This Changing Life Chapter 2 The London Palace

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1202 A.D.

The Black Knight had accompanied  the Sheriff of Nottingham to London to meet with Prince John.  He worked as Captain of the Guard in Nottingham Shire, and was the Sheriff's right hand man.  He was tall, broad shouldered, and narrow in the hips.  Dark hair framed his deep blue eyes. Dressed in black leather, he was as severe and imposing as a man could be. He rode a large black stallion, his handsome face showing no emotion, ready to assault any opponent at any moment. He had sworn fealty to the Sheriff of Nottingham. The sheriff, older than his knight, was rather ordinary in appearance, until you looked into his eyes and saw the insanity lurking there. The two men rode toward the castle, intent on business with Regent Prince John, who was sitting on the throne in the extended absence of the true king. 

Coming towards the two at a fast pace was a large white stallion, ridden by a slight,  hooded figure, and a large man in the King's livery riding beside. A moment of possible recognition with the knight as their eyes met as they passed each other, continuing their journeys. The Black Knight had noticed the green eyes of the hooded rider as they moved by swiftly,  but gave it little thought, as he sensed no harm from either. Once at the castle, the two men left their mounts with a groom, and proceeded to join Prince John and a small group of nobles in his drawing room.

Several hours later, Kes returned from her outing with her escort, Friar Tuck. She gave her mount a gentle pat and had him taken to the stables for a rubdown.  She was curious to find out about the two men she had seen earlier heading to the castle, as she had caught the slight surprised look the tall man in black had given her. She walked through the great hall to the rear of the castle, ready for a bath and to dress for dinner. John had spoken to her of his guests for the evening and expected her presence as entertainment. She was not pleased. John had not changed in the past ten years, and was, in fact, more demanding and annoying as ever. Since her return to court several months ago, she had come to realize how desperately he wanted to be King.  Richard had been gone far too long, Kes thought to herself.  The country had struggled to fund his holy war, and many of the nobles were now willing to back John, who they felt would be a terrible king, but at least  would actually be in Britain.  People were starving while King Richard fought Saracens for the Pope. Kes had written to him, begging him to come home, to stop the madness, but it had fallen on deaf ears. There had been no replies from the king. So she would have to entertain the guests for John.

She paused a moment, at a little alcove adjoining the banquet hall, and listened. The nobles were angry at Richard, who had sold off much of Britain's wealth to fund his holy war. "Hmpf!" she sighed, "As if war could be holy." She knew the men gathered were quickly slipping from Richard's grasp, and into John's. She glanced at the man escorting her, rolling her eyes. Then she gathered her skirts and moved quickly to her private quarters. "Can you meet me in the dining hall in an hour, Tuck?" she asked the large man quietly. She knew he would be close by all evening and wanted to give him a moment to himself. He smiled and nodded, then quietly moved towards his quarters, after checking her room for anything unusual.

An hour later, she entered the grand hall, bathed in lavender, coiffed and corseted, her light green gown rustling as she walked.  Her hair was loose and flowed as she walked. She had not chosen a veil, as was the fashion. Too much like the habit of a nun, and she had had more than enough of that sort of look. She was announced, paused and lifted her head, standing still for a moment, aware all eyes were on her. All masculine eyes, that is. She was at this point the only woman present. She walked over to John and curtseyed . He took her hand and led her over to a group of men and began introductions. She wondered if he had tried to offer her hand to anyone. His ninth attempt in two months.  While she would love to be away from London, and away from her brother,  she would not give up this point. Marriage would be her choice, not his. She would not be a broodmare for England!

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