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It was late or rather it was early, there weren't any clocks so I didn't even know how I could tell time. If I had my phone would it even have signal? Probably not. Need cell towers for signal. I sighed and sat up slowly looking around the room. They made beds for us and found room for us to sleep. I laid next to Kol who slept peacefully snoring lightly. Whatever anyone thought about the vampire. Kol used to be a good man, I spent most of the day with him and he hadn't flirted at all. He was helping me find a way to get back home. I wouldn't tell Elena but I told him about how I did a spell that brought us here. Granted I think he thinks I mean Russia or something but that's closer to the truth than anyone's really supposed to know. I smiled lightly watching him sleep, he was kinda cute this way. I shook the thought Jeremy coming to mind immediately. Just because I was in a different timeline doesn't mean I can think this way especially about a Mikealson.

I got up throwing the sheet off me going outside. The fresh air filled my lungs and I sighed looking up at the stars. It was so dark out here the only light we had was fire so I could see everything. The sky was so beautiful, I had no idea there were this many stars. One of the many things we take for granted I guess later on. I don't know how long I stood there watching the sky but I never got tired of looking. They were so beautiful "Star gazing?" I heard from behind me startling me a little "Kol. Umm yes I don't really see a lot of these where I come from" he frowned looking up "They don't have stars? Quite a dark place, your lands huh darling" I smiled a little thinking back to the Mystic Falls I knew. It was kinda dark there wasn't it "Yes it is" I said sadness sneaking it's way into my veins "Who'd you lose" I frowned looking over at him "You have the same look in your eye mother gets when she thinks of my oldest sibling. For all the children she's had since I don't think we'll ever make up for that one loss" I nodded understanding Esther even more, she had already lost one child losing more seemed like a nightmare. He stared at me a moment and it took me a second to even realize he was looking.

"Is there something on my face" I asked nervously not used to the attention "You're just... You're beautiful" I paused upon hearing it, thanks to Jeremy I'd heard it before but to hear it the way he said it took me by surprise. He said it like he was looking at the most beautiful thing he had seen "Right. I'd wager you say that to all the girls in the village huh Kol?" he chuckled looking up at the stars "You ever notice that even though all stars shine you can always tell which is one is the North Star because it shines brightest" I followed his eyeline finding the North Star easily. I marveled at it for a second wondering how that was even possible "You are my North Star Bonnie. I may have seen beautiful women before but... None like you" I turned to him seeing the sincerity in his eyes as he spoke. He inched closer and closer and before he gotten to far I looked away. He cleared his throat and stepped back "I apologise I overstepped" he said nervously I fought a smile seeing him this way. I wondered how he was in my time, he seems so tame here his future self is probably so volatile. That's why I must stay away. And I still have Jeremy, I love him I could never cheat. Especially not with him.

"It's fine. It was my fault, I should've told you I'm spoken for" he nodded looking off into the village "Ahh I see... Is that why you want to go back so bad? To get back to him?" I nodded playing with my fingers "He's probably worried sick about me" I said smiling a little thinking of Jeremy running wild over Mystic Falls looking for me "As he should. To lose a jewel such as yourself, quite careless if you ask me. You should get some sleep darling. Tomorrow I'll take you to Ayanna she could help you get home" I wasn't surprised to hear him throw a small quip at Jeremy. It was the first Mikealson-like thing I'd seen any of them do yet. They're not so different after all, I thought to myself walking back into the hut.

In the morning Kol had done as he promised taking me to Ayanna's hut. He smiled a little and turned to me "She should be home, with your magic combined you should find the solution in no time. Just promise me this, you'll at least say goodbye before you leave" I gave him a small smile and nodded. The least I could do is say goodbye to this Kol the one I would come to know is probably so much different. He walked off leaving me to the task at hand. I turned to the place the magic here feeling just as familiar as the magic Esther gave off if not more. I knew this woman too? Impossible. I knocked carefully on the door weary of the whole place "Who is it" Ayanna asked opening the door as soon as she looked at me she paused. She looked me up and down staring at me the silence pregnant with questions. Her's and mine. She stepped to the side and I walked in looking around seeing herbs hanging from the ceiling and grimoires laying on shelves. She collected them. Like Grams. Thinking of Grams bright back memories I'd rather bury and I shook the thoughts off quickly refocusing.

"You must be Bonnie" I turned and nodded to see she had not moved from the door watching me inspect her house. She gestured towards the chairs and I sat at her table keeping my eyes on her as she'd had hers on me "I told Esther already I cannot help you. I have no idea the link you tried to sever and what magic you tapped into to attempt it. Unless you have more information there's no more I can do" I pursed my lips and she narrowed her eyes at me "You do have more don't you? Why not share it with Esther?" I said nothing and she drew closer a feeling beginning to bubble in the pit of my stomach. The same feeling I'd had since I came to the door. I knew her. I don't know how. I'd never seen her before but my magic would never lie to me. I knew her. More intimately than I knew Esther. This was deeper yet familiar I knew this feeling. And suddenly it clicked, the same feeling I got when I was with Grams. The feeling I got when I met my cousin for the first time. She's family "What's your last name" I asked carefully "I don't have one" I frowned maybe I was wrong, maybe not, maybe I was just reading my instincts telling me to be on guard wrong.

She walked up to me and held out her hand "But as I'm sure you know my name is Ayanna" I looked at it skeptically I knew what she was trying to do. She wanted to read me but that was a two way street. It would let me read her too. I grabbed and the feeling became clear, she was family. A Bennett before Bennett witches got their name. When our hands touched she got the same feeling I did. She knew I could be trusted and now I knew I could trust her so I showed her everything. As the information flowed she took a step back and looked off in deep thought. She walked over to a book lying on the table and flipped frantically through the pages. She looked for what seemed like hours through every book she had until finally she came to a page. She walked over to me laying the book in front of me "Its an old legend. My grandmother had this in her grimoire. It tells of a weeping willow who's tears create a river, a river that flows backwards. The water can control time if sipped it can bring you to any point in time you wish to be. It can send you alter any mistake. It's power is infallible" I looked it over frowning as I read "It says that it's never been found" she sighed and sat across from me "It's only mentioned in the books we carry here. The real story must come from overseas" I sighed feeling no closer to an answer. This tree could possibly not even exist  and if it doesn't that means the only way me and Elena are getting home is as vampires. I don't wanna be a vampire but the longer we stayed here the more I was beginning to feel like we would never find an answer.

Weeping Willow TearsWhere stories live. Discover now