This Changing Life-Part 18-Surprises

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Sheriff Vaisey was beside himself. He was preparing to set out and secure the alliance of a group of nobles, in order to overthrow King Richard and place his brother John on the throne, a plan he had been working on for some time now. Gisborne was late. He had no doubts it was caused by that pretentious wench he had joined with. Vaisey would soon control her as well. Once he placed John on the throne, he would see her disposed of. The thought made him smile. Gisborne had signed the pact, and would do as he was told. Vaisey was sure he would be pleased to be rid of his leper, and run straight to Marion. He had plans for Marion too. She would bring in a handsome sum from Winchester. Or, if Winchester balked at signing the pact, perhaps she would make a good bargaining tool. 

He glanced up as Gisborne walked into the room. He could see there was some issue or other, Gisborne had a pained look on his face. "Out with it Gizzy. What has happened to you now? Your little princess knock you senseless last night?" 

Gisborne stopped. His dislike of Vaisey was becoming more difficult to hide each day "No.  Sir Edward is dead. He passed during the night. I will make arrangements for the funeral before we leave."  

Vaisey eyed his lieutenant, a snarl washing across his face. "Funeral? You expect me to pay for a funeral? A clue, no." 

"What would you have me do, sir?" Guy was adamant. "The other nobles would take great offense at dishonoring the man. I was going to suggest letting Marion take him to Knighton, and bury him there. I can send a few men to dig the grave, and she can arrange a small service. Friar Tuck would not mind reading a few words for him."

Vaisey thought about this. "Yes, yes, that would be better, and cheaper. See that it is done. I don't care what you do. Just get it done quickly."

Guy gave a sigh of relief. He had arrived in Nottingham early this morning and was given word of Knighton's passing. He had not seen Marion yet, but he was sure she would be relieved at the arrangements to bury her Father. He took his leave of the sheriff, and went to find servants to help prepare the body for transport. 

Kes had also  gotten an early start to the day. She went into the small village near the manor and visited the home of Mathilda, the healer. She had described her symptoms to the  healer, who laughed and told her to come in. There was an older woman with her, and Mathilda introduced her to Kes as her sister, Nell. "Nell is a seer. She can sometimes see the future.  She doesn't always see something, but when she does, she is always correct." Kes could tell she was very proud of the older woman.

"I am pleased to meet you," she acknowledged the older woman. "But today I am here to see what I can do to alleviate my stomach issues, and I have never been one to faint. I am sure it is nothing, but thought you might have something to help me." Kes was actually beginning to feel a bit queasy just talking about it. 

Mathilda walked over to her, watching her closely. She stopped and touched her stomach for a moment, then asked, "Nauseated in the morning? Smells set it off? Fainting for no reason? And recently married? Let's see. Whatever could it be?" Nell snickered. "It doesn't take a seer to know that!' she laughingly said. "Help  the girl, Tilly. She is feeling sick right now. It would serve you right if she was sick on you!"

Mathilda cocked an eyebrow at  Kes. "How long since your last cycle dear?"  Kes thought a moment. She had not given it much thought. "At  least 7 weeks, I am afraid. And yes, I have been married for three months now." As Kes realized what the woman was talking about, she felt a sudden elation. "Are you certain? I mean, could it be something else?" Panic was setting in. She had not given much serious thought to this possibility, but knew Mathilda was correct in her diagnosis. How would Guy take it? They had just begun to speak of love, and now....would he feel trapped?

Kes sat down quickly. Mathilda began to prepare a tea of chamomile and raspberry leaves, to soothe her morning sickness. She handed Kes a cup of the brew, then prepared a mixture of dried herbs to take with her. To settle the girl's nerves, she explained that by the third month, the sickness should pass. Her only recommendation was to rest when she was tired. 

Kes had one last thought before she left the two women, and blushed as she asked, "What about loving my husband? Is that safe?" Mathilda grinned. "Well, do you like him girl?" Kes blushed again and nodded ascent.  Mathilda shot a look at Nell, who began to laugh at her sister. "Then by all means, continue until it is no longer comfortable."  More raucous laughing, and Kes made her escape, clutching her small cloth bag of herbs. 

As she rode to the Manor, she decided to see Guy as soon as possible. She stopped and found Alan still in the kitchen, drinking some ale and flirting with the maid. "Alan, do you feel up to riding with me to Nottingham? Tuck is not here at the moment, and I need to speak to Guy."

"Of course, princess. I will get my horse saddled and be ready shortly. I feel fine. Actually, it looks worse than it is." Alan did truly feel a bit rough, but he didn't want to let Guy's wife travel alone. He would see she was safe. He knew it was what Gisborne would expect of him.  

They rode at a good pace and arrived in Nottingham within the hour. Kes could see Guy standing on the balcony of the castle talking to someone, dismounted and quickly began to climb the stairs to where he stood. He had not seen them arrive. It would be a surprise.

Guy was actually sitting on the banister of the balcony, or rather leaning against it. He had been discussing moving Sir Edward's body with Marion, who had been overwrought at first, but was considerably calmer now. Earlier, she had been talking with Robin, after catching him slinking down the corridor near her room. He had broken into the castle quietly to steal the last taxes that had been collected recently, as well as to arrange the "distraction" for Kes.  He had sent the grieving Marion to "distract" Gisborne while he and his men made off with the money. Guy, of course, knew nothing of this. 

As Robin and his men started down the stairwell, Marion grabbed Guy and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him for quite some time. Her rush at him had thrown him off balance, and he grabbed at her waist to keep from falling off the balcony. "What are you doing!" he demanded, pushing her back. But, the damage was done, for it was at that moment Kes rounded the corner and saw the kiss. She turned to leave, and saw Vaisey leering at her. 

"I knew it would not last," he sneered. As she fled back down the stairs, she could hear his laughter. Alan, who had been behind her, did see Guy push Marion back, and saw Robin making his escape. He knew exactly what had happened, and why. He groaned, turning and running after Kes. This could not be happening. 

For her part, Kes was numb. She just wanted to get away from the castle, from Guy and Marion, and Vaisey. She rode quickly, back to the Manor, never giving a thought to Alan. Once there, she turned Counterpoint over to the stable boy, and went into the house. Her main thought was to get away. She began to pack a small bag with a few necessities, and a change of clothes. She would tell her maid to pack a trunk. She would send word later as to where to bring it. As she did this, every once in a while, a tear would run down her cheek, as the reality of what she had seen sank in. He did not love her. It had always been Marion.

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