This Changing Life - Part 17 -An Addition To The Family

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Guy returned to the manor as evening settled on the countryside. He slowed his big black mount and enjoyed the look of the evening sky. He wondered what Kes and Marion had found to speak about. Marion had returned to Nottingham earlier that afternoon, gone directly to her room, and he had not seen her after that. He had not stayed over long, wanting to return to the Manor. He knew Kes would speak to him about it, and hoped she had not been upset by the visit. As he neared the manor, a feeling of contentment settled over him, and he let his big black stallion canter to the barn, where the young groom waited for them with a good bran mash and rubdown. He turned the horse over to him, and walked back to the house. When he went in, he was surprised to see Allen sitting at his table in the kitchen, with Kes tending to his swollen face, and many cuts. Guy gave a sigh, knowing what must have happened, and joined them. "You look pretty bad there," knowing he was stating the obvious as the words went out of his mouth.  Allen looked at him with his one good eye and quipped, "You should see the other guy! Seriously Giz, he looks much worse."

"Hood finally let you go?" Guy asked, taking the young man's chin in his hand and checking both sides of his face, ignoring the irreverent nickname. He noticed Alan's hands were not bruised, showing he had not fought back. Kes was furious. She could barely believe Robin would force this level of violence on someone, let alone someone he was living with, and associated with. "I want you both to tell me why this happened." She announced firmly, and both men knew she was not going to accept less than a full answer.

Guy sighed. "Alan is working for me. He was a spy in Robin's fort. Robin suspected it, and obviously confronted Alan. I would imagine he did not take kindly to the betrayal, by one of his men. I should have pulled Alan out sooner. At any rate, he will be joining us here as my squire. "

Kes finished working on Alan's face. She sent for food and ale, and told Thornton to find quarters for him. When he finished eating, she sent him to bed, knowing he would feel even worse in the morning. Alan, for his part, thanked her profusely, promising he would be no trouble. Guy smiled, knowing this was a lie. Alan seemed to exude trouble.

Later, when they were alone together, he watched his young wife as she cleaned up the table, getting ready for his supper. He reached out as she passed, and took her arm, pulling her into his lap. "So, how was your day? Was Lady Marion a good guest? " He could see in her eyes she was not exactly pleased about her visit, and he decided not to push. She muttered, "Later, we can talk later." and she got up and continued to busy herself straightening everything, soaking bloodied rags in a water bucket. Guy walked into the drawing room. He glanced at the portrait of his mother, and silently asked for help. Emotional dealings were very hard for a man like himself. He settled into the largest chair, and was soon  dozing. He awakened to Thornton gently telling him his dinner was served. When he got to the table Kes was seated, and she made brief eye contact with him, as he sat. Guy folded his hands, then brought them up and dropped his face into them, and after a brief moment looked up at her. "So, it did not go well? You are angry with me?" She sighed, turning to him. "I am sorry. I know you did what you could to prepare me, but it was not a pleasant day. Not for me, nor for her. We will never be friends, although I think we will learn to respect each other. I am not angry with you, just with myself, for letting it get to me." 

Guy smiled at her. She was jealous! Just a bit anyway. "You know that she is in the past, don't you?" he asked cautiously. He  watched her face closely. She was trying to keep her composure, but  he could see she was troubled.

"There is more Guy. I promised to see her father safe at the Abbey. She paused here, gathering herself for the rest of it. "I want to send her North to my Aunt and cousin, where she will be safe from the sheriff, until Richard returns." Guy raised his eyebrows at this.

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