This Changing Life - Chapter 14 - A Spy in the Castle

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Sheriff Vaisey kept Guy and his men busy that week, chasing Robin's gang. Somehow the outlaws always managed to know where to strike, and how to best make an escape.  Guy knew there had to be a spy in the sheriff's castle, alerting the gang to the comings and goings of the various nobles arriving for meetings with Vaisey. Guy and the sheriff discussed this, at some length, and came up with a plan to uncover the spy. Guy ordered a chest of "gold" to be delivered to Prince John in London, and informed Ian James, his Lieutenant, cautioning him not to tell anyone what was carried, then put rocks in the chest that was loaded into the wagon.  As soon as Ian left to complete the task, Lady Marion walked up to Guy, asking if she could leave the castle as her father, who was being held in the castle's dungeon, was quite ill. She asked to leave to summon the healer Mathilda to the castle to help him. Both Marion and her father, Edward of Knighton, were under "House arrest" at the castle, with Edward in the castle dungeon for his refusal to sign Vaisey's pact against the King. Guy agreed to this, and turned to leave, but she stopped him again by placing her hand on his arm. 

"Sir Guy," she began, "I wish to congratulate you on your recent marriage and good fortune. " Guy felt a coldness sweep over him. He had been betrothed to this woman, and she had left him at the altar, hitting him in the face, throwing his ring down and riding off.  He had known she did not care for him, that she only agreed to marry him to protect her father from the sheriff, but he had been determined to possess her, and her land. She had been betrothed to Hood at one time, before he left to fight in the Holy Land, which had appealed to Guy as well. Taking something from Locksley was a pleasant part of marriage to Marion. However, she had humiliated him publicly, angered him, but looking back, he knew that he had felt certain relief at the way things had turned out. It would have been a miserable commitment for both of them. Guy had always felt her disapproval of him and knew marriage would not have changed that.  He finally answered her. "Yes, thank you. I have known the Princess for some time." He was not about to offer her any other explanation.

"I should like to call on her later this week, if my father is better," she told him.  Guy looked at her but made no comment. "If you will excuse me, Lady Marion, I have business to attend to," and he was gone.

The next morning, he explained his plan to the sheriff, who questioned him in great detail.  Later that afternoon, word was sent back that the wagon and its "gold" was stolen by Hood and his gang.  Guy realized the only person he had talked to about the gold was Ian, his Lieutenant, and only friend in the castle. When he returned, he called him into the Sheriff's office and confronted him. Ian denied it vehemently. Guy had him taken to the dungeon, then left to decide what steps to take next. He was angry and hurt that the one man he had trusted, had considered a friend, had betrayed him. He went to the stable, readied his horse, and rode quickly out of the castle to Palace Manor. 

Kes had been riding early that morning and had stopped to allow Counterpoint to drink from a stream, when she had seen Lady Marion ride across the meadow to the edge of the forest. This was actually the third time she had seen her go to that exact spot. A man in a brown hood greeted her, and they had embraced and spoken together. Then, after a final embrace, Marion rode away, back to Nottingham.  Kes waited for a while, making sure the man had gone as well, then she mounted Counterpoint and headed back to the Manor, fairly certain Marion had been seeing Robin. She laughed to herself when she thought of Robin's proposal to her several weeks ago, and his declaration of love. She had no doubt he got over his "loves" quite quickly, and no longer felt guilty about hurting his pride as she had done. 

Guy was in a terrible mood when he arrived at the Manor that day. Kes watched him quietly, and he finally began to speak of what was bothering him. She was surprised at the story. And not sure of this man's guilt. She had met Ian, and knew he had been devoted to Guy, so it just didn't make any sense, and she said as much to the Black Knight. "Are you certain no one else was around when you gave the orders to Ian?" Kes asked, puzzled.  Guy wasn't certain but agreed he should look into it further. 

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