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To have someone you've loved in and out of time is hard to put into words. How do you describe that much love? Bonnie felt that way about Kol. She loved him more than the air in her lungs, she craved him, it was downright crazy the lengths she'd go to and has went to for him. Yet. Watching them together now it made all the sense in the world. He loved her just as much. The way no matter which Mikealson wanted his attention his hand never let hers go, the way that he looked at her when she spoke, the way they looked at each other. It made all the sense in the world why she was hopelessly in love with him and I smiled to myself happy we could both have that. In the midst of my thoughts two arms wrapped around me squeezing me from behind "What troubles your mind love" Klaus whispered in the crook of my neck "No trouble, I'm happy. Look at them. He loves her, spent all this time by her side on the other side, talking to her, wanting and wishing for a way to get back to her just as much as she wanted that for him. It's beautiful." I said in a sort of daze watching the two talk to Rebekah about seemingly nothing.

"Best not let him hear you talking about him like that, my brother hates sentiment." I laughed a bit and leaned my head back until I could partially see him "He's your brother you share the same family trait of pretending to hate it even though on the inside the idea has you smiling" I said making him shake his head "I could never" he said trying to keep his face straight "So you don't love me" he looked away the smile still playing at the corners of his mouth "Now sweetheart you're just putting words in my mouth" I rolled my eyes and pulled his face to mine giving him a soft kiss "I love you too" I whispered against his lips only so loud so as only he heard it. Only he needed to. Only he understood the depth of them. He put his forehead against mine as Bonnie walked up. He nodded her way thanked her for saving his brother again and walked away. I frowned after his retreating form wondering what he wanted to say but turned my attention to my beaming best friend.

"Can you believe how this one worked out?" she said looking back over at Kol who smirked her way most likely hearing her "Yes I can. No matter what we said you never gave up hope. Finally trying to be like me" I said doing a hair flip and exaggerating my words which she laughed at "You know there's only one person above all that has my heart and soul. I'd do anything for them it goes beyond any tie that anyone could describe, relationship, friendship, nothing fits for it. It goes too deep..." I nodded knowing this about them already "...There's nothing that means more to me than you Elena" I blinked a couple times not expecting that at all. She grabbed my arms squeezing them and then holding my hands "We been through more than enough tests and stresses to officially say that our bond tops all and I just really wanted to say it." I hugged her tight and closed my eyes letting the emotion of the moment take over. She was right no bond we've ever made has lasted longer than ours and it would be that way until forever. 

Hugging each other now I knew I'd made a slight mistake earlier. The most important thing we have is each other because this bond beyond everything makes us unbreakable. 


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