Chapter 21 : Birthday

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: Birthday :

: the anniversary of the birth of (someone)

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"Hinata!" Kiba, Shino, Kurenai, Sakura, Ino, and Naruto all gasped as they all rushed to the girl who fell to her butt.

"I-I'm okay" She dismissed their helps as she stood up "I-I was just surprised. Kō-san told me we were babysitting today"

"I'm sorry, Hinata-sama. They made me" Kō laughed off apologetically, on which she immediately forgave.

"Thank you, Kō-san" Kurenai said, excusing the busy butler.

Akamaru jumped and licked her face, Hinata giggled and said "Thank you... Thank you all"

"Of course, Hinata! Your birthday is the most special day of the year, dattebayo!" Naruto yelled ecstatically as he threw his hand up to exaggerate his words even more, which made Sakura roll her eyes and say "Yeah, you didn't even realize what we were doing here until we all yelled the 'happy birthday, Hinata' part"

"Yeah, with all the decorations and the banners saying that, we thought you'd get it as soon as you see it" Ino tisked "But apparently not"

All, except for Shino and Naruto, laughed at the comments, making the blonde scream "Just so you all know, I would've thrown Hinata a way better birthday party if I have known, dattebayo!"

"Yeah, but not after you spoil it" Kiba joked, making everyone laugh again.

"Anyway, Tenten and Lee couldn't make it since they are on a mission" Sakura said "But they made sure you'd get these"

The pinkette smiled as she held out a pink and purple box "This is from Tenten"

Hinata held out her hands, only to realize that the box was extremely heavy, making her knees shake.

"And this, from Lee!" Sakura gleefully said as she placed a smaller box on top of the one the bluenette was holding, only for the birthday girl to realize that it was ten times heavier than Tenten's, making her drop the boxes with a loud 'thump'.

"What the hell are in those things? Troublesome... Sounds like weapons and weights" Shikamaru groaned "Those two... That's all they know to gift"

"Oh yeah? Then what did you get her? Money?" Ino asked, making him flinch and say "She's an extremely rich person, she already has too much of that"

"Lemme guess... You got her a book!" Kiba yelled, making Shikamaru glare at him and the rest laugh.

"I read that people sing the birthday song first before the gift revealing" Sai said, making the rest nod in agreement.

"Alright, everyone gather around the cake" Kurenai said as Hinata sat in front of it.

"That's the best we could find, apparently, candles aren't on sale lately since they aren't essentials yet" Kiba shrugged as he pointed at the single candle with a wax sign that has the number '17'.

Kurenai lit the candle up and quickly took it away, saying "Kiba and Naruto are troublemakers, and Hinata is a trouble magnet. I'm gonna hide this for that very reason"

"Ehhh, don't be like that, sensei!" Both Kiba and Naruto said in unison.

"Come to think of it, this house had baby proofing way before Mirai" Shikamaru said, Kurenai smiled and nodded "Exactly. Kiba's never to be trusted"

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