Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

The woman leads me into her office as Snart and Lisa wait outside.
"What exactly do you want me to do?" I question her. She smiles at me.
"We will first train you in hand to hand combat and how to use your speed to the best of your power. When you are deemed ready, we will send you out and you will start taking down superheroes, ones with small powers at first of course. Then, you will take on the more well known ones. Vibe, Killer Frost, kid flash and finally, The flash." I nod and swallow heavily. She doesn't know about my ability to copy other people's powers, she thinks I only have speed and I plan to keep it that way.
" I, I won't have to kill anybody, will I? " I ask her cautiously. Her face becomes unreadable.
" Of course not, " she reassures me but we both know she is lying.
" where are my manners?" she gasps," I'm Eva McCulloch but you can call me Eva." she holds out her hand for me to shake and I visibly ignore it. She smiles again and I am pleased to see this one very strained.
"Why don't I show you to your barracks?" she says. By her she meant Lisa. Lisa walks me over to a door and opens it,leading to a hallway beyond. We both walk down the hallway in silence and she leads me up to the second door on the right.
"This room is for kids around your age but you will be one of the youngest.
Everyone else here is 18 or older. My barracks are just down the hall and Leonards are up stairs with all the other guys, so just come to us if you need anything," she explains. I nod absently and she opens the door to my dorm. There are 6 beds altogether in the small, badly lit room. There is a ceiling fan on the ceiling and a door to the right which must lead to the shared bathroom.
Lisa says goodbye before leaving the room, informing me that dinner is being served in the mess hall at 6. I look down at the watch Leo... Snart gave me. The time reads 5.47 giving me about 13 minutes to get settled before dinner. I sit down on the only bed that is available, the others all having other people's possessions on them,and search around the small chest at the end of the bed for the clothes Lisa said she had left for me in there. I quickly put on the black leggings and grey tank top, putting my other pair of clothes into the chest. I sit down on the edge of the bed next. Barry and the others will have definitely noticed me gone by now, It's been nearly 2 days now since Snart and Lisa kidnapped me. And now, the next time I see them I will be their enemy.


I wake up to a loud, blaring alarm sounding. I'm instantly awake in bed and I sit up, looking around to see the other girls casually getting out of bed. It must be some sort of cruel wake up siren. I get out of bed and quickly head into the shared bathroom. It has exactly 6 sinks and 6 closed off showers. Whoever designed this place must have intended for there to be only 6 girls in here at a time. I quickly get into the shower and wash my hair before I wrap a towel around myself and head over to the sink to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once I'm done, I head back over to my bed and grab a pair of black leggings and a tank top out, identical to the ones I found last night. I then tie my still drying hair into a high ponytail. Today is my first day of training. When I was still in the speed force, I did train slightly in hand to hand combat but I focused mostly on my powers and at STAR Labs I did ask them to train me fighting but they refused, saying I was too young to be fighting and tried to enroll me in school instead which didn't work out because I don't technically exist according to earth.
I head out of the barracks with the other girls and over to the mess Hall. They serve some sort of brown, mushy porridge and a cup of water for breakfast. Even the prisoners in the pipeline at STAR Labs get fed better than this. I force it all down in seconds however. With my speedster metabolism this miniscule amount of food 3 times a day will not be enough to sustain myself, especially if I'm going to be training all day. Another alarm sounds, signalling the end of breakfast. A girl with blonde hair and light brown eyes walks up to me as I'm about to stand up.
"Hey, I'm Amy. Mrs. McCulloch told me I'm to be your guide," she says, holding out her hand. I shake it.
"I'm Lexi, but you probably already knew that," I tell her with a grin.
"We should get to the training hall before we're late," she suggests leading me out of the mess hall and down a corridor which I presume leads to the training hall. At the end of the corridor, we take a turn right, ending up in front of two large, wooden doors. She pushes them open and we enter a large room with some mats shoved into the corner and staffs against a stand to the side of the room. The rest of the room is relatively clear. This must be the training hall. There are already 8 other kids standing about the room, chatting amongst themselves. I'm clearly the youngest with the rest of them being about 18 years old or older. There are 6 boys and 4 girls including Amy and I.
"OK class, gather around," a man says, walking into the room. All the kids form a line and I quickly step into it next to Amy.
"Today we will be doing one on one hand to hand combat. Find yourself a partner and if you don't do it quickly, I'll choose for you," the instructor calls out, causing everyone to quickly choose a partner.
"Will you be my partner?" Amy asks me. I grin.
"I was just about to ask you the same thing," I say, causing her to grin as well. Once everyone has a partner, the instructor starts to call the partners, one pair at a time, into the middle of the room where they start to spar. Everyone watches as the first team, Dylan and Kyra, start to fight. They are both of very similar skill but in the end, Dylan wins by faking a punch to her head, causing her to duck, then delivers a swift kick to her feet, knocking her to the ground. The instructor blows his whistle, signaling the end of the fight and Dylan helps Kyra back onto her feet before they step back into line.
"Amy and Lexi," the instructor calls out next. I swallow hard when I realise that is us and wipe my sweaty hands on my pants before stepping forward along with Amy. The instructor blows his whistle, signaling the start of the fight and Amy right away throws a punch at my stomach which I quickly dodge. Back in the speed force, I didn't actually have anyone to practice against except for the tree so it was just me practicing to throw punches and kicks. Distracted by my thoughts I don't see her try to punch my stomach again till it is too late. I groan as she punches me, that will definitely leave a mark. She throws another punch toward my head and I immediately see what she is trying to do. It is exactly what Dylan did to Kyra in their fight. I duck it anyway and use my speed ever so slightly to kick her off her legs before she can do that to me. She groans as her back hits the ground and the instructor quickly blows his whistle.
I help Amy to her feet as the next pair step forward to spar.

