This Changing Life - Part 24 -The Sentence

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Waking that morning, Guy's first thought was of Kes. He reached for her, but she was not beside him. He sat up quickly, then realized she had gotten up earlier, bathed, and was combing through her hair. Her face was a bit paler than usual, but she looked well and fit. 

She smiled at him, but made no move to get up. "Kes," there was that low morning growl, "have you forgiven me? Are you stll mine?"  Something in him needed confirmation.  She lowered her gaze, and stopped the comb. Then she got up, and moved over to his side of the bed, his eyes following her every move. 

She brushed his hair back out of his eye, then smiled. There it was, that special smile, just for him. "I think perhaps I should listen to you. You said it was nothing, but I continued to punish you for my hurt. When I realized I might lose you entirely, I could not bear that I had wasted so much time being so angry, so jealous, and making you miserable also. Can you forgive me?" She had tears in her eyes, and there it was...that smile again. Just for him. 

He took her hand and kissed it. "I do love you Guy," she continued, "but if we get through this disaster with the King, I will free you to marry Marion, if that is your wish. I want your happiness. I could not bear to make you stay and know we would both be miserable." Gisborne felt tears burning his eyes, but before he could respond, to tell her what he was feeling, Alan knocked. "Yes," he called out, annoyed at the interruption. Alan opened the door, surprised to find his boss still lounging in bed.  "King Richard has asked to speak with you Giz. He is waiting in his quarters."

"Thank you Alan,"  Kes was the first to speak, as she stood.  "Uh, Princess Kes, The King  said to tell you he wanted to speak to Guy privately." Alan blushed, knowing Kes would not like that edict. She frowned, but Gisborne smiled and said, "I will be there immediately. Please inform the King."

As Alan left them to wait outside the door, Guy stood and began washing up and dressing. Then as he was leaving, he took both of Kes' hands and paused for a moment. "Kes, my beautiful wife, I don't know what the day will bring, but whatever it is, I love you. There is no other. You must believe this, if nothing else." Then he kissed her softly, smiled again and left to meet King Richard.

Richard looked up as the tall, dark knight walked into his chambers. "Sire," I am here as you required." Guy had decided this would be his end, and he was resigned to it. 

The King was thoughtful for  a moment, sizing up the other man. "Well," he began, "It would seem I need to meet out punishment to you. Are you ready to hear this?"  "I am sire,"  Guy answered him quietly. "And," the king went on, "do  you wish any witnesses to this?"  Guy thought about this. Alan was outside the door, but he knew Alan would not respond well, even to the King, if the punishment was death or imprisonment, so "No, Sire. I do not require that."

"Well then, let me start by telling you I have four distinctly different punishments for you," The King was in earnest. This remark brought Gisborne's eyes up sharply. Four? Not certain death then? He could stand anything except losing Kes.

"First," the King went on, "You will accept full responsibility for my daughter. My only heir. You will protect her, and act as a trusted advisor. And, you will give me grandchildren to assure my line remains. They will become OUR heirs. My daughter, charming and lovely as she is, is also intelligent, prideful, and intent on getting her way. You will handle this. And should the time come for her to be Queen, you will stand by her side." The King had his back to the stunned knight, so Guy did not see the smile that suddenly softened the king's face. 

"It will be my pleasure in life, Sire." Guy almost sighed with relief, until he recalled he had three more 'Punishments.'

The king continued, after turning and meeting Guy's eyes, "Locksley left for Nottingham this morning. The Queen Mother and I decided it was high time he took a wife, so we insisted he wed Lady Marion. Their lands will unite." Guy was surprised at this. "He agreed? he asked, knowing Locksley had a bit of a roving eye. 

"Of course he did!" The King said this a bit loudly, annoyed the Knight had questioned his authority. Guy stayed silent. "I gave him no choice. She was a good match for him. Had I not done this, he would have gone back to Locksley and languished in boredom. This is also the beginning of your second edict. I want the two of you to work together to restore peace and prosperity to the Shire. You will agree on a new sheriff, and both will act as magistrates in court," adding, "He is no happier about this than you are, Sir Knight." Guy was frowning. The King smiled at this. He loved that both men would bend to his will, and he hoped that if they could not be friends, they would at least find grounds of mutual respect. Kes would need help from both in the coming years.

"Third, you will become my mother's protector. She will live with you at Palace Manor, which, by the way, I have renamed Gisborne Manor here in the library. All deeds and descriptions are being changed as we speak."  At the first announcement, Guy had raised an eyebrow. Oh no, Elanor was to come with them! This was almost too much! Then, the statement about changing the name of the Manor mollified him a bit. 

"Yes, Sire. She will have a home with us."  He tried to be gracious, but knew he had fallen a bit short in his enthusiasm at the thought of living with the Queen Mother.

"Hmmm," replied the King. Watching his son-in-law. "I am giving you the two thorniest jewels in my crown, that is certain."  Gisborne was not the man he would have chosen for Kes, but, these last two days they had proven their love for each other. They would make a powerful couple to lead Britain. 

"And last, but not least,"  here Richard paused for emphasis, "I intend many visits to check on everyone periodically. I want to ensure that Kes is happy, and the Queen Mother is well. And of course, that you are giving me grandchildren."  Guy  finally let the smile spread to his eyes. "Yes sire, your wish is my command." 

The King also smiled, at long last. He walked over and shook Guy's hand and said, "Now go. Get started immediately on my grandchildren!"

Guy bowed and left the room, hurrying back to Kes. Alan scurrying to keep up. As he reached their quarters and entered  the room, the Queen Mother was just leaving. She had obviously been there reassuring her Granddaughter that all was well, and that her granddaughter was recovering. Indeed, Kes had been ready to storm into the King's quarters and protect the dark knight she loved. Elanor smiled as he entered the room.  He rushed by her and picked the princess up, spinning her around, then kissing her. She laughed, "Guy! You'll have me sick again with the spinning. Guy stopped, just holding her, his forehead meeting hers. 

"We are going home," he told her, then kissed her again, slowly, softly, passionately. He took a breath and looked at her....the smile that he so loved, was there, just for him. He understood now, it was full of love. 

Author's note: Hope you liked it. Please feel free to provide comments, good and bad. This is my first, and I have much to learn. There may be an epilog. Not sure yet. 


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