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Alan watched as Prince Richard put the stallion through his paces. The young man rode well, and had trained his mount himself, with a bit of help from Alan. He was tall like his Father, with dark hair and blue eyes, and his demeanor was as reserved as well. He glanced at the Manor and smiled as Guy and Kes watched their oldest son. They were proud of his accomplishments. He was betrothed to Lady Elizabeth, only daughter of Robin of Locksley. The wedding was to happen later this summer. The couple would then move to London to maintain a presence there.

Kes and Guy had begun spending much of their time in Nottingham at Gisborne Manor, returning to London only when necessary duties required their attendance. The couple were rarely apart, and actually required no other company than each other.  While time had not exactly softened Guy's demeanor, his love for his wife was still very much in evidence. It was not unusual to see them walking arm in arm, or nuzzling each other in broad daylight. Kes, as Queen, had brought prosperity back to England. She was a fair and strong ruler, but was content to now turn the daily activities in court to her oldest son. Guy had acted as her advisor through the years, and would guide his son as well. 

The other children, Ghislaine 15, Elanor, 12,  Twins Gerard and Robert, 8, and young Guy, 4, all had work at the manor house. They completed chores after daily lessons. All the children adored their parents, and enjoyed their days in the country. Young Guy followed Alan around like a puppy, asking questions, never silent. Alan was secretly pleased at the child's attention, and watched the boy as if he was his own. Alan had taken over Thornton's duties when the overseer had passed away, handling  the ledgers and ordering the household. He married Annie, and raised her son as his own. A young man now, Seth managed the stables at Gisborne Manor, a task he enjoyed immensely. 

Alan watched as Gisborne walked towards him. Young Guy squealed when he saw his father, and ran into his arms, kissing his cheek with sticky lips after eating a honey cake. The black knight smiled and tried wiping the child's mouth to no avail. "Is he pestering you Alan?" Guy had been watching the boy underfoot as Alan was helping Richard. Alan smiled, "He's a bonzer little bloke, isn't he?" Gisborne huffed..."Well I certainly pity the Duke or noble who tries to argue a point with him. I have never seen a more talkative child!" The two men laughed, while the boy smiled in glee. 

Richard dismounted and asked his father if he could bring Lady Elizabeth to dinner. She had been quite lonely since her mother's death, and enjoyed her evenings with the 
"Gisborne Clan" as she called them, particularly Kes, who she thought perfect.  Lady Marion and Robin had never had any other children. Robin had not adjusted well to manor life. He allowed Marion to run Locksley, and now that she was gone, he rarely made an appearance, preferring his own company with an occasional visit from one of his former gang. He rarely attended his magistrate duty any longer, leaving the work to Guy, and the new sheriff. Guy smiled at his eldest son, "Of course, you know she is welcome. I'll let your Mother know."

Later that evening, after supper, Guy and Kes were on the balcony overlooking the rear of the manor, enjoying a cool mug of ale. Richard and Elizabeth were walking through the garden, and had stopped on the little bridge where  Kes and Guy had shared a kiss so long ago. Watching the young couple steal a kiss, both turned to each other. Guy once again saw 'his smile', the one just for him, and took his wife into his arms. After a few moments of silence,  Guy stepped back, then took her hands into his and said, "I love you, Kes." Kissing each hand, then pulling her close. 

A moment later, the rest of the "clan" ran onto the balcony shrieking  disgust at their parents show of affection. Guy laughed, and kissed his wife again.

Life had changed for the better.

Author's note: Finally finished! I actually had a different ending planned, then this one hit my brain...so I may possibly write another version in the future. I left my outline about half way through, so I have some other ideas. 

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