This Changing Life-Chapter 12-The Plot

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The next morning, Guy rode away from the Manor earlier than usual. He was headed to Clun first, to alert the headman there of a tax collection the following Monday. Robin watched as Guy rode off. He looked back several times at the house, as if to reassure himself that it, or maybe someone, was still there, then was out of sight.

As soon as Guy was no longer in view, Robin crossed the clearing to the house. He stepped inside and walked to the dining room, where Kes and Thorton were going over expenses for the mine reconstruction. Thorton was the first to notice him standing there. "Master Robin! How good to see you!" Kes looked up, frowning. "What are you doing here?" Robin grinned. "I thought it was time to pay her royal highness a visit," he taunted. She did not smile at his words. "Need I remind you Robin, you should not be here. I would not like to explain to Prince Guy the reason for your visit."

"Then don't," he said crossly. He scowled. He had been sure of a welcome.  "I came to let you know the sheriff and Gisborne are plotting to kill the King," he blurted out. His anger at her betrayal still smoldering within. 

"Nonsense," scoffed Kes, "Guy would not be a part of that."

 "It is true, nonetheless," Robin countered, hoping she would understand. "They are planning several extra tax collections to raise funds to send someone to the Holy Land to kill Richard!"

A bit calmer, he added, "My band and I will try to stall them, as long as possible, but I need you to let me know anything you might hear."

"So, you expect me to spy on my husband, and report to you." This was a statement, not a question. Robin was stunned at her reaction. "Kes, please try to..." 

"NO! GET OUT!" She was suddenly on her feet pushing him, her angry shout echoing throughout the manor. "Kes, they are plotting to kill your brother! What has happened to you?"  Robin was genuinely confused. This time she screamed at him. "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!"

Robin was stunned. The King was her brother!  And she was concerned about betraying Gisborne! He didn't understand this at all. As he turned to go, he found himself face to face with the black knight himself. Kes and Thorton froze. Tuck came barreling down the hall in response to her scream. Robin bolted for the open window and was gone. The four remaining stood looking at each other until Guy turned on his heel and left again. Kes slid into a chair, physically drained from the stress. Thorton poured her a glass of wine, and Tuck patted her shoulder, offering what support he could. The wine numbed her somewhat, and once Tuck saw she was up to it, he walked her to her room, asking her to rest. As he headed down the steps, he heard her sobs. He asked Thorton to keep an eye on her and left to find Guy. 

Guy had heard the entire exchange. He had only shown himself when he heard Kes scream at Robin. He saw she was angry, sending the outlaw away, that she had not wanted him there. Had not welcomed him. But it still galled him to see Robin in his house, speaking to HIS wife. As for Robin's message, he did not know of any plan to kill the King, but he was suspicious of the extra tax collections. He was about half a mile from the Manor when he stopped his black stallion on the road and just sat. He was trying to decide if he should confront the sheriff or go back. That's when Tuck caught up. 

"Prince Guy, you need to go back." Guy raised an eyebrow, not liking the man's tone. Tuck saw the anger flair on the knight's face but continued on. "I have known the princess for a good many years, and she is distraught. Never have I seen her lose her composure like this, at least not in many years. She needs you.  Whatever Robin has told her has upset her greatly, and she needs to talk to you about it." Tuck watched Gisborne closely. The man was hard to read, and dangerous to cross. He hoped he cared enough about Kes to listen, but it was so hard to tell with Gisborne.

Guy reined the big Black around and took off back to the manor at a gallop, arriving before Tuck. He ran up the staircase to the room he shared with Kes. She was still sobbing, her face hidden from him. He lowered himself onto the bed and wrapped himself around her. For a good while, neither said a word. Finally, Guy murmured, "Kes, I will find out what is going on. We will warn the King."

Guy had no love for Richard. He was an absent king who cared nothing for Britain. He had sold much of value in this country for popish favor, leaving it to the likes of Vaisey, and its people to fend for themselves. But he was important to Kes. Not that he favored John. One ruler was much the same as the next. Hoarding wealth and power at the cost of everyone else. None worthy of trust. 

Kes finally turned to him, kissed him, then laid her head on his shoulder and started to doze.  He lay a long time before sleep claimed him as well.

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