Chapter 27

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

I hold up my hands.
“Guys, I didn’t do it,” I defend myself.
“How can we trust you? It’s not like you haven’t lied to us before,” Cisco says. Killer Frost’s hair all of a sudden turns back to normal.
“Guys, she didn’t do it,” she starts. My eyes widen as I realise what she is about to do and I shake my head at her.
“She didn’t do it because can’t,” Caitlin explains.
“What do you mean?” Dylan asks.
“Her medicine stopped working a few days ago. She could have a seizure or worse at any moment.” They all turn to me.
“Is that true?” Aaron whispers. I nod solemnly.
"Yeah," I say.
"Why didn't you tell us? I could've tried to come up with a new medicine or…" Cisco starts rambling.
"I didn't tell you guys because I knew you would do this. We have to put all of our attention towards stopping Black Hole, not me. I can handle this," I interrupt Cisco.
"So, if you didn't break out Daniel, who did?" Barry asks.
"From what we know, Lexi was the only meta with some sort of speed powers at Black Hole. They even built their own speed lab replica especially for her," Dylan explains.
"So, if it wasn't an operative from Black Hole, then who was it?" Cisco asks.
"Can't you just vibe the place?" Kyra asks. Cisco shakes his head.
"I already tried to do that earlier but it was just like whenever I tried to vibe DeVoe, I was somehow thrown out," Cisco explains.
"Well, we better get to work. I'm going to scan the city again. Cisco, can you set all of the satellites to scan for large amounts of dark matter?" Barry asks. Cisco nods and walks over to the computers and types in some code.
"Lexi, can you come with us to the speed lab quickly?" Jax asks. I nod and follow them down the hall and into the speed lab.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Dylan asks.
"I already explained that I didn't want anyone turning away from what's important," I tell them. Aaron shakes his head.
"Lexi, this is important. This is your life at stake. I thought you trusted us more than that," Aaron says softly, his voice laced with hurt and betrayal.
"I do trust you guys it's just," I stop suddenly as my head starts to pound. I close my eyes and grab onto the table next to me for support.
"What's wrong?" Dylan asks.
"My head really hurts," I manage to get out through gritted teeth. I feel myself start to collapse to the ground but someone catches me. My body starts to convulse right as I lose consciousness.

                    …… //:\\......

It feels as though my entire body is on fire, slowly burning from the inside out. I gasp and open my eyes in pain. The pain suddenly vanishes as quickly as it came. I look around to find myself in the med bay yet again. I should just call this my bedroom by the number of times I have been in this bed. I look over to my right to see Aaron asleep in a chair next to my bed. He mumbles something in his sleep and his eyebrows furrow.
I wonder what he's dreaming about. I attempt to sit up in bed but find myself too weak so I just plop back down into the pillows. At my movement Aaron starts to stir and slowly opens his eyes which widen considerably when he sees me awake.
"Lexi, you're awake!" he exclaims, pulling me into a hug.
"Oww," I groan. He quickly lets go.
"Sorry," he apologies, his cheeks blushing bright red in embarrassment.
Luckily our awkward moment is diffused as Cisco, Barry and Caitlin walk in.
"Lexi, you're awake!" Cisco exclaims just like Aaron did.
"Yep, how long was I out for?" I ask curiously.
"About 2 hours and 15 minutes. It's half past midnight now," Caitlin says, looking at her watch. That's not as long as I thought.
"Well, I feel as good as new so, I'm going to get out of bed…" I start but Caitlin interrupts me.
"No, you can barely sit up, you're not strong enough to get out of bed top at least morning," she argues. I huff.
"Fine." I give in. Everyone leaves the room except for Aaron.
"Should I contact you know who and tell them?" he whispers. I shake my head.
"Aaron, I want to tell the team," I say abruptly.
"Tell them what?" he asks.

(852 words)

So sorry about the super short chapter. It was really more of a filler chapter. I hope you liked it anyway though. I was supposed to put this up this morning but I forgot. Sorry.
Be sure to comment your ideas or reviews, share and hopefully vote(by pressing that tiny star in the corner of the screen).

P. S the next chapter will be Wednesday the 25th or earlier.
Until next chapter. Byeee. ;)

The Infiltrator (A Flash Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora