Chapter 5

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"Abigor." I heard her say. I disappeared so she wouldn't see me.

Celeste POV,

I could have sworn I felt him here with me, but as I started to focus better. I realized I was alone. I took a deep breath and a drink of water and fell back asleep. The next morning I got up and started to get ready for work. Today was my long day. Double shifts at the library. I couldn't get Abigor off of my mind and I was hoping work would help me out with that. I walked in and Becky was sitting behind the counter. She smiled as I walked in next to her. "Today is going to be a long one." She said.

"Yeah, but hey at least we have a job," I said. She smiled at me and left to put books away. With it being so slow in here. My mind of course just betrayed me and all I could think about was Abigor. I decided to just get some cataloging done on the computer. The day was going by so slow. I was becoming bored. Becky and I left early for some lunch and we went to a cafe near the library. I swear I was being watched, but when I looked around I saw nothing. I tried to shake the feeling, but it was a little intense.

"What are you looking at?" Becky asked me.

"I don't know, but I feel like someone is watching us," I said. Becky looked around.

"I don't see anyone." She said. I nodded at her.

"Yeah, I don't either," I said. We finished our lunch and headed back to the library. I kept looking over my shoulder as if I were to catch someone watching us, but every time I looked I saw nothing. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched all day long.

Unknowns POV,

"Soon little one, soon I'll be the one who protects you. I'll be the one you fall In love with. I'll be the one to hold you and keep you safe from harm. We are meant to be."

Abigor's POV,

I was storming up the walk to the library when Collin made his way out. I grabbed hold of him and threw him up against the wall. I got into his face. "What in the fuck are you doing near her?" I hissed out. Collin put his hands up.

"Relax Abigor, I was only checking her out." I got closer to his face.

"Why?" I hissed as my tongue came out of my mouth.

"I just wanted to know what is it about her." I slammed him to the ground.

"You stay the fuck away from her or I'll kill you, Collin." Collin stood up and dusted himself off.

"You have to get a grip Abigor before your father or anyone else gets wind of this human. I'm only trying to help you." I hissed at him. "I swear Abigor, I'm only trying to help." He disappeared. I walked over to the windows and looked in. I saw my angel working and smiling. I knew she was okay. Soon, Celeste soon. I said as I disappeared.

Celeste's POV,

I locked the library doors and I made my way over to my car. It turned out to be a shitty night. The wind picked up and some rain started to fall. Around six pm. I had let Becky go home early. We had been pretty much dead most of the evening. The last hour just dragged because I was the only one here. Finally, eight rolled around and I closed everything up. Now I get to go home. The parking lot was dark and deserted. I got a bit of a cold chill. I tried to pull my keys out of my bag, but I couldn't find them. I sat everything on the top of my car so I could get into my bag better. Why the hell don't I ever pull my keys out before I even leave the building? I said to myself. I dropped my keys and everything else in my bag down to the ground. "Really?" I hollered out. I went to bend down and there was another pair of hands. I jumped back and looked up into the biggest blue eyes I had ever seen.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. You looked like you could use a hand." When I looked at him I immediately felt a sense of calm. I watched as this beautiful stranger started to put my things back into my bag. Even though he was crouched down I could tell he was tall and muscular. He had light blond hair that fell around his face. All his features were light. He was beautiful. Wow, I said to myself. He stood up and I stood up with him. He smiled at me as he handed me my bag. I took it and looked down. He was about a foot in a half taller than me.

"Thank you," I said lightly. He smiled even more. For some reason, I started to feel like I had met him somewhere before. I felt this overwhelming feeling of knowing him. I sort of cocked my head at him.

"It's not a problem, I'm Eros." He said as he put his hand out to mine. I took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Celeste," I said.

"Well Celeste, it was nice meeting you. Get out of this rain before you get sick." He said as he took off out of the parking lot. I kind of shook my head as I opened my car door and got inside. I had to sit there and think for a moment. Who was that guy? Why did I feel so comfortable with him? I just met him for the first time, right? My head was a little bit all over the place. For some reason, I just wanted to go to my aunt's house. Never really feel that way, but things lately have been very strange. I felt like talking with her would make me feel better. I put my car in gear and headed in her direction.

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