Chapter 25

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"How many guardians are on earth?"

"Two hundred and fifty, my queen," Josh said.

"I want fifty of them brought home."

"Right away." It's been two whole years since I gave up my heart and went with my head. Two long and very lonely years. When you learn that your mother is the queen of the star guardians and your father is the god of heaven. Your priorities change when you learn who you are and just what you're capable of doing. Us guardians pick souls to join us. Heaven takes the good souls and hell takes the bad. We are all connected and we all work together. I haven't seen Abigor since the day of the war. I sent Eros to earth to do good and also to be away from me. I know it sounds very selfish and I agree, but I had to do it. Not only for me, but Eros couldn't focus on anything but me. It was driving his light away. I don't check on him or ask any questions. My trusted adviser Josh. Takes care of Eros's needs. Eros's job on earth is to find souls that can become star guardians.

As far as I know, Abigor has taken his place as the king of hell. He never leaves his world and has his demons doing all his dirty work. I on the other hand stay in my place and I don't let people in. Josh is truly my only interaction. I think the loss of my mother and learning who my father is has placed a bit of a damper on my soul. I should have a king by my side and love in my heart. Instead, I'm sad most of the time and stiff when it comes to ruling my world. The balance of the world's is all I care about. I have to keep my focus or everything could crash down. I don't even allow my people to come in and see me. Everything is done through Josh. Josh is a good guardian, he knows everything and helps rule. My people must go through him first and then if he can't fix the problem, he comes to me.

We have new rules since I took over and they must be followed for my own sanity. Night falls and the stars take over my land. It's one of the most beautiful sights. I love to lay on my balcony and just watch them come alive. "My queen?" I hear Josh's voice. I sit up some and allow him to come in. "I'm sorry my queen, I didn't mean to disturbed you in your nightwear." I just smiled at him. It's not like I was out here in just a shirt and panties. I was in a long flowing white silk nightgown with a see-through robe. Not much different from my normal attire.

"Your good Josh and please Josh, when we're alone you can call me Celeste. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I know you don't want to hear this, but Eros has requested a meeting with you." I felt the sting in my heart when he said Eros's name. I looked out at my beautiful stars.

"Can't you handle it?"

"Apparently not queen, He is really making a stink about it too." I sighed and turned to look at Josh again.

"Set it up, but make sure he knows he only gets ten minutes of my time."

"Yes, my queen." Josh started to leave.

"Josh?" He stopped and turned around to look at me.

"My queen?"

"It's Celeste." He smiled and nodded at me. I took a deep breath, but I wasn't ready to see him. I wish my mother was here so I had someone to talk to. Two days later I was standing outside the great hall. I was pacing back and forth in front of the double doors. I knew Eros was behind those doors, waiting for me to come in. Josh walked up to me and just looked at me.

"Go on, you can do it." He said and when I turned to open the door he smacked my ass and winked at me. I just crushed my nose at him as he walked off. I walked in and closed the doors behind me and stood there. Eros was facing away from me, but my heart was still pounding in my chest. He turned and looked at me and took my breath away. Nothing about him had changed. He was still one of the most attractive men I had ever known. He smiled at me and I just looked away.

"What can I do for you?" I asked him as I stepped in further and took a seat. He walked closer to me.

"I want to come home." He said and for some reason, I knew this was what he wanted. I just looked at him. "I have done my job on earth way better then I could have. Celeste, I have met someone." My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't control my jaw that fell open, but still, I just looked at him. He took a deep breath. "She is a soul waiting to be blessed and made a guardian. I want to be with her Celeste. Please give me this much." I felt sick to my stomach and I knew I was not allowed to feel this way. I pushed him away from me. I'm the one who let him go. I had no right to be upset with him, but I was.

"What's her name?" I asked him in almost a whisper.

"Simone, she is a pure soul and has a beautiful heart. I have been a guide for her for almost a year. I love her and she loves me." Daggers, his words were daggers to my heart. I had no choice in this matter and had to grant him what he wanted.

"You can come home, Eros." His whole face lit up and he came to my side.

"Thank you, my queen." He said and kissed my cheek. My eyes closed and I didn't open them until I heard the doors close behind me. When I opened them, a single tear fell down my cheek. I'm being punished for my sins, and my punishment is my broken heart. I heard the doors open again and looked to see Josh walking towards me.

"Is everything okay?" He asked me.

"Yes and no," I said and wipe my tear away.

"I know I'm no one special to you Celeste, but I am your friend and if you need to talk. I will listen." I gave him a small smile.

"You are my friend Josh. There is a soul name Simone I need a rush put on her, please. She is to stay here in our world. Eros is in charge of her. Please bring her soul to me so I can bless her." Josh gave me a smile like he knew what it meant.

"Are you sure you don't need a minute?" He asked me.

"No, I owe him at least this much." Josh nodded at me and headed out. I got myself together and headed to my throne room. Eros was standing outside the doors. I glanced at him as I headed inside.

"So, your just not going to say a word to me?" I stopped and looked back at him.

"What would you have me say? I'm giving you what you asked for. Is that not enough?"

"Does it not hurt you to know that I have moved on?" I sighed.

"Do you want it to hurt me?"

"Yes, yes I do."

"Then you get your second wish today," I said with a small smile and closed the door in his face. My chest hurt with the pain that rushed through me and the world went dark. Pain is our biggest threat and when I feel it so does my world. I set off the balance and things get affected. I slowly walked over to my thrown and took a seat. My tears were falling when Josh came into the room and handed me her box. He kneeled in front of me and I took the box into my hands. I took a deep breath and looked at the door I knew Eros was standing behind. I looked back to the box and whispered my blessing and I then opened the box and released her. Her soft light flew out of the box. This beautiful light-skinned African American woman stood in front of me. Her innocent soul was beaming back at me and I knew Eros made a perfect choice. She belonged with us. Her beautiful eyes looked back at me and she was nervous.

"Eros? Where is Eros?" She asked. I looked at Josh who opened the doors to let Eros in. When she saw him she ran to his arms and my heart skipped a beat.

"This is your queen Simone. She will tell you what your purpose is here with the guardians." They both turned and looked at me.

"She is beautiful," Simone said and I just gave her a small smile.

"As are you, Simone," I said with respect. "Eros, you are in charge of the new guardian."

"Thank you, my queen," Eros said and I just sat there as I watched them both leave the room. Josh took a seat next to me and placed his hand over mine.

"I don't know where you get your strength from, but you are the strongest woman I have ever known. It's no wonder you are our queen." I kept my face forward and didn't wipe the tears from my eyes.

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