Chapter 5 : Reserved

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: Reserved :

To keep (something) for a special or future use


The new morning routine Naruto had been forced to adapt in the hospital was finally getting to that nosy blonde.

Wake up. Wait for Sakura. Check up. Eat breakfast. Sneak out.

But in some days, Naruto doesn't follow that routine.

"Good morning, Naruto!" Sakura chirped as she entered Naruto's room.

She rose a brow. Naruto was already dressed and looked extremely giddy to leave. "You going somewhere?"

"Yeah!" Naruto vigorously nodded as she started his check up "I just found out where Hinata goes for breakfast and I really want to surprise her, dattebayo!"

Sakura rolled her eyes playfully and said "Sure. You go on ahead then, you look fine"

"Thanks, Sakura-chan!" The Uzumaki thanked, hopping on to his feet.

Her green eyes darted towards the hitai ate hung on his pants, she reached to it and said "Hey, let me help you with-"

"N-No!" Naruto's hand immediately shielded his forehead protector from hers as he stepped back. Sakura flinched in surprise.

"What?" The Haruno asked, he gulped and awkwardly laughed, saying "Ah, it's nothing really. Just- don't mind it. I can handle this"

"Mhm..." The pinkette simply hummed as she put a hand on her waist "Fine"

Naruto grinned and immediately jumped out the window.

- - - - -

It wasn't that Hinata was ungrateful. It was just that she was confused.

Right now, she was sitting in her favorite bakery café, looking at two cinnamon rolls laid very cutely on a white and purple plate and a cup of fresh jasmine tea, AKA her usual.

But it wasn't the food she was confused at, it was the fact that Hiruko-san and Ken-kun refused to have their payment, saying it was already paid for.

Hinata was tempted to take a bite of her cinnamon roll, but she didn't want to, knowing she wasn't the one who bought it.

Old lady Hiruko pulled out a fresh batch of bread out of the oven and looked at Hinata, "Go ahead, Hinata-sama. It might get cold"

"B-But..." The bluenette tried to reason, little Ken puffed out his cheeks and said "That mister already paid for you, Hinata-nee, you should really thank him by eating!"

Hinata resisted the urge to eat those delectable treats. Those weren't from her money, afterall!

She bit the bottom of her lips as her usually soft and calming eyes intensely stared into the soul of the sweet roll, if it had one. As if by staring into it, it would tell who sent it.

It worked on the strongest of enemies, anyway. So why not a cinnamon roll?

What if it was poisoned?

Hinata's face scrunched up and shook her head.

No. It's just a kind gesture.

From a... Stranger? Is he a stranger, whoever he is?

"Mahh, you're making faces, Hinata"

She jumped from her sit with an 'eep'. Her cheeks quickly turned red as she looked behind her.

Naruto scratched the back of his head with his eyes closed, the alternative of crossing his arms while confused, and said "Kiba said you liked those stuff"

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