Chapter 35

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

I've lost track of how long it has been since we arrived here. A few days, weeks? Everyday has the same routine. We wake up, eat cold porridge that is given to us along with some water and then one by one David comes and takes us away where he either interigates us or tortures us. Aaron and I have also learnt the names of the boy and girl that are also being held here, Darren and Emma. They were both operatives of Black Hole before they were taken captive a few months ago.

Everyday has the same routine, that is till today of course. It starts out normal, we are given cold porridge and water and are waiting for David to come get one of us when I hear shouts coming from outside the room and the sound of fighting. We all listing anxiously till all of a sudden everything goes deathly silent. "What's going on?" Aaron asks which is useless considering we are all as confused as he is.
I hear a rattling sound and turn to face the door to see it open and a figure hurry inside. For a second I think it's someone coming to save us but I'm sorely mistaken. Following the figure come three more. Once they near our cells I identify them as David, Samuel, Smelly and Fat. They rush over to my cell and quickly unlock it. "Hurry, get her out before they arrive," David whisper shouts. Smelly finally unlocks the cell and he and Fat grab me by the arms and start to drag me out. I open my mouth to shout but Samuel ties an old gag/rag around my mouth, muffling any noise I manage to make.

Before the others have a chance to react, they've already managed to drag me out of the room. We start going up a flight of stairs and reach a door at the top which opens up to reveal a helicopter ready to fly. They're planning on escaping from whoever attacked the place and are bringing me with them. Great.

I try to drag my feet along the ground to slow myself down but that just makes Samuel grab me from Smelly and Fat and sling me over his shoulder like some sort of sack.

Samuel follows after David as he carries me into the helicopter and straps me in inbetween himself and David. Over the noise of the helicopter, I hear the door bang open and see Barry start to speed over to us but he's too late as the helicopter takes off from the ground and quickly flies away.

With my hands now free I manage to take out the gag but it does no use except rid my mouth of its awful taste. At least Barry and the team got Aaron, Emma and Darren to safety. I hope.


We fly in the helicopter for approximately half an hour before landing in a small field next to a farm house. Once the helicopter has stopped, Samuel grabs me by the shoulder nd drags me out of the helicopter behind David. We enter the small farm house and walk through the delapetated kitchen into the lounge. David walks up to the fireplace which is made of patterned bricks of some sort and press his fancy gold ring into one of the bricks, funny that I didn't notice that ring before. David takes a step back, standing next to Samuel and I as the whole fireplace opens up, traveling a metal staircase that goes down to some sort of secret bunker. David steps forward and starts to descend the steps, followed by Samuel who is practically dragging me.

After a couple of minutes we finally get to the bottom only to find a sort of vault door. David walks up to it and a scanner scans his eye before a green light blinks and the door opens up, closing the second Samuel and I step through behind David.

I gape at what lays before us. It is some sort of massive office area with at least a hundred work cubicles in small rows, all filled with workers if men and women in suits, typing away at laptops of filing files. I'm lead down the Isle, getting few stares from the workers, as we walk up to a large door. David opens it, without any fancy pass code this time, and we walk inside, the door closing behind us. "Where are we?" I ask as I'm pushed into an uncomfortable chair by a desk. David takes a seat across from me and Samuel just stands by the door. "This is the INFIL headquarters," David replies. I tilt my head in confusion. "Was that supposed to mean anything to me because I have no idea what you're talking about," I say with a slight smirk. David immediately leans over and slaps me harshly across the face but I don't mind the look on his face as I said that was priceless. "INFIL is a secret organisation that deals with targeting and eliminating threats from all across the multiverse," David explains. "So you're basically Black Hole?" David frowns. "We are the people that founded Black Hole before moving onto greater plans." I look at him in confusion. "So why do you need me?" I question.

(1000 words)

Sorry the chapter is a bit shorter this time. I'm going to try to update atleast once a week so let's see how that goes. Hope you are enjoying it so far. :)

What do you think should happen next??

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(I'm trying to reach 1k reads and 400 votes. ;)

Until next chapter, hopefully NEXT MONDAY. Byeeeeee. ;)

The Infiltrator (A Flash Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon