Chapter 2

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The next day I stopped at my place to make sure Henry had food and water and to grab a couple more items. That's when I heard her. The apartment above mine to the right belongs to a girl named Betty Royal. She is a very sweet and annoying person. I've only known her for about a year. She is always bowing down to some guy. She has a different one every week. I can still remember the first night I met her. I had come home pretty late that night from my aunts and you could hear her and some guy yelling all the way to the parking lot. I tried to ignore them and just get myself inside, but then I heard him slap her. Of course, I couldn't just ignore that. So, I started to climb the stairs towards her apartment. Hoping that maybe my presence would stop the fight.

The guy had his hands around her neck and was yelling at her about how she was just a good lay and didn't mean more to him than that. I cleared my throat and it made the man stop and release her. She then begged him not to go. He told her to leave him alone and he rushed past me on the stairs. I went over to her and asked her if she was okay. I spent the next couple of hours listening to her story's. She seems like a pretty messed up girl. Her views on life were just so distorted. I always seem to attract people with the most problems.

She has it fixated in her head that she needs a man to complete her. All I can do is shake my head at her. She is a lost soul and will only live a life of loneliness. I don't really hang around her, too often. She seems to drain my soul when I'm around her. I'm friendly with her of course, but I have a hard time watching someone never learn from their mistakes. It drives me crazy when someone wants my opinion, but never truly follows it. Every other day she is heartbroken and wants to talk. The one thing I try to tell her over and over again. Don't sleep with them, but does she listen? Hell no.

"Hey Celeste, where have you been." I turned and smiled at her and took a deep breath.

"Hello Betty, what can I do for you?" She seemed very happy, so this must be about some new guy.

"I met someone." She said, Of course.

"Would you like to come in and talk about it? I don't have a lot of time, but your welcome to come inside." As I said, I'm not a bitch. She squealed with delight and followed me in. She took a seat on my couch and I sat down in front of her. "So, tell me about this new guy." She smiled.

"I really think he is different. I don't even know how it happened. His name is Mark and I met him at work. He came in as a client. I didn't come on to him, but before he left he asked me out." She said.

"Have you gone out with him yet?" I asked her.

"Only on one date, but I can tell he is different from what I'm used to." Okay after one date. I said to myself. "He is kind and sweet and respectful of me. He didn't even try to stay that first night. I offered, but he declined. He calls me every day just to say hello." I watched her eyes light up.

"Okay so tell me about him?" She smiled.

"He is a business owner, some type of consumer products. Or something like that. He has money and loves the outdoors. He is very handsome and very sweet." She said. I was wondering to myself, what kind of man like that wants anything to do with a girl like her? But who am I to judge.

"So, when do you see him again?" I asked her.

"Tonight, He is picking me up at eight, I'd love to introduce you to him." She said to me.

"I'd love to, but I can't tonight. I'd have to meet him some other time." She shook her head at me.

"That's alright, I'm sure there will be plenty of time to met." She stood up ready to leave.

"Do me a favor Betty, don't sleep with him right away. Show him you're worth it." She smiled at me and headed out. She is going to blow it. I said to myself, as I closed the door. I rolled my eyes and headed off to feed Henry. I had a couple of boxes I needed to take to my aunts and of course, I tried to carry them all at once out to my car. I almost made it to my car and the boxes started to fall. "Shit" I yelled out as someone came running over and caught both of the boxes before they hit the ground. I looked up and saw Abigor holding onto my boxes. "If I wouldn't know any better, I'd say you were watching me." I smiled at him. "You have become my hero lately." A smile came on his face.

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