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I stood in the waiting room at the hospital shaking, Caroline had told me to sit down many times but I wasn't listening. I couldn't sit still. Despite the water I'd drank my mouth had run dry, I wasn't fast enough is what I kept thinking. The images of finding her there on the floor bleeding kept flashing in my head it was a miracle that I'd been able to keep her stable until me and Rebekah could bring her here. Caroline had asked many times why the blonde bitch was here but I ignored her and Rebekah for my sake didn't comment on it. I hadn't gotten a call back from Klaus. I left a message about what happened and where she was but he hasn't responded something I know will kill her to know when she wakes up. This Klaus is a bastard. I thought sneering to myself at the thought. Just a text to know if she was ok would be enough but nothing. A selfish bastard. That's it. Stefan was here, hell Damon would've been here if not for the fact that I can't stand to be within 5 ft. of the man. 

Jeremy sat next to Caroline and Matt, even Tyler hung around to see if we were ok and how it was going. But no sign of the one person she wanted here more than any of us. The man she loved. I shook myself out of those thoughts when the doctor came out "We put her in a heavily induced coma, we're trying to give her body time to heal the collapsed lung and broken bones. She'll be here for a while and when she wakes up she may suffer from temporary brain function loss in certain ways. She may forget how to open something or what her name is. We don't foresee it to be permanent but just be ready for anything" the doctor said looking at us all sadly. I stared at him, it was like I was hearing him but the sound was distorted. I breathed in shakily and my lip shook as a tear fell, if I had been there I could have done something. I had all this power but I did nothing to save the two people who meant the world to me.

I felt useless. What good am I if I can't use my powers for anything but to light up some candles. I turned and sat down as the room started to spin and I was working myself up to the point I knew my magic would start going off if I didn't calm down. My thoughts were racing though it was like I couldn't control how much was on my mind. It calmed when Rebekah wrapped her hand around mine. We weren't close but she understood she knew what this meant to me and she it made me sigh in relief to have her support. At the sight of her I thought of her brother and a new feeling filled me. Anger. I stood up abruptly telling everyone to stay if they wanted that I needed to take care of something. The only one who caught the look in my eye was Stefan and Jeremy, they followed me out and Stefan put a hand on my shoulder "Bonnie look at me you're not thinking clearly. I get it trust me I do but we need to be smart about this. You don't even know who to go after" I scoffed and pushed him out of the way with my magic.

"Trust me Stefan I know exactly who I'm after" I said casting a look at Jeremy who looked like he wanted to speak but saw the look in my eye and decided against it helping Stefan up. I walked determinedly over to Mikealson Mansion where my target was. I could feel my magic pulse the way it always did when I felt like this. I wanted to twist his body into unnaturally, make his blood boil, he didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve her loving him and trying to help him. He abused it just like he did everything else in his whole selfish life. In that moment I never hated him more and when I burst through the door I had every intention of making him feel it. But I was stopped in my tracks. When I came through the door the house was seemingly empty, there was broken glass everywhere pieces of broken frames and chairs. The curtains were ripped and hanging off the wall awkwardly it looked as if someone had robbed the place. I looked around more and more confused as to what happened here when I heard movement behind me and I snapped around to see Elijah.

"What happened here?" I asked gesturing to the mess "Niklaus" he said simply making everything make sense. He did care. And this is how he showed it, he wasn't ignoring me at all "Some of it was done by Klaus' own hand and the other parts were him and his ex Aurora. She's the one who took dear Elena and tortured her. Upon hearing that Niklaus went mad and subsequently ended her life over there" I looked over to see that there was a body in the corner a gray figure of a woman staring into space. I frowned still confused about certain things "Where were you this whole time" he straightened his jacket and placed a hand in his pocket "I was here helping and watching Klaus, he didn't need me to dispose of the girl but he did ask me to clean up when it was all said and done. Said he had somewhere to be" I hadn't seen him at the hospital so I wondered what he needed to handle other than seeing her like everybody else.

I wasn't furious anymore, now that I could see that truly cared and judging by the hole in the woman's chest how much it made me feel lighter to know that my friend didn't love in vein. That he wasn't the man I thought him to be. Not perfect but at least it was something. I went back to the hospital mostly everyone had left the only ones who stayed were Rebekah, Caroline and Jeremy. Rebekah told me that Caroline had taken Jeremy to get food and she was sitting here watching over Elena in case the thing that had attacked her came back which is when I told her about Aurora. She knew exactly who I meant and couldn't help but let out a small laugh when I told her what happened to her "The girl was extremely obsessive if you ask me, a raging bitch I never truly liked her. To hear that she lies in my home with her heart missing makes me so happy" I rolled my eyes at her fighting to smile at a time like this. 

"I will say that I'm not surprised Nik is different. He's by no means a complete turn around but he's better with her. I've truly never seen anything like it. Aurora came at a time when the man we know hadn't come into the evil in him. He was still the boy from the village she got to see what was still human about him. Elena has come at a time where I didn't think my brother's heart could get any darker but to see him now and the way he's changed even though it's slight means something. What in specific I don't know but it does mean something" I nodded biting the inside of my cheek, she always had that effect on him, this Klaus didn't want to be a better man he liked being a torturous murderous bastard. Yet that fire burned out when she came. He didn't want the same things he did when she was there. It was like she changed his view. 

I'd fallen asleep in the waiting room, they tried to get us to leave but me and Rebekah weren't moving and when she compelled them to let it happen. No matter what happened today I was at least happy to know that I didn't lose my friend. Elena was still here and I had time to still fix it, if something should go wrong. I'll go home tomorrow and make her a remedy to help her body heal. I felt body lift a little knowing I hadn't completely lost everything at the same time I still felt dark on the inside wanting him to be here if he had been wrapped in his arms it would've been so different. I would've melted and let his warmth comfort me and keep me from worrying. But he's not here, I lost him. And I won't stop until I bring him back; he needs to be here, I need him to be here.

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