Konoha Stories 3 : "Team Assigning"

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"I demand satisfaction!!" Kurenai yelled as she slammed her hands on the desk, Asuma burned red immediately as he almost swallowed his cigar, "W-What?! Now?!"

"Wha- No!!" She yelled as she pointed at Iruka "I shall not rest until I am satisfied with my team!"

Welcome to the second official meeting for the soon-to-be Jònin masters for the upcoming and aspiring Genins.

Umino Iruka's graduated class reached an all time high of thirty students passing the so-called 'first test'.

Now, ten Jònin were invited to gather for a final look over their future teams.

And due to a certain loud-mouth boy, the teams were once again rearranged and- some of the Jònin took advantage of the fact.

"I-Is there a problem, Kurenai?" The brunette Chunin nervously asked the fierce eyed Jònin, Hiruzen only sighed and rolled his eyes, "Women..."

"I want Hyūga Hinata on my team, with all due respect" The Yūhi said in a demanding tone, "In fact! I demand a full on kunoichi team!"

"Pfffff- What?!" Anko held back a laugh "I've seen all the girlies from that class, and they're all sissies! I say they'd all die the moment they face an enemy!"

"Not on my watch" Kurenai confidently claimed "Give me Yamanaka, Haruno, and Hyūga, you'll see, they'd be world renowned as the ultimate team known as the Tres Marias of Genjutsu! All from the Mistress of Genjutsu herself!"

"Hah! Fine!" Anko confiently said with a cocky smirk "Give me those exact three, and they'd be the legendary Tres Marias of Kick-Ass! They'd be hot mamas with all the men 'fessin up in lust and fear once I'm through with'em!"

"I dare you to take'em from me" The Yūhi taunted, making the Mitarashi scoff and said "Fine!"





"Ladies, please!" Hiruzen finally decided to intervene, "I'm sure this much fuss isn't needed"

"I just don't want to handle another Ino-Shika-Cho" Anko tisked "There's no originality"

"Troublesome..." Shikaku groaned from his seat.

"And I vowed to be the one responsible for Hinata" Kurenai claimed in a much calmer tone "There's no better teacher for her than me"

"But I really think she'd work extra well with Naruto and Sasuke under Kakashi" Iruka said as he scratched the back of his head "I'm pretty sure a pair of Byakūgan and a pair and a half of Sharingan with the Jinchūriki is a very good combination"

The woman huffed as she looked at the floor with disdain painted across her beautiful face.

Asuma sighed as he looked at her, he then raised his hand and said "Pardon, but I don't think an Inuzuka and a Ninken would appreciate being my student, too... You know, with the smoke and stuff"

Another Jònin raised his hand and said "I've got bad blood with the Aburame clan. And I'm color blind, I'm pretty sure the little girl wouldn't appreciate me calling her alleged 'vibrant pink hair and green eyes' dull and grey"

"Alright, alright" Hiruzen said as he raised his hand "Iruka, could you at least try and satisfy these ungrateful Jònin?"

"W-Well..." Iruka nervously said as he stared at the clipboard. He could make some arrangements...

At the end of the day, he thus formed the infamous Team 7, Team 8, and Team 10.

And with that! Anko got her all-girls team, but something tells everyone that she would most probably just send them back to the academy due to her ridiculously high standards. And that it would be within less than two hours of meeting the poor girls.

And Shikaku, he won't say it out loud, but unless his team is a super-duper impressive one filled with prodigies and geniuses, he would lazily just fail the team instantly.

Oh! And also-

The door awkwardly opened, making all the heads turn towards it.

"Did I miss anything?" Kakashi gave them an apologetic look as he asked.


Up next:

"Konoha Stories: Ramen Shop"

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