26- B

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These past few weeks I'd been seeing Kol in secret, he'd show up at my door take me places we'd talk and every time I felt us being closer. My magic responded to him in ways I didn't understand, usually when I touch a vampire they felt cold but when I touched him it was warm. Like my magic was telling me that I could trust him, that I could let my guard down for him. Thinking about it now at the table with Care I found myself smiling and yearning to be with him again. I'd gotten so lost in thought that Care snapped in my face bringing me out of it "God you and Elena are like zombies half the time, always staring into space. What do you even think about" I wanted to tell her, there's no reason I shouldn't but talking to Care and talking to Elena just didn't feel the same. Maybe I was just being unfair. Maybe I should give her a chance "Kol" I said simply looking down at my food that she'd made me "Are you serious" andddd there it goes. The exact reason I didn't want to-

"Aweee Bon. You're really in love" I couldn't fight the smile that broke out on my face "I am. I can't even explain to you the way I feel about him, it's so surreal, not anything against Jeremy but this is so much deeper and stronger than anything I've ever felt in my life" she nodded "Have you talked to Elena" I sighed and nodded "She's as good as can be expected. Her and Klaus had a moment and he ghosted her so she's kinda torn up about it. Can't help wondering if you were right about it all and that Klaus really can't be a man she can love" Care sighed and ran a hand through her hair "I didn't want to be right truly. I want love for her and if of all the people in the world it had to be that self entitled asshole then fine I was going to accept that. After everything she's been through she deserves a win you know" I nodded and we both fell silent for a moment thinking about our friend and how she was in that moment. I went to say something else when my phone went off and buzzed letting me know that someone had texted me.

Kol- Come meet with me?

Me- Where?

Kol- That's for me to know and you to find out when you get home

Me- Why do you have to be so difficult?

15 minutes roll by...

Kol- Because I can Bon Bon

I paused at that, I wasn't used to him calling me that, he doesn't use that name I didn't put any thought into who did I just shrugged it off and told Care I'd see her later. On the drive back I texted him again to find out more about where he'd be taking me but he wasn't responding. He's such an asshole. He'll really make me wait to find out. I sighed and rolled my eyes playing the radio to distract me from my thoughts and the building excitement to see the man I loved. It was crazy how I'd only seen him yesterday yet I missed him. It was like ever since I left the other time that any time I spend away from him feels like it could be our last.

When I got home I could feel that something was wrong, the door was ajar and I started running down the list of people who could just get into it. I frowned inching towards my door wondering if was Kol and why he would just leave my door open. I opened the door and I felt my heart rip out my chest, my mouth was open but no noise came out. I breathed in shaky breaths as the world around me shook and I screamed out, the scream strangled and in pain. In my living room lay a charred Kol and next to him Jeremy and Damon, I ran over to his body my hands not touching it they hovered over it scared to make contact and realize that it was real. Damon and Jeremy watched in silence confused and Jeremy mostly heartbroken "So it's true you were sleeping with him" at the sound of his voice I'd never felt so much rage and hate for a person. I stood up and stomped up to him smacking him hard.

The smack had been so hard you could see the beginnings of a bruise on his face. He stood in shock holding his face "How are you mad at me right now? You're a witch so you can't be compelled! What the hell is wrong with you? I come here to talk and he's on your couch talking about you have a date and that you're his now?! What the hell happened to the Bonnie who hated originals?! HUH!?" he was furious but his anger couldn't touch mine, especially since I'd channeled all my energy, my grief. into it. Into him. Damon chuckled and shook his head "I'm shocked Bonnie all that self-righteousness seeming kind of point-" he didn't finish talking I'd snapped his neck with my magic as soon as I looked back at him. I was livid and the only reason Damon didn't burn alive was because of Elena and even though she wasn't with either Salvatore I knew she still cared for both.

"Jeremy get. Out. I don't wanna see you. I don't wanna hear from you. Leave" I said my tone dangerously low, I could hardly stand to look at him. I felt it in my bones the way my magic hummed around me the way it burned. It screamed for revenge for me to pull him apart, to use everything I'd ever learned and show him the witch I'd truly become. He never moved he looked as if he'd actually go on and say something else "Jeremy. I swear to God. If you don't leave I will kill you" he still didn't move and I clenched my fists so hard they bled turning to him and screaming "GET OUT!!!" the house shook with the weight of my cry and he took a step back finally realizing how deadly serious I was. He didn't say anything else just left a stunned expression on his face, like he didn't know how to process what had just happened.

When I heard the door close my head snapped to Damon, his body on my floor still passed out from me snapping his neck. My lip twitched as I felt the urge to kill him then, no one would stop me. Nobody would know. I raised my hand holding it over his form when I was grabbed and pinned to the wall. The fire in his eyes sent a chill down my spine and the way his hand shook against my neck with rage while he crushed it in his hands reminded me of why I used to fear him. Klaus. He'd come and all he knew was that I was standing in front of his dead brother's body "What. Happened" he seemed to choke out in all his anger "Damon and Jeremy... they killed him. He's- He's dead Klaus" I saw it the wounded boy who blamed himself for his brother Henrik's death. It was back, he wore that same expression then, I remember it clearly it was the one of the main things that made me see how different that Klaus was to the man who stood before me.

He looked back at the charred form on the floor and back at me before slamming my head against the wall "Your lot killed my brother and you will be the first to die" he said squeezing tighter and tighter, I could feel my head bleeding, the blood running down the back of my neck from him slamming me against the wall. I could feel the air cutting off from my body, my vision getting spotty. Everything slowly fading away but in an instant he was thrown off of me and Damon was standing again "We're going to talk about you snapping my neck later. Sorry Klaus but the only who gets to kill that bitch is me" he said before pulling out a stake "Familiar with this particular wood? White Oak right" he said flipping it in his hands, I watched for a moment while they struggled back and forth. I wanted to scream for them to stop but my throat was sore the only that came out was rasped noises and strangled sounds. I ignored them and looked back at Kol who laid there unmoving his body destroyed by the fire that consumed him. He was truly dead.

Now more than ever I wanted to be dead. I wished Klaus had killed me then I could've been with him. Yet here I was. Damaged but alive. I reached out and for the first time touched his body felt the burned fabric melted down in some spots with his flesh. I cried out and for the first time the room was quiet I didn't look to know why I just cried. It didn't matter to me the death battle going on behind me and why it had stopped I just cried and I let myself go until my internal well was empty. At some point in all my tears I was in someone's arms, they weren't pulling me away they were just holding me. Trying to bring me comfort but all I felt was pain, it was like all the light had been ripped out my life. In one moment my soul had died and couldn't bring myself to want anything other than to die. Just as I had on the inside.

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