Chapter 28

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

"What do you mean 'everything'?" Aaron exclaims.

"I mean what I said. We should tell them about working for Black Hole still and everything else we've kept a secret," I whisper the last part in case they're listening in.

"We can't. Remember how betrayed they were just by keeping who you are a secret? Imagine what they'll do if they find out something as big as this," he argues. I shake my head.

"look, it has been killing me inside to lie to them like this. Please Aaron, we have to tell them," I plead, using my puppy dog eyes. He sighs.

"Fine. But we have to make 100% sure that Black Hole doesn't find out otherwise..." He makes an exploding gesture with his hands. I nod.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they don't find out," I promise him. He nods.

"Ok, so when do we tell them?" He asks nervously.

"Tomorrow morning," I say without hesitation. He breathes deeply.

"Ok," he says.

"Aaron, I'm quickly going to go over to Black Hole. I need to speak to the Snarts. Can you cover for me?" I ask him.

"Sure, just don't get yourself into trouble," he tells me. I grin.

"When do I ever?" I ask before speeding away. I run all the way to Black Hole and straight into Lisa's room. The cool thing about her being an agent that works here is she gets her own room. She jumps in fright when she sees me.

"Lexi, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" She exclaims. I grin.

"Can you get Leo?" I ask her. She nods and types something into her phone. A few seconds later he walks into the room and closes the door behind himself.

"Ok. Aaron and I decided to tell team flash that we're still working for Black Hole," I confide. Leonard and Lisa wince slightly but don't give a major reaction like I thought they would.

"I don't think that's such a bad idea," Leonard says.

"Really?" I ask. Lisa nods.

"Yeah, you guys have been keeping it a secret for quite a while. It wouldn't hurt to tell them," Lisa says. I nod.

"So, why did you come here? Just to tell us that?" Leonard asks. I shake my head.

"If any rumours or whispers start going around Black Hole that we told team flash can you, you know?" I ask him quietly. He nods.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure nobody tells Mrs. McCulloch if that happens," he reassures me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I should probably get going back now," I tell them. They nod.

"See you around," Lisa says to me. I nod and run back to S.T.A.R Labs. I run straight into my room. It feels like forever since I last slept in here. I sit down on the bed after getting changed into some pjs and look at my sketch book that lies on the bedside cabinet. I smile and open it. It's been well over a year since I last drew in this. I flip to an empty page and grab my pencil before I start sketching everyone I've met this year. Aaron, Kyra, Dylan, Jax, Amy, Tony, Max and his friends, Lisa and Leonard, Allegra, even Mrs. McCulloch. I yawn as I finish and put my sketchbook back on the bedside cabinet before lying down, falling asleep almost instantly.


I wake up with a groan. Of course today, of all mornings, I have a killer headache. I pull myself out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready. I decide to follow Caitlin's orders for now and not use my powers.

The Infiltrator (A Flash Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin