm sure you don't want to sleep in the med bay tonight," she says, leading me down the hall.

"One sec, let me just grab my stuff," I tell her, suddenly remembering my bag still in the storage room. I speed over there, grab it, and then speed back to Caitlin, clutching it to my chest.

"Where were you staying before?" she asks.

"In one of the storage rooms," I reply, sheepishly. She looks at me in question.

"For how long?"

"Only a few days."

"You should have come to us sooner!"

I probably should have, I think. But I remember how adamant mum always was about them not finding out about my existence. I wonder why?

We stop in front of a door and Caitlin opens it. Inside is a small bedroom with a single bed and bedside table against the wall to my left. To the right, is a door that I assume leads to a bathroom.

"I know it's a bit small but it should be OK short term," Caitlin says nervously.

"It's wonderful," I say, giving her a genuine smile. It is very similar to my room back home. Caitlin leaves me to get some rest and I sit down on the bed, taking my sketchbook and pencil out of my bag. I open my sketchbook to an empty page and begin sketching everyone I've met. Joe, Wally, Nash, Cisco, Caitlin and Sasha. That reminds me, I'm most probably fired from my job at Jitters, it's been a few days since I went there last. I finish drawing everyone and close my book, placing it and the pencil on the bedside table. I reach into my bag and take out the photo of mum and I next. I rub my thumb over our happy, smiling faces before placing it on the bedside table next to my sketchbook and pencil. I place my backpack on the ground and quickly get dressed into my pair of pj's, too tired to bother to shower, I'll do it tomorrow morning. I yawn again before turning into my side and closing my eyes, exhaustion taking over, causing me to instantly fall asleep.

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