We watch till the last pair is finished sparring when the instructor finally calls out a water break, saying we have 15 minutes.
"Hey, I'm Dylan and this is Kyra," Dylan says as he and Kyra walk up to Amy and I. Dylan has light blonde hair and bright blue eyes while Kyra has flaming, curly red hair and sparkling green, emerald coloured eyes.
" Hey, I'm Lexi," I reply, shaking his hand.
" And I'm Amy," Amy says with a smile.
" I saw you too spar, it was amazing. How did you move that fast?" Kyra asks. I hesitate. Am I supposed to let them know I have powers?
"Umm... I'm a metahuman. I have the ability to copy other people's powers," I tell them softly so that the other kids don't hear. All three of them gasp in usion.
"But don't tell anyone, please?" I quickly ask them and they all nod in reply.
"Are you guys also metahumans?" I ask them curiously.
"I'm a seeker," Dylan tells me. I look at him in question.
"What's a seeker?" I ask him.
"I can touch a person's belongings and instantly know where they are. I always wanted to be a detective," He answers.
"I'm a telepath," Kyra tells me. I grin.
"That's awesome, can you tell what I'm thinking right now?" I ask her. She closes her eyes and furrows her brows in concentration. She opens her eyes and looks confused.
"I can't," she replies, "this has never happened to me before."
I understand why she probably can't read my mind. It is like when Cisco explained to me how people from different earth's vibrate at a different frequency. After the particle accelerator explosion, it must have changed me so much it changed my frequency as well. We all look at Amy, she being the only one that hasn't revealed her powers.
"I can turn invisible," she tells us, holding out her hand and showing it suddenly disappear. We all gush about how cool it is.
"Why did you guys come here?" I ask them in a whispered tone so that nobody overhears us. They all seem to look suddenly upset.
"Kyra and I were friends in highschool shortly after we graduated and started showing signs of powers, we were both taken from our homes and brought here. That was almost a year ago," Dylan whispers.
"I had also just started showing signs of powers and they took me here. It was about 3 months ago," Amy tells us. They all look toward me.
"I had just moved to Central city a week ago or so when some old family members who happen to be criminals brought me here and threatened the lives of my friends if I didn't come with them. I arrived yesterday," I vaguely explain to them.
"those family members wouldn't happen to be Lisa and Leonard Snart, would they?" Kyra asks. I look at her in question.
"how did...?" I start.
"They come here a lot and you share a few resemblances with them," Kyra explains. We talk for a few more minutes before the instructor blows his whistle and orders us to all line up and start doing one hundred push ups. This is going to be a long day.

(1950 words)

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