Chapter 20

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"You already know it in your heart. You know you have a connection with this Eros guy. The signs have been all around you."

"Stop talking to me in riddles Abigor, just get to the point." I was getting irritated. All everyone has ever done in my life is talk to me in riddles. He just looked at me and continued to touch me. "Abigor?" He took a deep breath.

"Listen to me, love, If you know and it doesn't bring your memories back. Then you're in danger. I can't put you in danger. The less you know the better." I rolled my eyes and just gave him a dirty look.

"I don't understand, I mean if that's the truth. Then why tell me anything? Both you and Eros are pissing me off." Abigor got a huge smile on his face. He moved forward and touched his nose to mine.

"I like you pissed, it's a turn on. If it's all true your very powerful. That's hot that you could kill me." I backed up and looked at him like he was nuts.

"I would never kill you." He smirked a little.

"You will feel different when your memory comes back."

"What the hell am I Abigor?" I crossed my arms.

"You a star..." As Abigor started to talk. A huge glow of blue and white lights surrounded us. I looked around and then I looked at Abigor. I watched as the light tossed Abigor across the room. When he smacked the wall. He changed and a huge growl came from deep inside of him. The next thing I knew. I was sitting on a large hill covered in the greenest grass I had ever seen. I was in a long white dress. My hair was all around my body. I looked up at the sky and it almost looked unreal. It was the brightest blue with the most beautiful white clouds I had ever seen. I had a flower bracelet and anklet on. I also had a crown of flowers on top of my head. I looked around and it looked as though I was alone.

"Hello?" I said out loud. My feet were bare and when I stood up the grass was soft under me. I looked around and all I could see were trees and butterflies. Birds flew above me. Everything seemed so calm and beautiful. Am I dead? I thought to myself. Is this heaven?

"Your not dead, Beautiful." I heard his voice behind me. I turned and sure enough. Eros stood there in a long-sleeve white shirt and white pants. He was also barefoot and he just smiled at me.

"Eros? Where am I?" I asked him. He walked closer to me.

"Can't you feel it?" He asked me.

"Feel what?" I asked him as I was still looking around me.

"This is home, Celeste."

"Who's home?"

"Ours, come on baby. Try and remember." I just looked around me and I felt the calmness rush over my body. I looked back at Eros.

"I need answers," I said to him. He just shook his head.

"Only you can remember who you are Celeste. We can't do that for you. I can tell you who you are, but until you unlock that in your mind. Then you will be in danger."

"That's what Abigor said to me." I could see anger on Eros's face.

"You know who he is. Why do you care for that demon?"

"I love him." His eyes got huge.

"He is a disgusting soulless creature. That I will rip apart for touching you in the first place."

"Why..." I started to say more but Eros went off.

"Because you belong to me. Your mind and soul and body are mine and he is just a demon who wants to use you. He knows what your worth and he wants it."

"Why am I your's, Eros?"

"Because you are, princess." He said and walked up closer to me and reached out and touched my face. I felt it when he touched me. I always have, I could feel the closeness I had with him and it was strong. I had flashes of the two of us and I never really knew where they came from. "Do you see us?' I heard him say but I kept my eyes close as a vision of the two of us laying in the grass together smiling and laughing was filling my brain. We looked so happy and in love. I embraced myself in it. I didn't want to open my eyes in fear the feelings would go away. I could feel Eros's hands running up and down my arms. "What do you see princess?"


"Can you feel me?"

"Yes, what does this mean?"

"It means your mine and you can't listen to what that demon tells you. You can't love him." My eyes opened as soon as those words left Eros's mouth. I backed up some.

"But I do love him. I can't help who he is. I love him." The next thing I knew. My eyes opened and I was laying on my bed alone at my house. My cat was just looking at me from the window seal. I looked over at the wall Abigor hit and he was gone. I sat up in my bed wondering if everything that just went down was just a dream? It felt too real to be a dream. I laid back down and all my brain did was try to figure everything out. I needed to start taking this seriously. I needed to try and figure out who the hell I was. None of this made since in my life for me to just be a normal human. I was in love with a demon and was having feelings for someone I believe is an angel. Even though he has told me he is not. My mind was going a mile a minute. Was my whole life here a lie?

I finally fell asleep around three in the morning. When I finally woke up I got into the shower and started to finish unpacking myself in my aunt's house. I couldn't let go of what happened last night. I went to my car and grabbed the last box out of it. When I sat it down I realized it was the books I took from work. It was the journals I had found. I sat on the floor in the middle of my living room and pulled the first out and started to read. The first word on her book said, star guardians. I kept repeating the word over and over again. It just felt so familiar to me.

I started to read her books and everything she was saying sounded as if I was writing them. Am I a star guardian? I asked myself. That's when I fell back and little white lights formed around me and my eyes closed. I was standing inside a great hall. There were people all around me. Talking and having a good time. I looked to the end of the room and a woman was standing there watching me. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Eros was standing next to her lost in conversation. When he turned and saw me. His face lite up and he smiled at me. I started to walk close to them. When all of a sudden and huge burst of light filled the room along with a loud boom. The place shook and people started to fall to the ground. I let out a yell and Eros and the woman was at my side. "Come, we have to get out of here," Eros said.

"They have made it past the gates." The woman said.

"Celeste, use your light," Eros said. I felt a heat come over my body as I shot light out and everything got quiet. I looked to the left of me and saw the black smoke start to roll over the land and people were yelling and running. I lifted into the air and shot my light out again. Vile looking creates came walking out of the blackness. The woman and Eros joined my side in the air as my eyes shot blue lights and I watched as a female demon fell to the ground. I moved closer to her and shot her again. I watched as he body exploded. I looked up to see the most terrifying creature run to the spot where I killed the demon. I looked him in the eyes.

"This is no place for you and you will not win. Leave now before I kill you all." He looked at me and I kept looking at him as I felt the heat rise once again.

"I will take you, princess, I will do horrible things to you and your family. I will rip your world apart and take it for myself. You will pay for her life you took."

"I'll be waiting satan, for you do not scare me." The smoke left and my eyes opened. I was back in my living room. My body was shaking and I had tears in my eyes. What the hell was that? I asked myself as little visions started to form inside my mind.

Thank you for reading.

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