This Changing Life-Chapter 6 -The Journey Begins

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The next morning Kes woke up in his arms, her back to him. He woke as well, kissed her neck, bringing a gasp of pleasure, then proceeded to make love to her again. As they finished, and lay there in the moment, there was a small rap at the door.  "Breakfast, your Grace, " the young kitchen maid said softly, not daring to open the door. Guy got up, slipped into his breeches, and  walked to the door, taking the tray quickly and shutting the door again for privacy. They enjoyed bread with honey, tea, some cheese and fruit, laughing at how ravenous they were, then began dressing for the day. 

Guy went down to the main hall first, and found Sheriff Vaisey and Prince John finishing their own breakfast. "Gisborne," Vaisey said roughly, "I want to start out today. Soon as possible." Guy was not sure Kes would be able to leave that quickly, but planned to ask her first before crossing Vaisey.  John smirked and asked,  "Are you sure everything went well last night. Gisborne?" Guy responded with a quick nod, and John laughed. He and Vaisey traded rude comments about Guy's night with Kes, before he was finally able to take leave of the two men.

Guy excused himself and walked back to Kes. At her door, he ran into a tall, handsome, older black man who stopped him and introduced himself. "I am Friar Tuck," he said. "I am both teacher and guardian to the princess." Guy stiffened. He had heard of this man, and wondered at his audacity. 

"I am not sure your services are needed any longer," Guy said quickly. Tuck merely smiled and said, "I am hired by the King. The Princess is my specific charge."  Guy sighed. "Very well, if the Princess agrees, we will leave for Nottingham today. Prepare yourself. I will let you know details after speaking with her." He had taken control with those words. Tuck gave a slight bow and  went to gather his things. Guy watched him walk away, a warrior priest, confident in his demeanor.

Guy knocked softly on the door to Kes's room.  As he entered, he noticed the bed had been made, showing no trace of last night's passion. He smiled, thinking how she had responded to his touch, to his ardor.  This had been unexpected, and certainly appreciated. Kes was seated at her dressing table, her maid putting the finishing touches on her hair. The girl stepped back a moment to admire her work, then began packing things her Mistress would need to take on her journey to her new home. 

Guy walked over to Kes and touched her hair. A small curl had already broken free around her neck, and he was tempted to kiss her, but refrained while the maid was present. He won a smile, then asked, " Can you leave today, or will you need more time to prepare?"

"I am ready now," she informed him. "Most of my things will follow us in a day or so, along with my maid and several men Tuck chooses." He looked closely at her, and she watched him expectantly. He was leaning against a wardrobe, arms crossed, and she knew something was on his mind.  "So, Friar Tuck will be coming with us?" he asked casually.  Kes had not thought to ask him for permission.  Married life was going to be a bit of an adjustment for her. "Well yes, if you don't mind. He has been with me over 10 years. He has been ordered by my brother Richard to be my teacher and keep me safe. He is like family." She took his hand. " I know I am safe with you, but my brother would be angry if we sent him away."

Guy, after giving it thought, was actually pleased to have a bit more protection for Kes as he was often called out on business for the sheriff. Someone with battle skills would not be unwanted. The King had many enemies who would use Kes to make demands of him. He smiled, rubbing his thumb against her hand. "It is fine. I am pleased."

Kes returned his smile. "I do need to speak with John this morning before we leave, if you don't mind. Will you accompany me?" They walked into the guest hall and found John, Vaisey, and several nobles from the night before paying respects to Prince John. 

"John," Kes addressed him, "You need to do one more thing for us. "  John smiled, "Ah yes, Sister, the document granting Sir Guy the Palace Manor estates, and of course, the annual gift." He handed the documents to her, and she read them over, then handed them to Guy. "Thank you for taking care of that," she stated. "But I also want my husband given his new title before we leave."

This caught the Sheriff's attention. "Title? What title?" he asked loudly. She turned to him. "Sir Guy married a princess, and I would have him given the title Prince, and all honor and respect that is warranted."

Vaisey was astounded at this. "Now, now," he claimed. "There is no need of that.  Sir Guy is good enough." The Sheriff was definitely not happy at this. Guy watched as his anger surfaced.  Kes merely stared at him coldly, then said, "Sheriff Vaisey. My husband was born a noble. His title and lands were stolen from him. He is certainly worthy of a marriage to me, and most certainly deserves the title which comes with that." She seemed to tower over Vaisey, although she was not exceptionally tall. It was her bearing. She made it clear to him and everyone in the room, who was in control. She turned to John, "If you please Brother." John smirked at the sheriff, but stood and asked for his sword. He then had Guy go down on one knee as he bestowed his new title upon him.  Guy stood and watched as Kes dropped a deep curtsey before him. "Prince Guy," she said, for all to hear. At that moment, everyone in the room bowed and said, "All hail Prince Guy." Tuck actually grabbed Vaisey forcing him into a bow of sorts. Kes caught his eye, as Tuck stepped back and nodded. He would watch Vaisey closely. 

And so began the ride to Nottingham. Vaisey was quite put out with Kes for the morning's spectacle, as he called it. Angry with her, he began chastising Gisborne instead, making snide remarks and telling him the disgusting things awaiting his attention at the castle in Nottingham. Kes rode with Tuck, a bit behind them, a frown on her face. Guy finally dropped back to them and apologized. "I know his manner is shocking when you first meet him," he explained. "I have learned how to handle his moods over the years." Kes smiled at him, but it didn't reach her eyes. Tuck said nothing. 

Later, when they had stopped for the evening at a small inn near a crossroads, she heard him screaming at Guy again. "Gisborne! You idiot! My room is not well aired, see to it at once." Guy glared at him, then walked away to see what could be done. 

"Sheriff  Vaisey, a word please." Kes once again assumed the posture meant to intimidate. "What!" he rudely spat although he did stop to face her. She gazed at him with cool green eyes. "It seems you misunderstand sir. My husband no longer works for you, unless he chooses to do so. He also outranks you. You are to bow in his presence, coming and going, and you will address him as Prince Guy, offering him the respect his position requires." He sneered at her. "Is that so missy?" He moved threateningly toward her. 

At that moment he was jerked off his feet, hanging from Tuck's grasp by his neck.  "Yes, most definitely it is to be so," she explained patiently. "Try not to forget again." A nod to Tuck, and he fell gasping to the ground.

 Kes went inside to join Guy and to order a hot meal. He had no idea what had transpired while he had been inside the inn. Vaisey did not join them, choosing rather to eat alone at a separate table. After they finished, Tuck left to check on the horses, and Guy and Kes retired for the night. The sheriff was left alone to pout over his ale. 

Alone in their room, the new couple spent some time freshening up after the day's long ride, and also time getting to know each other. They spoke of many things, the horses, the manor, life in Nottingham Shire, but they did not address Guy's attachment to Sheriff Vaisey. And of course, a bit of lovemaking which immediately put Guy to sleep. Kes, pleasantly tired,  watched him drift off. She smiled at how innocent he looked, how relaxed he was, and how happy she was. 

Life had changed once again.

Author's note: For the Brits who might read this, I don't know much about royalty, so I am not sure if technically Guy should be a Prince, but he is in my story! I kind of liked putting his title over that of Vaisey.

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