Chapter 9 : Practice

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: Practice :

: To do something again and again in order to become better at it.


Naruto found himself staying in longer and longer as the days go by.

He even found himself waking up earlier, wanting to be able to welcome her.

It's now his personal favorite habit.

Hinata did start visiting often since the events died down. And she never failed to bring a new bouquet of flowers everytime she visited, and sometimes she even brings a homemade bento just for him.

Just like now.

"Here" Hinata said as she picked up a piece of grilled beef with her usual sweet smile "I think I outdone myself this time"

"Alright! Thank you for the food, Hinata!" Naruto cheered "You're the best, dattebayo!"

Hinata giggled as he opened his mouth wide and chewed on the meat, humming in delight.

Everything that Hinata makes just tastes so delicious! Naruto couldn't help but chew the meat slowly to savor the flavor.

It was perfect. As per usual.

"Hinata's the best!" He thought happily as he was fed some vegetables "Even the vegetables tastes awesome!"

Hinata was so happy that he enjoys her cooking, she's glad that he doesn't spit out the vegetables too.

"But..." Naruto thought.

Hinata was confused when Naruto didn't open his mouth, she grew nervous as she looked at the meat, "Was he just being kind about my cooking and finally couldn't force himself to eat my food?"

"Hinata?" Naruto called out, she looked down in shame as tears brimmed her eyes, she then choked out "I-I'm sorry..."

"Eh? Why are you sorry?" Naruto asked, she refused to look up as she explained "I-I should have known that my cooking was terrible. I-I'm really sorry, N-Naruto-kun..."

This took the blonde by surprise.

"Your cooking's really good, Hinata!" Naruto exclaimed "The best food in the world!"

Dare he say it, but Hinata's cooking can really give Ichiraku's and its ramen a run for their money!

"B-But you didn't want to eat it..." Hinata said as she looked up a little, he shook his head and gave her a reassuring smile, saying "That's not it at all! Actually, I just thought that maybe you'd like to share with me"


"Yeah!" He nodded "And now that I know that you don't even know what your cooking tastes like, I won't take 'no' for an answer!"

"E-Eh?!" Hinata exclaimed, he then straightened his back and said "You know what? I guess now's the perfect time to show you!"

Suddenly, he reached out and took the chopsticks from her hands, then picked up a piece of meat, smiling widely like a child so proud of himself, "Ta-dah!"

"N-Naruto-kun! You can use chopsticks!" Hinata cheered happily, he nodded enthusiastically and said "Yep! I sometimes accidentally drop it, but I'll get used to it, no worries!"

"Since when?" She asked, Naruto then looked up and started recalling "I think it was about a week ago... You see, there's just some nosy girls insisting to feed me ramen a while back, but I really didn't want their help, so I quickly learned how to use it so that they won't bother me again!"

Hinata felt a strike in her heart, "Does that mean Naruto-kun doesn't like me feeding him? I'm such a meddler!"

"I told them I didn't need their help" He said as he proudly grinned "Besides! I only like Hinata feeding me and no one else!"

Hinata gasped, her heart fluttering and her cheeks turning red.

He didn't mind afterall.

"Come to think of it, you've been feeding me lately" He said as he looked into her eyes "I should return the favor! Alright, aaaaaah!!"

Hinata looked at the meat that was pointing towards her with wide eyes, Naruto was feeding her.

With a shaky opening of the mouth, she put the meat in her mouth and chewed.

She herself was surprised on how good it was.

You see, Hinata didn't taste the food she prepares for Naruto since she wanted it to be specially for him only. So she's been basing on smell and imagination lately.

Naruto smiled softly. He's so glad.

"Delicious, right?" He asked, she nodded.

"Alright, now it's my turn" He said as he fed himself, then picked up a new one for her.

They ended up sharing. Naruto was the one who fed both of them as Hinata held up the bento box for them.

So lately, Naruto found himself eagerly waiting for Hinata's visits. Maybe he could practice on getting better with Hinata!

So he could, quoting, "practice" his "chopstick skills".

Some time ago...

"Onee-sama?" Hanabi muttered as she entered the kitchen in an attempt to steal a banana milkshake from the fridge, only to be surprised by her sister preparing food.

Her feet excitedly bounced as she happily skipped towards her sister, only to flinch and shake her head, then continue by almost marching her way to the bluenette as she wiped off the extremely childish grin she had.

"Ah, Hanabi" Hinata greeted with a warm smile, raising the ladle to taste the curry, "You're up early"

"You're up early" The little brunette crossed her arms, she then asked "What are you up to, nee-sama?"

"Um... J-Just cooking for Naruto-kun..." The older ninja said as she scratched the side of her cheek "Y-You see, I figured that h-he might want some other food other than hospital rations a-and-"

"Hold up!" Hanabi yelled as she almost jumped by her older sister's side, looking up at her with a hint of mischief in her eyes, "Are you going to taste it?!"

"O-Of course, s-so that I'd know if it tastes good or not..." Hinata said.

Then that little smirk appeared on the tiny brunette.

"You know~" She said as she leaned on her sister, "If you taste it now and feed it to him later, you'd be indirectly kissing Naruto!"



What's going up and down? The views on this book hahahahaha! JK. Anywho, it's the author here for you!

I just wanted to do a cute little hospital chapter, so here it is! Hehehehe

That's about it!

Requests, anyone? Prompts? Scenes? Anything? I'm open for suggestions! Just comment them down in the comment section!

See'ya soon in the next chapter!


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