Chapter 49 : Beginning

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: beginning :

: the start of (something)


"Naruto-kun, that was a meteor" Hinata said.

"What?!" Naruto asked, surprised.

"Hinata!!! Naruto!!!"

The two turned, Kiba and Akamaru looked at them in a panicked state.

"We saw" Naruto said, not knowing how to react to the rock from outer space.

Kiba shook his head and said "Other than that, Hanabi is missing! The Hyūga compound was attacked!"


Hinata's attempted kidnapping. Toneri. The meteor. Hanabi. The strange men.

"Hinata," Kiba continued, "Your father, along with all the other Hyūgas with him, have been declared dead"

Each and every news. It was attacking Hinata directly.

Her world was falling apart.




With a click of her tongue, she turned sharply, only to weakly drop, still weak from lack of chakra.

Naruto quickly caught her and set her to her feet, then grabbing her shoulders, "Where the hell do you think you're going?!"

"To the Hokage" Hinata quickly answered, "I'm saving Hanabi right now!"

"Are you crazy?!" The blonde asked, shaking her lightly, "Hinata, you're completely drained off of chakra! You can't even walk properly on your own!"

"I can make it" She stubbornly said, trying to escape his grip, "No, you can't!"

"I might as well just die trying!"

The two men looked at her in shock.

"Naruto-kun, if what they said is true, then Hanabi is the last person I have in my family" Hinata said, her hands clenching tightly, "I have to save her, even if it's the last thing I do. I can't handle losing another one... 'Cause if you think I'm finally over losing Neji-nii-san, then you're wrong"

She had the same look she had from when her cousin-

"But, just like then, I won't stop to mourn, because there is still someone alive that I can save" She claimed, "So please, just let me go"

She shoved away from his grip, taking big steps away, to the direction of the mansion, but a hand grabbed hers, making her stop.

"You're not going" Naruto said, "Not without me"

"Naruto-kun, that would be wonderful," She said, completely understanding that he wanted to help, "But who knows if that meteor is the last. In the case of one of those approaches the village, I know you can stop it"

"The only way you can make me stay here is if you don't leave" He firmly said, not budging, "I'm not leaving without you anymore"

The two glared into each other's eyes, not as if to challenge the other, but to beg for the other to agree with them.

Kiba sighed and decided that he should help, "Listen..."

The two flinched, remembering that they weren't alone.

The brunette crossed his arms and said "As much as I hate to admit, but I ain't as strong as Naruto. But... He isn't the only one capable of protecting Konoha... We've got numbers"

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