Chapter 1 : Stubborn

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: Stubborn :

Refusing to change ideas or to stop doing something


The smoke of the previous was slowly being blown away, warm and bright sun rays started to peak from the thick clouds, and the aura surrounding them felt relaxing, something they haven't felt for a long while now...

The dry and cracked ground started to gain some color of its healthy brown, and the sky started to turn bright blue again from the green tinted atmosphere.

"It's... Beautiful" Sakura gaped, her bright green eyes brightening while reflecting the multiple rays, Kakashi chuckled and agreed "Yes, it is"

Sasuke, for one, doesn't understand what was so beautiful.

The ground was still broken, the place still reek, the atmosphere was still thick with chakra, and the sun rays were obnoxiously bright, contrasting to the rest of the area. What could be so beautiful?

Their ears twitched at the busy noise of different voices from afar, letting them know they were nearing.

"Who knew the Valley of the End was that far" Naruto said out loud to Kurama and laughed inwardly, the blonde's back laying on the water and eyes still closed, exhausted.

Kurama opened an eye and took one last look of the loudmouth blonde before closing his eyes, sleeping to regain all the chakra he lost, sleeping for who knows how long, letting out a small chuckle.

One thing was for sure, though - they were all tired, it was evident in their eyes.

Sakura's had bags underneath them, Kakashi's were barely open, and Naruto's and Sasuke's one eye was closed shut and the other was blurred.

"Can't even see shit, dattebayo" Naruto admitted, followed by Sasuke's oh so infamous "Hn"

Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi all weakly laughed, the war surely did take a toll on them.

It was only a matter of time until they all saw the busy shinobis aiding each other, some were even musing at the surroundings.

Kakashi smiled at the scene, knowing the horrors of war was finally over. Taking more careful steps with Naruto's arm over his shoulder and walking as one man with him, he lead the three of his students to the bustling army.

Sakura spotted Ino from a small distance, talking to Shino and Kiba, as much as she wanted to go to her friend, Sasuke needed her. Deep down inside, she was afraid that this might be the last time he'll ever need her.

Kakashi saw the five Kages having some sort of a meeting in their small group circle. He thanked Kami knowing that he wasn't the one supposed to be there, he might throw a huge bitch fit complaining how he wanted to rest, roll on the ground if he even felt like it.

Sasuke didn't even look up, he didn't want to bother doing so. He knew that everyone that he became acquainted with held grudges against him. Not that he didn't understand why, it's because he did.

Naruto, on the other hand, didn't recognize anyone, everything and everyone are nothing but blurs of colors, he wasn't lying when he said he can't see anything. He could recognize some chakras, he knew they felt familiar, but he just couldn't pinpoint who's who.

Until he felt that freeform chakra.

"Hinata!" Naruto called out as he suddenly jogged to her direction, leaving Kakashi amazed that he could walk, jog even, alone.

Sasuke was taken by surprise when he saw a flash of yellow pass his eyes. He knew who it was, those heavy footsteps were all he needed to recognize that it was Naruto. He huffed and started following him with Sakura, the pinkette then yelled out "Wait up!"

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