Chapter 1 Part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

I wake up to the bright morning sun blaring through my window and the birds chirping happily outside. I groan and roll over, covering my head with my pillow. I eventually find the strength to pull myself out of bed and I find myself trudging into the bathroom, practically shoving myself into the shower with icy cold water that seems to jerk me more awake.

Feeling refreshed, I get out of the shower and speed over to my closet, getting on a pair of faded blue jeans and my favourite green t-shirt. I speed over into the bathroom and in a matter of seconds, I have my hair pulled neatly into a high ponytail with a grey scrunchie. I race down the stairs and into my seat at the dining table, quickly piling my plate high with pancakes and eggs and toast that mum made me. She stares pointedly at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Lexi, what did I say about using your speed inside?" she states more than asks.
"Sorry," I say through a mouthful of pancakes. I shovel down all my food in seconds, I have always eaten quite a bit more than the average person due to my higher metabolism caused by my speed.

"I'm going to go for a run, maybe go read for a bit in the tree house as well," I tell mum.
"OK, just be back before dark," she calls after me but I am already racing out the door, putting on my boots and a coat as I go. It is not as cold as it was yesterday but I grab my scarf and gloves as well, just in incase it gets a bit chilly later.

As I run I decide to stop at the cemetery on the way to visit a certain gravestone.
Nora Allen, 1959-2000. She was Barry's mum who was murdered when he was little. Everyone thought his father did it but they later on proved it wasn't him but Harrison Wells.

I place a bundle of fresh lilies I picked on the way here by her gravestone before running off toward the clearing in the forest to train. Even though I don't know my biological parents, mum is, well like a mum to me. She is the only person I know other than the fictional characters in the books I read.

I skid to a stop as I reach the clearing, my shoes smoking slightly causing me to quickly stomp them on the ground until they stop. Just on the edge of the clearing is the tree house that I built myself a few months after I came here, needing a place to just be alone. I take off my coat, scarf and gloves running up the tree to put them inside. I run back down and start to run around the clearing, using my stopwatch as I timer for how fast I go.

I manage to run around the 100m clearing 20 times at my top speed before I start to get out of breath slightly. I come to a sudden halt and stop the stopwatch. 4.12 seconds, that's a new top record! I notice heat coming from my shoes and throw them off my feet just in time as they burst into flames. Too bad I have no way of measuring how fast I can go, all I can do is see how far I can run in how much time.

I climb up the ladder to the tree house and grab a bottle of water from my cooler I keep up here. I guzzle down 4 bottles of water before I sit down on the small couch I have up here and pick up the book I am currently reading. It is about a girl stuck in outer space by herself as her friends on earth try to find her and bring her back. If I wanted to, I could finish the book in milliseconds but then I would be bored for the rest of the day so I decide to flip through the book at a normal speed.

I finish the book a few hours later and look up to see the sun starting to set. I grab my coat, gloves and scarf before running down the tree house and back through the forest. It is a very painful process this time as I don't have any shoes but I manage to tough through it and make it back home in just under a minute.

I stare out the window as I lay in bed, imagining what it would be like if I managed to get out of wherever I am, to go and live in a place like Barry does where there are other people. I sigh and I turn onto my side, pulling the blanket up to my chin, I can only hope that one day, my dreams will come true.

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