This Changing Life-Chapter 9- The Party

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The night of the party was warm and clear. Many of the townsfolk did attend after all, filling bellies and drinking ale and wine. Once the music started, Kes never sat down, dancing with all the men, young and old. Guy finally managed to snag a dance with her, but once it was over she was off again. Finally, Dan Scarlett returned her to Guy.  Tuck, who had been watching closely, as had Gisborne, laughed when she sat down next to the Black, tired, a bit tipsy.  Guy felt her lean onto his side, and when he realized she was dozing in spite of the lively music, he picked her up into his arms and carried her into the manor. She woke as he gently placed her into the bed, giving him that special smile as he began taking her outer clothes off. She tried to watch, but was having trouble concentrating. He sat with her for a moment as she dozed off, and he thought he heard her murmur "I love you Guy."  He remained sitting on the bed pondering what she had said. She had quite a bit to drink, and was not used to it, and he felt she was  not responsible for her words. He sighed and left the room.

He went back downstairs to speak with Tuck, who had also left the party. He was concerned about what had happened at the mine, and wanted Tuck to watch closely after her confrontation with Vaisey.  He explained what had happened to the other man, who agreed it was a concern. He reassured Guy that Kes was quite capable of defending herself, but he also knew the sheriff had resources he could use against her.  As Guy walked back to their bedroom, his heart and mind were heavy with anxiety.  He sat and watched her sleep for a good while before he undressed and joined her. 

The next morning Kes woke  up alone, and had Sarah, her maid,  bring her a cup of hot tea. Her head hurt, and dressing was a chore. She had Sarah fix her hair in a simple braid and went down to make the best of what she thought might be a long day.  As she walked out of the house, she saw Guy and Tuck sparring with their swords. She walked over a bit closer to watch. When Guy finally noticed her, he said, "Finally up, Sleepyhead?" She ignored his teasing, walking over to Tuck, and  asked for his sword.. Guy realized the challenge, and decided to humor her. As they began, he was a bit surprised at how well she handled herself. Then, a quick feint and she had smacked his buttocks with her sword.  He was startled. "I win," she stated, with a haughty throw of her head. He walked over to her, smiling, picked her up and began walking over to the small lake on the property. She laughed, knowing he was teasing, until he threw her into the water.  It was cold, she was totally shocked. As she struggled to walk to the shore, the weight of her dress pulled her back down several times.  Guy stood with his arms folded, watching, a smirk on his face.  He did not offer to help. Tuck was shaking with laughter. Her headache had disappeared.

Later that evening she entertained with a song on the piano. She was competent, if not overly skilled, and they enjoyed a glass of cider together. Guy decided she was in a good enough mood so he asked, "Where did you learn how to use a sword?" She looked at him a moment before replying, "Tuck. We practiced often. There was not much to do in the convent if you are not prone to praying."  He grinned, "It seems you found a great many things to occupy that mind of yours."

"Is that an apology for the dunking you gave me earlier because I bested you?" She was baiting him. "Certainly not," he replied. "You deserved it for being a poor winner." This brought a giggle. "I shall not let you off so easy, next time, Prince Guy," she warned him. He thought a moment. "What else has he taught you?"

"French, Latin, figures, riding, and some self defense. I have moves should I need to do that." She said this in a matter of fact manner, causing Guy to worry that she would jump into something to show off these "moves."

In bed, later that night, after making love twice, he was pensive. So many things had changed for him, and he was not sure why, or what to think about it. He lay with his arm over his forehead, and said, "Kes, did you really turn down 11 proposals?" She answered lazily. "Mmhmmm." He thought a moment and asked, "Why me? Why did you agree to marry me?"

Kes didn't answer immediately, choosing her words carefully. "Well, I suppose you are not totally repulsive." He laughed at this, saying "Well yes, there is that, but neither was Lawrence or Robin." At this, she began an explanation of the other two men. "Lawrence is VERY handsome," she agreed, "but he is the kind of man who will ALWAYS do the right thing, no matter who gets hurt. The kind of man who would enjoy his wedding night, then reproach himself for his desires, and for making love to his wife. He would leave on some quest or other, leaving a wife alone, until he returned to do the exact same thing once again. No," she sighed, "Lawrence was not the right choice for me."

"And Robin?" Guy quizzed. 

She sighed again. "Robin is a friend. But he needs the approval and love of more than one woman, I think. He needs to be loved by his King, his people, and a wife will come in third."  As an afterthought she added, "I also find him annoying and childish." Guy snorted at this, then took her hand, "And me?" She reached over and kissed him, then pulled the hair on his chest, He yelped, grabbed her and began what would be their third encounter of the night.

When they finished, laying together with her head on his chest, she said softly. "Lawrence and Robin were the only two who spoke of love." Guy thought about this a long time before falling asleep.

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