Chapter 29

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

Why would my parents fake their own death? I hear someone walk into the room and I quickly turn off the computer I was using and turn around to see who it is.

“Hey Lexi,” Caitlin greets me as she walks in.

“Hey, did you figure out a way to get the micro bombs out of our blood?” I ask her. She nods.

“I think I figured something out. Have you tried to simply phase them out?” she asks. I shake my head.

“No but I’m scared I’ll set them off if I try,” I tell her. She types something into her tablet she is carrying.

“If we can find a way to disable them it should work,” she says.

“But they’re meta proof,” I point out. 

“Well then we’ll just have to do it the old fashioned way,” Cisco says as he walks into the room. 

“What?” I ask him in confusion. He holds up a device.

“Localised EMP. It will disable all technology in a 50 mile radius,” he explains.

“But to do that we have to go somewhere with no technology,” I point out. He grins.

“We can go to the outskirts of Central City. There's a forest there, Colin Woods,It is practically a forest for hundreds of miles,” Cisco suggests.

“What about Aaron?” I ask suddenly. 

“You could try to phase him as you phase yourself?” Caitlin suggests. 

“That should work,” Cisco says after he types something into the computers.  

“Cool, I’ll go get Aaron,” I tell them before jogging into the speed lab where everyone is.

“Hey Aaron, Caitlin came up with a way to get the micro bombs out of our bloodstreams. We’re heading over to Colin Woods now to do it," I inform him. 

" Do you want us to go with you?" Dylan asks. I shake my head. 

" It's fine. We should be back in a couple of hours, "I reassure him. He nods. 

" See you guys soon! " he calls after us as we start to make our way back to the cortex. 

Within an hour we finally make it to Colin Woods. All four of us, Caitlin, Cisco, Aaron and I, pile out of the S.T.A.R Labs van and walk over to a small clearing. 

"So, all I have to do is phase him as I phase myself?" I ask them nervously. It is one thing to phase yourself but to phase someone with you is completely different. 

"Yup. Don't worry, it'll be easy. Barry, Wally and Nora once phased an entire plane and its passengers through a building," Cisco tells me. 

"Who's Nora?" I ask them in confusion. I've never heard them talk of this other speedster. Cisco and Caitlin exchange a sad look. 

"Well tell you later. For now, let's focus on this," Caitlin says. I nod and take a deep breath. 

"OK, on three. One, two, Three!" Cisco turns on the EMP. A really strange burning sensation runs through my body and by Aaron's shudder, I know he feels it too. Without further thought, I quickly grasp his hand and phase us as hard as I can. The burning feeling leaves my body and I realise it must have been the micro bombs. I stop phasing us and suddenly head a strange ticking noise. I frown slightly as it gets faster and faster. My eyes widen as I realise what it is. Using my speed, I run over to Cisco and Caitlin and speed them a safe distance away before going back for Aaron. I grab him and speed him to where I left Caitlin and Cisco. I feel something warm dripping down my face and bring up my hand to feel my nose bleeding. I hate it when this happens. I quickly wipe it with a handkerchief I carry around with me these days specifically for if anything like this happens. 

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