Chapter 43

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I woke up the next morning and walked out to make some coffee. The door to my guest room was cracked. I took a peek inside and Meeka was still asleep. I stood there a moment while I looked at him. His muscular body was only covered halfway with a sheet. He was sleeping naked. I have never seen a naked man before. Okay on tv maybe, but never in real life. I was mesmerized by him. Then he moved and I took off to the kitchen. I started the coffee. "Morning." I heard him say as he entered the kitchen. He was only wearing his dress pants. I knew my brother had some clothes here. I handed him a coffee and took off to Joel's room. I found some basketball shorts and a tank top. I walked back out and handed them to him. "Were you planing on me staying here?" He asked me. I looked at him and laughed some. Then his face fell.

"Meeka? What's wrong?" I asked him and he just kept looking at me. Then my heart speed up. My eyes, I said to myself.

"Yael, what the hell is wrong with your eyes?" I took off out of the room but Meeka followed me. "Yael what's going on?" He asked as I shut my bathroom door in his face. "Are you a demon?" What the fuck? I said to myself. I opened the door.

"What do you mean, demon?" I asked him, trying not to look in his eyes. He took a deep breath and sat on my bed. I walked in and took a seat next to him. "I knew there was a reason why you came into my life." I cocked my head at him.

"You came into my office," I said. He looked up at me and I looked away. I felt him reach out and touch my chin. He pulled my face up to his.

"Don't hide from me." He said.

"I need to know how you know about demons?" He just smiled and shook his head as he laid back on the bed.

"I've been blessed with seeing them all my life. Tell me who sent you to me. This is the first time a woman demon has come at me, and a beautiful one at that." I smiled at him.

"I wasn't sent to you," I said.

"Then explain yourself because I know you here for a reason."

"I think you were sent to me, well I think you're involved in something because of me. I just don't know what yet, but..."

"But what? Come on you can be honest with me." I sighed and laid back on the bed. I laid there and told him the whole story. He listened and didn't say a word to me. I even told him how I knew his wife was fake and that her real name was Rose. He legitimately just stared up at the ceiling the whole time. "So I'm just a joke, someone to be used?"

"No, I don't know Meeka. I really don't know what your role in all of this is. Please let me protect you."

"Protect me from what Yael, you're a fucking demon."

"I'm only half-demon." He looked over at me.

"So heaven is using me now too?"

"What do you mean?"

"I made a deal with a demon when I was a teenager. I wanted happiness and it was at a price."

"Do you know who holds your deal?"

"What does it matter now?" I smiled at him.

"I'm the daughter of the king of hell."

"What the fuck Yael?"

"See let me help you please, I'm more important then you think. I know I can help you. Honestly, I'm not that bad. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Why do you even care?"

"I don't know but I do, so just let me help you." He nodded at me. "I want you to stay here with me. Let's go by your place and get some of your things."

"but Jill, or whoever the hell she is, is there." I just shook my head."

"like I give a fuck, she is no match for me."

"You're just a little bad ass." He said and I gave him a wink.

"I guess we will see won't we?" About an hour later we were headed to his place. He lived on the outskirts of town. In a gated home. His home was huge and very beautiful. we parked and out the door came flying Rose. He stepped out of the car.

"Oh my lord Meeka, where have you been?" She said as she tried to wrap her arms around him. That was until she watched me get out of the car behind him. Then she backed up a little. "Who is this Meeka?" She asked him. I started to laugh.

"Like I don't know who the fuck you are. You lying bitch. You wait until I tell Vulcan all about this." The minute those words left my mouth the world slowed down again. Really? I said to myself. I was ready for a fight. The world went dark and that didn't mean angels, that meant demons. "Remember who your fucking with," I said out loud. I heard hissing and then growling. "Please, you don't scare me, show yourself. I demand you do so or I will call out for my father."

"You don't have to, I'm here. You want to face the princess then come out and face your king!" My father yelled out as he changed into his demon form. He also moved me behind him. I looked out as two very large demons came walking out into the open.

"Excuse us, your highness. We mean no disrespect, but your daughter is messing with our soul." I smiled at them and crossed my arms.

"He is mine now." I spit out. My father turned and I thought for sure he was going to yell at me, but instead, fire shot out of his hand and when I turned and looked. A lock of fire went around Rose's neck. She was life into the air and she let out a small scream. He then looked back at the other two demons.

"Your contract with this soul is now broken. You may be on your way." The two demons didn't argue as they walked off and disappeared. I waited for my scolding. "Yael, my love. You need to protect this man."

"I know daddy, he knows about us."

"I know he does and listen to me, he is more important than you know. Protecting him is not going to be easy. He is a wanted man, and you will find out soon why he is so important, but only you can save him."

"Your talking in riddles dad, tell me what's going on?"

"I can't but all will be reviled soon, watch him." With that, my father disappeared taking Rose with him. The world went back to normal and Meeka just looked over at me. I took a deep breath and ran over to his side.

"Come on let's get your things."

"Where is Jill?"

"Don't worry about the now, all you need to know is she is now out of the way." He nodded at me and we both ran inside. Soon we were back at my place. Meeka seemed uneasy and was pacing the room. "Meeka please, you're driving me nuts."

"I'm sorry Yael, I'm just worried."

"Come and sit next to me," I patted the seat next to me. He walked over to me and took a seat. "Let me help to settle some of the stress for you." He just looked at me. "The demon you have a contract with?" He nodded at me. "I own that contract now." His eyes lite up.

"Are you serious?" He asked and I just smiled at him.

"Yes, and your soul is now safe. so please stop stressing out." He took a deep breath and laid back against the sofa. Then his hand sat on top of mine.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"Your welcome Meeka."

"I wish I knew why you're being so good to me?"

"Once I know everything, I promise you that I will tell you everything, but like I said. I'm not a bad person, no matter where I come from.

Thank you for reading.

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