Konoha Stories: "Pregnant Wife"

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The sun shined brightly as the sky smiled down upon a lovely family's home.

Pictures were hung along the walls and sat on tables, coloring the beautiful house's interior..

The birds outside perched on the fence and sang chirps to each other, greeting the early people with their pleasant noises, until-


Loud footsteps came rushing up the stairs before the door slammed open, the blonde man looking in the room frantically, "What's wrong?!"

"I-I'm... I'm...!!" The pregnant Uzumaki cried as she sat on the bed, "I'm fat!!!"


"I know I've been eating a lot lately, but I didn't expect to turn out like this!"

With an amused shake of his head, the blonde made his way to his wife's side and sat beside her, "Kushina... You're not fat. You're just pregnant"

"O-Oh..." Kushina said through a sob, wiping her tears before letting out a relieved sob, "I forgot"

Minato chuckled at his wife's antics and wiped her tears away with his thumbs, "Besides... Even if you were fat, you're still you. I'd love you the same"

"I know that!" The redhead practically screamed as she crossed her arms with a pout, "It's just the mood-swings! Don't baby me, dattebane!"

"Okay" The blonde laughed with a bead sweat rolling down his cheek, "I won't"

Kushina's eyes suddenly sparkled as she stood up in excitement, opening a drawer, "Oh! Minato, Minato! Look what I made for Naruto-chan!"

Minato's interest immediately was caught just by the sound of their son's name, his curiosity on it's highest level, "What is it?"

With a gleeful turn on the ball of her foot, Kushina presented in her hands- "Ta-dah!"

"A..." Minato asked, "Scarf? For Naruto-chan?"

"You don't look impressed..." She said, her eyes watering again.

"No! No! That's not it!" He panicked to save the situation, "Y-You see, don't you think it's a little too big?"

"What do you mean?" The woman sniffled.

"W-Well" Minato tried to explain as gently as possible, "It's a beautiful scarf, but Naruto-chan won't be able to use it any time soon since... He's gonna be tiny for a while"

"E-Eh?!" Kushina screamed, pointing aggressively at her enlarged stomach, "Look at this! Do you actually think this baby looks tiny?! Of course this scarf would fit! I'm ginormous, dattebane!"

"It's just because the baby is-"

"Wait... Does that mean that I really am fat?!"

"No, no! You're not!"

"Ohhhh..!!! I'm getting fat!"

"Kushina, sweety-"

"I knew I've been craving too much ramen, dattebane!"


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"Konoha Stories: Ninja Academy"

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