Chapter 28

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Dream sequence...

"I can feel you."

"Can you, my love?"

"I can feel your hands all over my body."

"Because they are. Your so beautiful laying in all your silk." I felt his tongue run along the inside of my thigh. I let out a moan and I gripped the bed sheets. His face ran alongside my sex and up to my belly. I opened my eyes to a lit fireplace in my room. I don't have a fireplace in my room. I knew it was Abigor and I knew he had entered my dreams.

"How am I suppose to get over you. If you here doing this to me?" I heard him growl and hiss as his lips went over my already erect nipple.

"Tell me to leave my queen?"

"I can't."

"Damn right you can't" His arm went under my back and he lifted my chest towards him. As he hovered above me. He placed kisses all over my chest and bit and sucked gently. I finally gave in and reached out to touch him. "Do you know how much I fucking missed you?"

"I miss you too," I said in more of a moan as I felt his large hand dip in between my legs and touch me in just the right spot. To which my body shook with appreciation.

"I'm so addicted to you." He hissed into my ear. "Let me take you, baby."

"I can't."

"What are you worried about? It's just a dream." He said and with that, I flipped him over and took him inside of me. I wrapped my arms around myself. While I faced the ceiling with my eyes closed. I would swear this was real. His finger dug into my hips as he moved me up and down on him. He ripped my nightgown from my body and it was in a pile on the floor. His hand went around my throat as he pulled me down to him. We were chest to chest as he held on to me and started to thrust in and out of me. If this wasn't a dream. My whole world would hear us.

"Please don't stop!" I yelled out. He flipped me onto my stomach and I pushed my ass into the air. He grabbed my hips and pulled me into him. I pressed my chest into the bed and gripped the sheets as tight as I could. He felt so good deep inside of me. I missed him more than I thought. I swear my body felt everything he was doing to me. Sitting in his lap the sweat was pouring off of us both. Our eyes were locked as I rode him slowly. We had been at it for hours and I wondered if the sun would ever rise. He kissed every inch of my skin. He was rough and soft at the same time. He knew what my body and my mind wanted.

I realized I was in his bed now. I was covered in black silk sheets and the room was warm. He sat leaned against his headboard with only a small amount of the sheet covering him. He just watched me and ran his fingers up and down my leg. "You belong with me, you know it." I just smiled at him. He licked his lips. "Be my queen Celeste." I lifted myself up and moved closer to him.

"I can't leave my people." With that, my eyes opened and I was laying in my own bed, covered in my own sweat. I could still feel him. I could still smell him. He was all over my body.

"Are you okay my queen?" I heard the voice in my room. I looked around only to find Eros sitting in a chair in the corner.

"Eros? How the... What are you doing here?"

"Josh owes me." I just shook my head.

"What do you need?' I asked him.

"What were you dreaming about?" He asked me.

"Eros, why are you here?"

"Why do you think? I came to see you, and I find you in a very heated dream. Tell me, how is Abigor?" I could see anger on his face and he didn't want to test me now.

"Fist of all I owe you nothing. Go to your woman Eros, and leave me be." I snapped at him and I knew my eyes were ablaze with light. He backed up some but still stood his ground. "Do you want to test me, Eros?"

"You would really hurt me?"

"If you don't do as I asked. I'll do more then hurt you."

"Tell me something Celeste, why are you naked?" I looked at him like he was nuts. Until I looked down and I was sitting there naked. My nightgown was in pieces around me. I swear I felt Abigor smile at that moment. "Why do you always run to him?"

"I didn't run to him, Eros. He came to me. I pushed you both away don't you remember that?" I watched as Eros stood there watching me. "He knows how to enter my mind. I don't know how to block that. I never knew how to block that."

"Yet you allowed him to touch you? I wonder if you will allow me to touch you." He said and started to make his way towards my bed.

"Eros?" I said has he removed his shirt and started to climb onto my bed. "Eros?" He just looked at me as he grabbed my sheet and pulled it off me. I backed up away from him some. I felt a sting of anger and knew it wasn't coming from me. Eros made himself come closer and closer to me. He was now climbing up my legs. He looked so seductive. I was almost paralyzed bu him. I have known Eros for as long as I can remember and I have never seen this look in his eyes. I have never know any type of sexual passion from him and it was hot to see him looking this way. Then he kissed my stomach. Still, I was powerless at the moment to stop him. All I could do was watch him. Then his tongue came out and he licked me up to my breast. I only gulped and still watched him.

"You taste like Heaven." He whispered out. I took a deep breath. "I know you want me, Celeste. Don't fight me." He said as if I was trying to get away from him. I couldn't even move. My body was over ridding the warning signs going on in my mind. He made his way between my breast and to my neck. My body betrayed me and I let out a soft moan. "That's what I want to hear." He said as his lips went to mine and the kiss became wild as I wrapped my hand around his head. His hand gripped my breast. Our tongues danced and I wasn't stopping it. I didn't have a thought in my mind. His hands went around my body and somehow he flipped us and I was now in his lap. The only thing my body had on was a pair of panties. Our lips never parted. "Tell me all this don't feel right?" He was right, Of course, Eros was always the right choice, but I felt something different when Abigor touched me versus how Eros touches me.

Then I started hearing screaming in my head as Eros's hand made its way between my legs. "Simone.' I said and Eros stopped and looked up at me.

"What?" He said as if he didn't hear me.

"You chose her Eros, she is your responsibility. Please let me be." I breathe out trying to catch my own breath. He sighed and climbed away from me. I grabbed my sheet and pulled it over my body. I watched him pick his shirt up and put it on. He turned and looked at me as he opened my bedroom door.

"This is not over, yet." He said and left the room. I rolled my eyes and flung myself back on the bed. I'm going to kill Josh for this. I said to myself.

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