6- E

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Ayanna and Bonnie weren't here they were in the hut trying to help Esther with Henrik. So we had the house to ourselves, in the time I spent watching Ayanna and Bonnie work I had picked up a few things. I grabbed sum herbs and cut cloth sitting in front of Klaus who stared aimlessly at a plant in the corner. He looked dead. He looked a little more like the Klaus I knew but still not quite him. At least he would let himself feel this moment. I grabbed his arm gently only for him to pull it back "No" he said plainly "What do you mean no? It needs attention before it festers and gets infected" he shook me off again "I don't need healing! I don't deserve it! I killed my brother! I deserve this! I deserve to-" I smacked him, he didn't even get to finish. I don't know where the urge or the courage came from but I did it and he was still for a moment both of us in shock of what I'd done. I pulled my thoughts together and breathed in "You didn't kill him. It was an accident, I know you feel like you don't deserve to feel anything other than pain as if somehow this is penance for the suffering you've caused but you didn't do this. A werewolf did. You didn't kill him. You didn't kill your brother" I said cupping his face in my hands, his eyes shone with unshed tears as he looked up at me.

I took the opportunity and grabbed his arm pulling up the sleeve and beginning to clean the wound. He winced pulling back earning a sharp look from me silently telling him not to move. I dipped the cloth in water wrung it out and cleaned his arm until the long gash that ran from his shoulder to his elbow was distinct. The cut was deep if this was a different time I would say he needs stitches but I doubt they even make- wait. I turned my attention to the sewing needle in the corner. That's gonna hurt. I grabbed some powder and water mixing it then walking over to him "I'm gonna put this on your arm it'll numb it and the pain" he nodded and watched me work in silence. Only hissing when I put the mix on his wound. I grabbed the needle and some thread placing it on the fire of the candle burning on Ayanna's table. Klaus watched in wonder as I patched him up "Where'd you learn to do that" I thought back to my plans to be a nurse in my time "Where I come from there are many people, much more skilled than I, who did this. I used to want to be one of them" I said using my teeth to cut the thread and beginning to wrap up his arm.

"You would've been good at it" I smiled sadly and he grabbed my hand "Thank you Elena" I nodded "It's nothing" he shook his head rubbing his thumb across my hand "No it's not. My father is likely deciding whether to burn me at the stake and here you are patching me up telling me not to blame myself" I put my hands over his looking in his eyes "It's not your fault Klaus. When I was younger I made a similar mistake and I lost my parents to it. I blamed myself at first survivor's guilt I guess but I had to realize that some things just happen. It's all for a reason" he listened thoughtfully and watched my face closely. He placed a finger under my chin and brought my face close to his. I wouldn't make the same mistake again and I pulled away "Klaus I can't" he said nothing pulling me in his lap with his good arm and kissing me despite my protests. I fought at first but I could not help melting into him and kissing back. His lips fit so nicely against mine soft like his touch. He held me so tight yet so gently like he if put too much pressure on me he was afraid I'd break.

We pulled away only when we lost breath and for a moment only stared at each other "I'm in love with you Elena

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We pulled away only when we lost breath and for a moment only stared at each other "I'm in love with you Elena. I know that I should not but I can no longer ignore that of which is clear. I know you feel for me too" I stood his words shaking me, it's a different time they confused love so easily now. He probably had feelings for me but I doubt he loved me, I turned to him and shook my head "You do not love me. You love Tatia she's the one with whom you spend all your time. You only think this because I look like her" he shook his head standing and pulling my body into him "I know that is not true. I spend my time with her because I knew I could never have you. I knew as soon as I saw you you were my fate, my destiny. I could see everything I'd ever hoped for in your eyes. Elena you are the one I love" I tried to push him away but he wouldn't move. I looked up at him tears crowding my eyes "You can't love me I have to go home" he nodded "I know and I wish to go with you. I'll follow you anywhere love, to the ends of the earth if I have to. For my home is where ever you are" I had never seen a more sincere look in his eye than the one he was giving me now.

"I know you cannot truly love me because your heart already yearns for another but I also know you feel this" I didn't love him, I couldn't say it back. Even though this Klaus wasn't a monster yet he would be. And he would kill innocents. And he will try to kill me. He didn't know it but our fates collided in the ugliest of ways. Yet the feeling bubbling in the pit of my stomach was going against me. I felt comfortable in his arms I wanted to fall into them. I felt enchanted by his blue eyes they mesmerized me and I could stare into them forever. I couldn't deny the effect he had on me. I never allowed myself to look at him like that. But standing here now I could no longer deny it, he was so perfect in this one moment. He went to kiss me again but we turned our heads to the door hearing Bonnie opening it. I pushed him away from me and walked to the other side of the room. Bonnie walked in looking between the two of us "Is everything ok" Klaus' eyes never left mine as he spoke evenly "Everything's fine I was just leaving" he said hurt in his voice, the way he sounded made me want to reach out to him. To apologize. To take it back. But I knew it was fleeting, I felt this way now but when I got back to my time, to the Klaus I knew this feeling would disappear. He's a monster and nothing would or could change what he becomes. Not even me.

"What happened" she asked looking between me and the door "Nothing just talking about Henrik. He blames himself. He reminds of me when I lost my parents" I gave her a half truth, I know what she thinks of him. She could never understand what I felt right now, I barely understood it "How is Henrik" she pressed her lips together and looked down. I knew what that meant "He's dead isn't he" she nodded and I breathed out sitting down. My heart broke for them, despite what I knew they become I felt for them. Losing family changes you darkens you but it makes the family you have that much more important. The more time I spent with their past selves the more it became clear. They were just products of the lives they lived. Of the people who tortured them and the ones torn from them. Bonnie sighed and sat down "This wasn't supposed to happen" she said putting her face in her hands "What" she looked at me a tear falling "We weren't supposed to care like this. Cry for their family. Their monsters. We know what they become, what they do, yet..." she wiped her face "...I feel their grief" she said looking down getting lost in her own train of thought. Nothing good can come from the attachment we're growing for this family. We needed to go home now more than ever.

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