24 - Cardiac

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Aiden and George were sitting down, telling stories of past experiences. The two had grown close in the few days they had spent by Jamie's bedside. Almost like brothers. 

They were sharing stories, when George suddenly says "You're the vigilante, aren't you?".

Aiden contemplated on whether he should tell George or not. Ah, screw it. "Yeah."

"What's it like?" George asked.


"What do you mean?"

"Well, it depends on the way you look at it, I guess."

"Go on."

"Well, you could see me as the bad guy, or the good guy."

"You wanna know what I think?"


"I think you pretend to be the bad guy but actually you're the good guy-" George started, but he never finished, because at that moment, Jamie started convulsing on the sofa where she had been laying for the last few days.

"Wh-what's happening?!" Aiden cried.

"I don't know!" George yelled. "Here- get her up on the table." George rushed over to Jamie and grabbed her feet, and motioned to Aiden to grab the upper half of her body. "Be careful, the spine injury."

Once they successfully put Jamie on the kitchen table, George checked her pulse. It was weak, and irregular. 

"What's wrong with her?!" Aiden asked anxiously. He was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"I - I think she's going into cardiac arrest." George muttered, eyes wide. "We need defibrillators. We don't have any defibrillators, Aiden."

"What do we do?" Aiden asked, his voice almost inaudible. These past few days...Jamie had become is life. He had stopped everything he was doing and spent almost four days looking after her. For her to just die like that...Aiden didn't go any further because if he did, he would cry. Something he hasn't done in a long, long time.

"I don't know." George's voice was hoarse. He was going through everything he knew about cardiac arrest. The best way to revive a patient was with defibrillators, but they didn't have any so what now? Pump their chest. Try to kick start their heart.

"Aiden. Quick. Pump her chest. Try to get her heart going." George ordered, while he turned around and filled a syringe with epinephrine, also known as the 'adrenaline drug'. 

Aiden pumped her chest. She still wasn't breathing. He pumped harder. George injected the epinephrine into her arm. Nothing. No! Wait. Her eyes fluttered.

"Jamie?" Aiden whispered. He was shocked. Could she still survive?"

Her eye flitted open. "Aiden..." She said, reaching up to hold his face. 

"Jamie. No. No! No!" Aiden screamed as her hand fell back down and her eyes closed, for the last time. Angry tears flowed down Aiden's cheeks, dripping onto the shirt Jamie was wearing. In that moment, the last moment of her life, Aiden realized he loved her. He loved her with all his heart.

Turning the tables (an Aiden Pearce fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now