This Changing Life-Chapter 8-Mine Your Own Business

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Later that day, Guy woke from a short nap in the drawing room chair, and found himself alone. He decided to search the grounds for his new wife. He was still a bit shocked at all that had happened to him the past few days. His life had taken a very different turn than the one he had expected. He needed contact with her to reassure himself it was real, and not some figment of his imagination.  He found her in the stables, her face quite dirty from grooming horses. He smiled at her, and began to brush the horse she was working on. He noticed she had straw in her hair, and looked like she was the happiest woman on earth. He told her that, and she agreed with him. She loved being around horses, (and him, although she didn't say that!) They were still a bit shy around each other  when they were alone like this. Their intimacy in the bedroom did not yet extend to their day to day lives.

After they turned the horses into the paddock, he took her hand and said "come with  me." He led her back to the manor, and up the steps to their chamber, then into the bathroom.  He drew a bath, removed her clothes, then began to help her bathe. She loved it. He was amazed at how unafraid and willing she was for him. When he finished, he wrapped her in a towel and carried her to the bed, and began slowly and surely to have her body and soul. It was she who dozed after that lovemaking. Guy watched her sleep, her beautiful auburn locks strewn about the pillow, her body snuggled close to his, one arm resting on his stomach.  He sighed. He knew she was only keeping her end of the deal, but he was beginning to wish for more. It would be hard to let her go, if things continued in this vein. He sighed to himself again. Maybe he would figure out what she had in store for him in that mind of hers.

The two spent the rest of the day riding, tending the horses, chatting with Tuck and Thorton about future plans for the estate. After a late supper, they retired to their bedchamber and sat on the balcony, enjoying the rest of the evening quietly sipping wine, just being together. Neither would have admitted even to themselves that they were enjoying their time together.

The next day the wagons arrived, along with Sarah her maid. Sarah quickly set about  putting away everything, and setting up the Princess's quarters. Guy decided to take a wagon to Nottingham to retrieve his things.  Once there, Sheriff Vaisey asked him to join him, wanting to know what his plans were now that he had "married well." Guy looked surprised. "Plans?"

"Now that you are a wealthy noble, where do we stand," queried Vaisey.  Guy pondered this a moment. He despised this man, but he did like Nottingham. Still, Palace Manor was a large estate and would require a great deal of attention.  He decided to stay to give Vaisey time to replace him. 

"Good," Vaisey announced, "I want you to find Robin of Locksley  for me. The people are calling him Robin Hood now, and he robbed my tax collector yesterday! I want him hung for all to see."

Guy left a change of clothes in his quarters at the castle, and some toiletries, then headed back to Palace Manor and his Kes. "His" Kes. Where had that come from? He smiled at the thought. He would change her mind. She would stay. 

Upon his return he found Kes planning a party. She planned to invite the villagers of Clun, the Manor and Locksley to celebrate the opening of the estate, and their recent marriage.  A little music, dancing, and plenty of food and ale. Guy was not so sure anyone would come knowing he would be there, but agreed to host it. They set out later that afternoon to visit all three villages and invite everyone. 

Guy was right. The people were wary when they saw Sir Guy of Gisborne ride into their villages. He was known as a ruthless minion of the crazed sheriff of Nottingham, and they did not trust him. As pleased as they were to greet a Princess, they despised him. He decided to let Kes do the talking. She greeted everyone sweetly, and made sure they understood it was to be a grand party, with lots of food and music for everyone. She even invited children. One little girl shyly pulled at her skirt for attention, and Kes stopped and spoke to her. The little girl squealed in delight at her invitation from the princess. 

On the way back, After visiting all three villages,  they saw the sheriff had a crowd gathered at the mine on their estate. Guy explained to Kes that the sheriff used the money  from the sale of the ore  to finance his schemes. And Guy was sure he was here today to exact more from the miners. The gathered  men were silent. Kes and Guy stopped to listen as Dan Scarlett, the father of two of the boys Robin had saved from hanging, explained to Vaisey that there had been a cave in at the mine. It needed proper bracing with new timbers before it would be safe to resume work.   Vaisey wasn't listening. He didn't care how many men died, he wanted them back to work. 

Kes dismounted and walked over to Dan and the Sheriff. Guy followed, not wanting to interfere, but wanting to protect Kes should any thing go amiss. Dan shrugged his shoulders and told Vaisey no one would be going into the mine.  Vaisey was livid. He looked at Gisborne and demanded that he kill Dan Scarlett for interfering. Guy walked over to Dan and asked if they could come to some sort of compromise, but Dan was reluctant to ask anyone to risk their life further. 

"Of course you can't, Dan,"  Kes said firmly, walking past the sheriff to where the other two men stood. Guy looked at her sharply, wanting her to move back before things got out of hand.  The sheriff screamed again, "Kill him!" At this, Kes quickly turned and walked over to Vaisey. He was still seated on his horse, his face livid with rage, so she began speaking to him so only he, Guy and Dan could hear, "Listen to me, sheriff Vaisey.  You have no authority on land that belongs to the crown.  These men work for us, and we will handle it. Now, go, find someone else to harass with stupidity."  Guy walked over to stand beside her, knowing Vaisey would lash out at this threat to his authority.  Seeing Guy with his hand on the hilt of his sword made him think better of it, and he turned his horse quickly and ordered his men away. 

Kes and Guy walked over to where the miners were gathered and told Dan to get the men whatever they needed to repair the damage and make the mine safe. He was to keep the men working on repairs so they did not lose pay.  Guy told Dan to have the bills sent to him. The two men actually shook hands before the couple left, and Dan watched as the two rode away. "That, my boys," he told the rest of the miners, "was a Gisborne I thought to never see!"

The sheriff, insane with rage as he rode away, vowed he would make Gisborne and his bitch pay.

Guy spoke to Kes about confronting the Sheriff as she had, knowing full well she would not listen. He was tense, and when she intimated she could handle Vaisey, he became angry. "No! You cannot! He is a madman and I do not want him focused on you. He would stop at nothing for revenge. He cares nothing about life...mine or yours!" Kes was silent after this outburst.  Guy knew the Sheriff better than anyone, and Kes knew he was worried for her, but, one of her goals was to secure the countryside for Richard, for the crown, and Vaisey would have to go. And she intended for Guy to help with that. She just had to figure out how. 

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