Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

I wince as Kyra pulls the bandage tight around the burn on my arm.
"I'm so sorry, I should have warned you about the branding," She says as she knots off the bandage.
"It's ok," I reassure her. The moment I got back from my mission; I went to my barracks to find Kyra waiting for me. She told me she and Dylan also got branded before their first missions. I pull my sleeve down over the bandage as Kyra starts to feel around my injured shoulder.
"Ow, that hurt," I complain as she pushes down hard on it.
"I have to check if it is broken or not," she tells me as she presses down on another shot. She declares it only bruised and puts some ointment on it before bandaging it. She sits down on the bed next to me when she is finished.
"Did you kill him?" Kyra asks me softly. I shake my head.
"I broke his arm and he probably hurt his back as well," I tell her softly. I just hope that Black Hole doesn't hear of this. We sit in silence for a few minutes.
"They put trackers into the brands, didn't they?" I ask Kyra. She nods.
"Then how are we going to escape?" I whisper to her. She looks around to make sure nobody is listening before answering me.
"In Dylan's dorm is a guy called Jax. He is a metahuman with the ability to disrupt electrical signals," She whispers to me. I nod in understanding.
"So, he can stop the tracker's signal," I verify. She nods.
"Will he be coming with us?" I ask her. It is good to know who is in on the escape plan.
"Yes, that's the plan," she tells me.
"So, that's you, Dylan, Amy and Jax?" I ask her.
"And you," she tells me.
"Only if we can find out where they keep my medicine," I verify, "If you can't, you'll have to leave without me."
She shakes her head.
"We're not leaving without you," she insists. I stay silent. We sit in silence before the dinner bell starts to ring. We stand up and leave my barracks, heading towards the dining hall. When we get there and have gotten our trays of food, we walk over to a table where Dylan, Amy and a boy with black hair and blue eyes, are sitting. I sit down opposite Dylan and the boy while Kyra sits down next to me to my right with Amy to my left.
"How did your first mission go?" Dylan asks me quietly so that the kids at other tables can't hear us. I don't answer him.
"That bad huh?" he asks. Kyra quickly explains to them what happened while I eat my food with my head down.
"Oh, um...well this is Jax," Dylan says after Kyra finishes telling them what happened. He holds out his hand and I shake it.
"So, you can disrupt electrical signals?" I ask him. He tilts his head to the side.
"How did you...?" he starts.
"Kyra told me," I answer him. He nods in understanding. We quickly finish eating our food just in time as the bell rings, signalling 10 minutes till lights out. We hurry back to our barracks, Dylan and Jax upstairs and Amy, Kyra and I downstairs. I stop in front of my barracks and say good night to Kyra and Amy as they go to their barracks just down the hall from mine. I brush my teeth before climbing into bed.


I wake up just before the breakfast bell goes off, giving me the bathroom to myself. I quickly brush my teeth and tie my hair into a high ponytail before getting dressed into my training clothes. Once I'm done, I quietly leave my barracks and head over to the dining hall. I sit down at our usual table with a plate of eggs, pancakes and some toast. Ever after I brought up how I wasn't getting enough food with Eva, she changed the entire menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I start shoveling forkfuls of egg into my mouth when Jax, Dylan and Kyra sit down at the table with plates of food.
"Where's Amy?" I ask in between mouthfuls of food.
"She went on a mission for Mrs.McCulloch," Kyra tells me.
"So Jax, how old are you? You aren't in our training class," I ask him. He swallows down a mouthful of food before answering.
"I just turned 21 last week," he tells me.
"Happy birthday for last week then Jax," I tell him with a smile.
"Thanks," he replies, "How old are you? You don't look 18"
"I'm 17, I arrived here last year," I tell him. His face goes solemn.
"I heard Lisa and Leonard brought you here," Jax says. I nod.
"They are actually my cousins," I reveal to him. His eyes widen in surprise.
"Really, you.." he starts but is cut off when the training bell rings.
"We should probably get going,"I say, giving Jax an apologetic smile. We all stand up and take our empty plates to the bins before heading over to the training hall.

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