Chapter 42 : Festival

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: festival :

: a time of celebration marked by a special occasion


The streets of Konoha were all lit up with lanterns, and every turn, you'll see stalls, selling nic-nacs and hosting mini games for all ninjas and civilians alike

Large drums, flutes, and strings were all played on different stages, with mics and speakers amplifying their sounds, different songs played in different sections.

"Woooow!!" Sakura yelled in awe, twirling around in her pink winter yukata, her short pink hair adorned with a red ribbon kinzashi, "I haven't been to a festival in so long!"

"Yeah! Come to think of it-" Naruto said as he looked around like a child, "This would be the first real one I'd be able to celebrate since I have money!"

Sakura's eye twitched as she looked at the blonde, "Just what do you think you're wearing?"

"Um... My mission gear?"

"Shanaro! You should've worn festival clothes!"

"A-Ack! But I don't own a-"

"You just said you had money!"

"Not enough for a yukata!"

"You could've at least worn casual clothes!!"

"Now, now" Sai intervened, wearing an overly dramatic yukata, "I'm sure Naruto can be excused for his negligence just for once"


"You're right" Sakura agreed, patting her clothes clean, then she made a scolding finger at Naruto and said "But the festival is three days long, so tomorrow and the day after, you better wear at least casual clothes, got it?!"

"Y-Yes, ma'am!" Naruto saluted in fear.

"That aside," The pinkette said as she turned and looked up at the Hokage faces, Kakashi's to be specific, "I would've never guessed that Kakashi-sensei would actually become Hokage"

"Yeah!" The blonde yelled, "He should've given it to me! He stole my spot!"

"No," Sai said, "You're just too stupid to become Hokage"

Naruto gloomed.

He then pouted and poked his fingers, "We don't actually know if that's the real reason"


Team 7 quickly turned and looked at where the sudden curse came from.

"Oh, Kiba!" Sakura cheerfully greeted at the retreating brunette, "You're here!"

Kiba flinched and quickly faced them with his arms out, as if trying to block something, "O-Oh, hey! Sakura! Sai! Found you guys!"

"Hey! I'm here t-" Naruto was cut off by Kiba hushing him loudly, "I know!"

"I, as well, am here" Shino said, Akamaru barking along.

Shino was wearing a yukata of his own while Kiba wore a black and grey attire of pre-winter clothes.

"So, hey, uh!" Kiba said, as if he was in a hurry, he grabbed Shino by his shoulder and said "We should go, Shino! Before-"

"Kiba-kun, I found okonomiyaki..! We should hurry before a line builds up!"

"Gahaa!!!" The Inuzuka screamed as he shoved his shoulder against Shino's in a panicked state.

Naruto tilted his head in confusion, tipping on his toes slightly to peak over Kiba's shoulder.

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