This Changing Life - Part 23 - Reunion

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The journey to London passed almost uneventfully. Guy rode with Alan and Tuck. The ladies in a carriage. Kes had insisted on bringing Counterpoint, so he was led by Alan. The sheriff had brought four guards, picked by Gisborne. He was in fine form, insulting everyone, although he left the carriage alone, not wishing to confront the Queen Mother. Vaisey knew better than to confront that woman. However he tormented Gisborne about the two younger women, encouraging him to have his way with both if he was up to it. Tuck glowered at the smaller man. He would shut him up if he continued to disparage the Princess. 

 When they stopped for the night, Vaisey asked Guy which of the two women Gisborne planned to bed down with. Guy stalked away, furious, but said nothing. He knew it was useless to confront the man. Then, later, after dinner at the inn, Vaisey accosted Kes and demanded to know why she was letting Gisborne flaunt his other woman in front of her. Kes stood perfectly still for just a second, then hit the man as hard as she could with her fist. She broke his nose. The dazed sheriff screamed in anger, bringing Tuck, Gisborne and Alan running. 

"Leper, nothing but a leper!" He was incensed, and his nose was paining him as well as bleeding on his shirt.  "I told you Gisborne!" Guy picked him up off the floor and said. "Whatever you said, If you speak to her again, I will kill you." His voice was filled with rage, and the sheriff backed off, calling for his guards. It was the first "clue" Vaisey had that Gisborne had slipped out of his grasp.

Guy turned to Kes, who stood rubbing her hand. He picked it up, checking to see if she had broken anything. He smiled at her, then said "Come, my little warrior. Lets get some ointment on those knuckles."

She smiled briefly in return, embarrassed that she had let the man's comment goad her, then went directly to their room. After tending her hand, Guy came back down to speak with Tuck and Alan. "Don't let him near her from this day forward. He will try something the moment he sees a chance. And he will kill her. "  The other two men nodded ascent. "We will stand watch tonight, Prince Guy," Tuck told him. "Please see she gets rest. She has been feeling unwell lately."

Guy thanked them both then went to join her. She was in bed, with her back to him. This time he did not join her. He sat up in a chair ready for the slightest noise outside the door.

When they arrived at the London castle the next afternoon, the servants escorted everyone to their rooms. Kes and Guy had a large room in the family part of the castle, as did the Queen Mother. The others were spread in various rooms throughout the other wings. Tuck and Alan decided to shadow the princess in case she wandered far from Gisborne. 

No one saw the King that day, however, the next morning Kes and Guy were summoned to the main hall shortly after breakfast. Guy entered, and the first thought that passed his mind was the reception after his wedding. This time however, King Richard was sitting on his throne. His Mother, Queen Elanor was at his side. 

As the couple approached, King Richard watched Kes. His Mother had informed him of her reaction to the news that he was actually her Father, and he stood as she curtsied before him, then he wrapped his arms around her. 

"I have missed you, little one." he murmured.

"And I you," she returned. And she had. Angry as she had been at him, alone as he had left her, she loved him.

Then he looked over at Gisborne. The tall man looked back at him with cold blue eyes. Richard had been given information about this man, but he was not ready to move on it. Not yet. He wanted time with his daughter before he struck. 

For his part, Guy was ready for whatever came. He knew that one day he would pay for his crimes. And he had no doubt King Richard would exact payment. 

Guy of Gisborne - This Changing LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang