Chapter 11 : Heartbreak

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: Heartbreak :

: Crushing grief, sadness, or anguish.


The sun rays lightly hit the piglet's eyelids.

Fluttering open its eyes, Tonton let out a cute little yawn as it stretched its butt up.

She jumped down from its soft little bed and walked out through the doggy door.

Tonton sat in front of a door and let out a little squeal. The door opened and a warm smile greeted the pig, Shizune picked up Tonton and rubbed its head "Good morning, Tonton. Now, let's get you bathed and ready for the day"

Tonton loves her bath. Especially because she gets to wear beautiful clothes right after.

Following Shizune close behind, she waddled her small little legs to keep up with the human.

Shizune knocked on Tsunade's door and said "Tsunade-sama? It's morning already!"

"Yeah, yeah! I know, alright?!" Tsunade groaned as she opened the door, she yawned loudly and said "Come on, Shizune. I'm still working on Naruto's arm at the hospital"

"Won't you take a bath first, mi'lady?" Shizune asked as she picked up Tonton and hurried to follow the blonde, Tsunade waved her hand dismissively and said "I already took a bath last night"

Tonton couldn't help but pout. Tsunade really is over-working herself, as per usual.

- - - - -

It surely is fun!

One of Tonton's favorite pastime is playing ball with herself.

Outside Tsunade's office, Tonton played happily. Tsunade didn't want anyone disturbing, so only she and Shizune were inside working, Shizune being her assistant and all.

The ball was clever. It knew that Tonton can't jump high!

Tonton growled, the ball was talented beyond the pig.

But it stopped.

Tonton smirked as she slowly crawled her way towards the ball, sneaking silently.

Then she pounced over the ball and caught it between her two little hooves.

But the ball bounced out and rested on the windowsill.

Joke's on the ball! Tonton can flyyyyyyyyy!

Tonton jumped and caught the ball in her mouth, but it hit her head on the glass and accidentally opened the window, falling out from the third floor.

Tonton screamed in terror as she fell. Only to be caught in the bushes.

Tonton peaked out and sighed in relief, but then, she realized that her necklace weren't on its neck anymore.

The pig panicked and looked around. She found the pearl necklace in the middle of the path.

Sighing in relief, she strutted towards the necklace happily.

But Tonton was too late.

"Troublesome Kakashi" Shikamaru groaned as he carried a stack of paper that was taller than him "He makes me do all the hard work! I just wanna sleep!"

Then an unsuspecting foot stepped on an unsuspecting necklace.

"Uwah!!" Shikamaru screamed as slipped, causing the papers to fly around.

Tonton screamed, her necklace was broken!

"What the hell, Tonton?!" Shikamaru groaned as he stacked the papers again before leaving "You're trying to help and all, but I said sleep, not slip! Troublesome pig..."

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