This Changing Life - Part 21 - Revelation

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Dinner that evening was a quiet affair. The Queen Mother chatted on, with single syllable responses from Gisborne when she asked a direct question. The two younger women were silent.  Marion kept her eyes on her plate, while Kes pushed the food around, not eating. Tuck watched the drama unfolding, but he offered little to the conversation. He had, of course, spoken to Alan, who had told him his version of the story. He decided to return to the Abbey after dinner, and let things play out for the young couple. He knew Kes was safe with Gisborne, as was the Queen, and he would deal with whatever results he was given. 

After he took his leave, the Queen asked to speak with Gisborne and Kes, and led them to the drawing room. Kes wandered in as though in a daze, the Black Knight crossing the room, taking his usual stance under the painting of his mother. 

"Well," began the Queen, "As you suspect, I did come here with a purpose." At her statement, Kes looked up and shot an "I suspected as much" look at the older woman. Guy simply waited.

"Please," she asked, "I need you both to hear me out. You will hear much that will be confusing. Richard is coming home. He has brokered a peace with Saladin. He should have arrived in Britain this past week. He is marshaling his army and moving towards London, to confront Prince John." She paused, to gauge the reactions of her small audience. 

"He had been held for ransom by Leopold in Germany, and I had to raise the money for his release. He had been on his way home when he was captured, and he resumed that journey as soon as he was freed. He has asked me to bring both of you, and Sheriff Vaisey, to meet him in London."

This last statement had both of them watching her intently. Gisborne was concerned. Would this be the end of him?  He didn't think for a moment the King would show mercy to anyone with their name on the pact, even if he was married to the king's sister. He sighed. He would face whatever punishment he was given, even death, for he certainly deserved punishment for all he had done at Vaisey's command. His regret was losing Kes. He loved her, and the realization of how much she meant to him, was staggering. He turned, facing the fire, his head down, unable to look at her any longer. 

"Why does he want us there?" Kes was suspicious of this. "He has had nothing to do with me for many years. What does he want from me now, Mother? What do you want from me?"

Elanor sat quietly in her chair, her hands gripping the arms of the chair tightly. "Oh Kes, I am trying to explain. There is much you have not been told." She looked careworn; her regal bearing dropped for the moment as she tried her best to gather the right words for this beautiful young woman to hear. Her son had set her this task, and she was duty bound to fulfill it.

"Kes, I am not your mother." She paused here, watching the young woman closely to see what her reaction would be to her words.  "Richard is not your brother...he is...." she could not get it out. "My father," the girl said in a low voice. Yes, she had known this. Deep inside she had not loved the King as a brother, but as a father.  She looked up. It made sense. It was suddenly now all making sense!

"How?  Why?"  She looked at Guy, her eyes lighting on him softly, and saw the surprise and concern for her on his face. He walked over and knelt beside her chair, not touching her, but grasping the armrest near where her hands lay. 

Elanor took a deep breath and began again. "Your mother died shortly after you were born. She was frail, and simply could not regain her strength. Richard was beside himself with grief. He did love her. At the same time, I lost a child, stillborn. My baby girl. Richard came to me, worried for your safety, for your survival Kes. There was much intrigue at court at that time. We decided to say you were mine, and keep that secret from everyone else, until you were of age, or Richard had another heir. It was not hard. Richard buried my daughter with Allesandra, your mother. It gave us comfort to know they were not alone. We documented your birth, have witnesses, and it is archived in London. There will be no doubt as to your legitimacy. You are the heir to the throne, not Prince John. Richard plans to announce it to court when he returns."

Kes was stunned. She turned slightly to her right and saw a pair of cobalt blue eyes looking back at her with concern. She looked down, and Guy had put both his hands on her arm, to steady her. She looked back at the woman who she would now call Grandmother, and said softly, "I knew. It was not natural. You left me and did not return. You were fond of me, but never motherly to me. And Richard, he was my world. I felt safe, secure and loved. There was no one else in my heart until I met Guy that summer." Guy smiled. He wanted so badly for her to feel safe, secure and loved, by him.

Kes stood. Angry now when she thought of the deceit they had forced on her. Elanor saw this, and also rose. "Kes dear, you must believe this was for your own good. It was never our intent to cause you pain, only to ensure your safety."  She watched as Gisborne stood behind her granddaughter, ready to jump into action if necessary. She smiled a sad smile, then asked Kes, "Do you have any questions for me?"

"No, I believe you have given me enough to think about. If neither of you mind, I feel tired. I am going to my room to rest." She turned, aware that Gisborne moved towards her, then stopped, unsure of his welcome. She left the two standing there, watching her mount each stair. 

Elanor left out a shaky breath. She looked at the young man standing before her. "Guy, we need to be in London within the next 5 days. That will give Richard enough time to deal with John. As for Vaisey, he is to think we have been summoned by John, so he brings the pact with him. Can you arrange that?"

"I believe so. He will be most anxious to see his plans through. I will go to Nottingham immediately, to notify him before he leaves. He may postpone going at all."

"Your Grace, do you think Kes is alright? Should I go to her?" Guy was at a loss. He wanted to take away any hurt, but he didn't want to be rejected, either. He needed a bit of encouragement.

"Yes, by all means. I know she was rattled by what I told her, and she may need a shoulder. Or someone to aim at." She smiled, hoping he saw the humor. Guy raised an eyebrow. He would try.

Before leaving, he stopped in the doorway and asked, "Does anyone else know this? You spoke of witnesses."

"Yes, Tuck. Also, the keeper of the vault, and the old woman who delivered Kes. All have signed documentation as to what occurred, and why."

Guy looked up the stairs. Tuck. He should have suspected he would be one of the three. He had spent his life guarding Kes. He went up slowly, and quietly opened the door to the bedroom. Kes was sitting on the edge of the bed, facing him. He walked over to her, and went to his knees, taking her hands in his. "Kes, whatever you need I am here. For you." A small smile, nothing more. Then she asked, "Will you sit with me until I fall asleep?" His heart soared! She wanted him near. He smiled and pulled up a chair as she laid her head on his side of the bed. He longed to crawl in beside her, and hold her through the night, but would satisfy himself with this. After he was sure she was asleep, he kissed her lightly then quietly left the room. He was heading to Nottingham and wanted to be back before she awoke.

Author's note: Let me know if this chapter is clear to everyone. A lot went down in a short chapter!

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