1- E

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I stood over the coffin holding the last Mikealson family member in it. Bonnie told me she has an idea. She pulls out her grimoire placing it on top of the coffin. She takes a slow deep breath and puts one hand on the coffin speaking lowly in a language I've yet to understand. I watch intently as the blood of the person who lie in here seeps from the coffin to her hand in a circle. She holds it in the air and looks at me "Do you know who this is" I shake my head slowly "No I don't" I said looking around the strange cave we ended up in. She smiled and pointed at my necklace "The original witch" I touched it lightly realizing what it meant "The one who created vampires" Bonnie nodded slowly "I was thinking about Klaus and why he's still here. He needs you Elena. He can't make hybrids without you" I nodded listening to her intently waiting for where this would go.

"If I can tap into the old magic she used to connect your blood to his I can sever the link. Elena you can be free" I look up at her in shock fighting back the feeling rising in my chest. Hope. Ever since he found out about my blood being the key to making his hybrids we've been waiting in fear. Waiting for him to come back for me. Bonnie has been looking for a way and she's found it. Can I truly be free of this man? What does that mean for his hybrids? Will he kill us for this? She grabs my hand and smiles "Trust me. I know what I'm doing. This will work" she says seeing my doubt and fear. She's my best friend she knows me to well "Are you ready" she asked with pleading eyes, I nod and she closes her eyes and to fully relax I close mine. She begins the spell and I instantly feel it, I shut my eyes tighter the pressure in my heart building as it beats faster. The wind starts to blow and Bonnie's voice gets louder and her grip tighter. We dig our feet into the ground as the world around us seems to shake. I can hear the walls crumbling and I shut my eyes even tighter as I feel dust and dirt crowd my eyelids. The wind is so loud it pounds against my eardrums almost screaming.

And then, it's silent. Bonnie's chanting fades and I open them to see the cave but not as I knew it when I stepped in. There were no drawings. I guess the shaking must've made the existing layer of rock fall. I looked at Bonnie and concern filled me, her nose was bleeding heavy and she could hardly keep her eyes open. She looked at me and smiled "Did it work" she asked before her eyes rolled back and she fell into me. I grabbed onto her steadying her "Bonnie! Bonnie! Wake up!" I screamed making her open her eyes a little "Come on Bonnie. Let's get help" she nodded weakly and I dragged her out. I threw her arm over my shoulder positioning her weight more so she didn't have to carry her full weight. She trudged alongside me pushing herself to stay awake. As we walked out of the cave I screamed "HELP! HELP ME PLEASE" the woods looked different from when I'd seen it last.

It felt different, everything looked so green and untouched. Like nothing had ever been here. Isn't this where the old town was where are all the buildings? I ignored my questions feeling Bonnie slump and fall. I rushed in front of her and got down slowly moving her so she laid against my chest. She blinked rapidly trying harder to force herself awake but we both knew it wouldn't work. She needed help and I didn't even know where we were. I looked around and screamed out some more tears starting to fall down my eyes. I couldn't lose my best friend like this. I couldn't lose everything like this. Suddenly in the distance I heard it "I hear you! Keep screaming" my heart jumped and I started screaming my lungs out for help. Bonnie's eyes fluttered and I caressed her cheek "We're gonna be ok Bonnie. Someone's coming" I looked off into the direction I heard the voice and saw in the distance a silhouette.

Waving an arm I screamed more "OVER HERE! HELP ME! MY FRIEND IS HURT" they ran at human pace to me and as he neared I knew exactly who it was. Klaus. As he got closer I backed away from him protectively throwing an arm over Bonnie. He slowed down and took a step forward reaching out "Come on" I shook my head and backed away some more "It's you" he looked different. His eyes were softer, his hair longer, he looked... Younger. He wore old fashioned leather and boots his clothes held together by string. The confusion on his face began to make more and more sense. He didn't know me, this isn't the Klaus I know. He held his hands out taking slow steps toward me "I'm here to help love. Let me help you both" I looked down at Bonnie and saw her eyes had closed completely

 Let me help you both" I looked down at Bonnie and saw her eyes had closed completely

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Klaus or not Bonnie was going to die. I moved my arm and Klaus grabbed onto Bonnie picking her up with ease. He stood slowly and adjusted her gently in his arms before quickly walking off. I followed watching his every step closely. Where are we going? Why doesn't he just heal her? He moved quickly through the trees as if he had each one's position mapped out the his head. The more we walked the more I could hear. Horses, people talking, metal clanging together, where was I? The more we walked the less trees I could see. A clearing approached in which I could see what looked like a village. I was piecing it together now. The clothes, the horses, the unfamiliar surroundings, Klaus not seeming to be Klaus, he doesn't even seem like he knows me. I don't the question is where am I, I think the real question is when?

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