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"Yael, help me. Help me Yael." I tossed and turned as I could hear Meeka calling out to me. My dream had me standing in front of the gates of heaven. I was pacing as every time I tried to get in, I could not. I could feel my frustration and the defeat. I needed to save him. I had no idea what they were doing to him. My eyes flashed open and I laid there in bed next to Vulcan. I looked over at him and he was fast asleep. I knew everyone would be asleep at this hour. I slipped out of the bed and grabbed some clothes. I had to go to the heavens and fight this out myself. This all had something to do with me and I didn't want to put anyone I loved in any more danger.

I descended out of hell and landed in front of the gates to heaven. It all looked just like it did in my dream. Even though this was the first time I had ever been here. Then I felt the presence standing next to me. I looked to my side and my mother was standing there. "Don't worry, no one knows were here." I smiled at her, but I was worried about her. If anyone could stand with me though, it was my mother. She took my hand and we both looked at the gates. Within seconds, they opened and I could feel the power inside of me. Wow, I said to myself. My mother took a deep breath and we walked in.

We must have walked about a mile when I turned and looked at my mother. Her face was focused and I knew she knew where she was going. That's when the ground shook and I looked around the see about ten angels surrounded us. My mother and I went back to back. "You don't want this fight. I suggest you let him know we're here and release Meeka to us!" My mother hollered out. I watched as the angels just looked at us. The first ball of light caught me off guard. It was small and hit me in the leg. I looked down and watched the blood fall down my leg. I looked back up as my mother pushed a fireball out of her hands. Two angels fell to the ground and didn't move. As this took place, my mother was hit with a bigger light ball and she fell to the ground in front of me.

"Mom?" I said, looking down at her. She wasn't moving. I bent down to touch her and I couldn't tell if she was breathing or not. I stood back up and I could feel the burning inside of me. My hands reached out to my sides. I lifted off the ground and started to spin, the purple light that shot out of my hands. Took all the angels around us down. I landed back on the ground and all I could see was a soft light fading out around me. When the dust started to clear and I was still in shock as to what had just happened. I heard him call out to me.

"Yael?" I looked and walking though the dust was Meeka. I ran over to him.

"Come with me now, we have to get out of here. I need help with my mother." I took his hand and started to make him follow me, but he stopped and made me stop with him. I turned and looked back at him. "Come on, what are you doing?"

"Why would I leave Yael? This is my home." I stopped moving and slowly turned to look back at him.

"What do you mean this is your home?"

"Don't you get it? I belong here and you don't. I'm the angel and son of God. You think your mother, my sister was the only child of God?" He looked over at my mother on the ground. "She helped to kill our father. Then she gives birth to an abomination like you. You must be stoped Yael, and the first thing I'm going to do is make sure Celeste is dead." The shock filled my face and body as I took in his words. He walked right past me and headed towards my mother.

"Stop!" I yelled out at him, but he did not. "I said stop before I end you." I could hear him laugh. He did stop and turned to look back at me. He had a shitty smile on his face. "I took care of you. I helped to protect you." I said and he still just smiled.

"I never needed your protection. Besides, I didn't know who I was then, but now I know everything again. I will end this, but first with your mother." I saw a flash run by me and then Meeka was on the ground. My father's massive body covered my mothers. My breath caught in my throat. This was bad and I knew it. More angels started to come and were standing with Meeka. I knew my mother and I could take the angels out, but my mother was on the ground still unconscious. This was going to be up to me. I came here to rescue Meeka and now it turns out I have to rescue my own family. My brothers stood with my father. I looked around as we were outnumbered. Meeka started a ball of light in his hands and I knew he was going to fire it at my family.

I ran and jumped out as his light went straight towards my family. Instead, I grabbed with my own hands. Surprised by it myself, I saw the fear on Meeka's face. I realized what I was doing and with everything I had, I threw it back at Meeka. He wasn't ready for it. His body was hit and even though I turned and looked away from him. I heard his yell as he was hit with his own light. I looked back and he was on the ground holding on to his chest. The other angels started to take a step back. I hated this, I hated all of it, but I had to protect my own now. I was still in the air, prepared to fire at anyone when the ground shook again.

I turned to see Vulcan and a whole bunch of guardians standing around him. Including his parents. This had truly turned into a war. Balls of light started to shoot out all around me. Angels and guardians were now fighting. I turned to see that my mother and father were now gone and my brothers were fighting with the guardians. Guardians and angels were falling to the ground and it made my heartbreak. When I saw Vulcan's mother fall to the ground. I couldn't take it anymore. I slammed myself to the ground and shot a harmless light out all around me that caused everyone to stop and look at me. "Enough!" I screamed as loud as I could. Everyone stopped and started to look around. I had to catch my breath. "If you continued to do this, to fight and mess around with the worlds. I will end all of you now. Peace will be made today and we will go back to a balance." The angels took a step back and grab Meeka's body.

The guardians picked up Vulcan's mother and started to back up. My brothers came to my side and placed their hands on my shoulders. "You did what you came to do. Let's go home." They said to me. I looked around and Heaven was already healing itself. I stood there alone with my brothers.

"What if they come back at us?" I said.

"Trust me, sister, I think the war is over. They can't kill you and they now know they can't take you on. I think this is over."

"I came here to save Meeka, but instead I killed him." I felt like I had won and lost this war. He was my friend, but as soon as he knew who he was. I was his enemy and he wanted to kill me and my family. I suddenly felt tired and wore out. I felt light-headed and the last thing I remember was falling into my brother's arms.

One year later...

I sat at my throne looking into the most beautiful set of blue eyes. My daughter giggled as I kissed her little toes. There wasn't a flaw about her. Her blond hair and blue eyes shinned full of light. She was going to make the perfect queen someday. My husband the king of the guardians sat at my side. In love with his little girl. My mother and father smiling at us as I handed my daughter over to my mother. "She is perfect Yael." I smiled at her. Vulcan reached over and kissed my head. We took each other's hands and walked out of the castle to greet our people and introduce our daughter. My life was perfect and we had no other problems with the heavens. A truce was made and things have been balanced once again. My mother was hit pretty bad, but my father got he rout of there just in time and she healed with no long-lasting problems.

Vulcan's mother lost her life that day and it took his father sometime before he was able to talk to me and my family again. Vulcan was having a hard time healing from everything he had been put through. I stood by his side the whole time. We were married within six months and have been extremely happy ever since.

Celeste's POV,

I laid next to my husband and finally took that breath I have wanted to take since all of this happened. Did I do right by my people? Did I make the right choices? Would I change anything about my life? The truth was I chose everything right. This was my soul and life. I couldn't have been happier about it. Yes, my soulmate was a demon, and I was the queen of hell. A true star guardian now ruled hell with her demon husband next to her. I had to laugh at that thought. My daughter turned out to be Heaven's biggest threat, and now she was the queen of my people. I was proud of the things I had done and still very much in love with Abigor. I closed my eyes and placed my hand on my husband's chest. Then I felt him grab me and pull me on top of him. I smiled as he licked his teeth and once again took me away to ecstasy.


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