Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

"So, what's your name?" Cisco asks me as he leads me into the elevator that heads down to the pipeline.


"Lexi what?" He asks. I shrug.


We wait in the elevator in silence as it continues its descent. The elevator pings and the door opens. Cisco leads me out of the elevator and down into the pipeline. He presses his hand against the touchscreen pad next to the door and it glows green, opening the heavy metal door. Without being asked, I step inside my cell and Cisco closes the door behind me. He turns to leave but I quickly call him.

"Hey, can you do me a favour?" I ask him.

He turns to face me.

"Sure, what is it?" He asks cautiously.

"Can you get me something to read? It's going to get pretty boring in here."

I flip through the next page of the comic Cisco got me. It is about a kid that gets bitten by a radioactive spider and gets cool powers. He then goes around the city saving people and calls himself Spider-Man. Cisco says it is his favourite comic. I flip to the next page when a strange feeling runs through my bones. I put down the comic when suddenly my vision gets a weird haze to it. I see Barry enter the pipeline with a tray of food. As quickly as it came, my vision goes back to normal again. I must have had some sort of vision. The metal door opens and Barry enters in his normal clothes, pushing a tray with a few bags of big belly burger on it.

"I thought you might be hungry. You know, with the metabolism of a speedster and all," he says, putting 2 of the bags into the bucket connecting my cell. I open the bucket on my side and take out the bags, placing them on the ground next me.

"Thank you," I tell Barry as I open the bag and unwrap a burger, taking a bite out of it.

"The team and I searched your face and name everywhere and we couldn't find anything. According to this earth, you don't exist." I ponder on what he says for a second.

"No, I'm not from this earth," I reply. He stares at me for a moment, head tilted to the side.

"How are you from a different earth? The multiverse was destroyed during the crisis," he says. Now it is my turn to look confused.

"OK, now I'm the one confused. What exactly is the multiverse?" I ask him.

"OK, so, think of this as earth 1. And now imagine another earth, earth 2. Now on this earth, I am a csi but on earth 2 I might be a plumber. Each earth is similar to one another with only small changes, well, most of the time. There are an infinite number of different earth's. We refer to this as the multiverse," he explains.

"Do you think it is possible for there to be an earth where there are only 2 people and one of them isn't even human?" I ask him. He shrugs.

"Sure, there are, was, an infinite number of earth's so that could have been possible. Is that where you're from?" he says. I ponder for a second on whether or not I should tell him.

"yeah, I guess." Is my reply. He looks like he wants to ask more questions but decides to give me a break when I unsuccessfully try to hide a yawn.

"You must be tired, I'll leave you to rest," he says. I nod and reach into my last bag of belly burger to find it empty. I was munching on some while we talked but I hadn't realised I had eaten it all. I stuff the two, now empty, bags of big belly burger back into the bucket as Barry closes the metal door, encasing the cell into darkness. I lie down on my side and cuddle into the blanket Caitlin gave me earlier. I have to find a way to convince them I'm not a bad guy, after all, I have to go to work tomorrow.

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