2- B

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I woke up to a damp towel on my head and voices in distance. My vision was clouded but as I blinked it slowly began to clear. Elena was patting my head gently with a wash cloth. She pulled away seeing my eyes open and smiled "Good to have you back Bon" I smiled and sat up a little "Where are we" she looked down and shrugged "I don't know where but I think I know when" I frowned as the words she said hit me and I processed them "When?" she nodded and looked over toward the door of the hut we were in. It opened to reveal Klaus and a blonde woman. She stood tall and almost regal shoulders back I could feel her power the moment she stepped in. I knew this power I knew this woman but I didn't know how. Klaus walked up to us and subconsciously I felt myself slide back from him. This may be a different time but this is still Klaus Mikealson "You lost blood. Not much, but more than enough you need to rest then you ladies can be on your way" Elena smiled a little and nodded "Thank you. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't find us" he bowed his head and I watched his movements closely finding each one more strange than the last.

Who was Klaus at this time? He grabbed Elena's hand and kissed the back of it. The gesture made her flinch ever so slightly, if you didn't know her you'd say it was out of surprise but I knew her. She still feared him. He stood and smiled "I suppose that means you owe me a debt Ms..." she hesitated and smiled "Elena" he smiled wider and repeated it "Elena. Befitting name for a beauty such as you" I watched the exchange closely gauging Elena's reaction. She wasn't extremely put off by his complements and the kiss. The lack of negative response from her worried me. Why was she being so nice "Thank you..." he cut her off quickly "Niklaus milady, you may call me Klaus" he said bowing again, Elena went to respond but was once again cut off. The woman cleared her throat and turned her attention to Klaus "Son, would mind fetching me some more herbs. I should like to talk to these girls" he nodded and sent Elena one last smile before walking out and leaving us alone.

"So tell how did you come by such injuries young one" she spoke to me her eyes telling me that she already knew, she just wanted to see if I'd lie to her. Elena spoke before I did "She had a accident in the woods nearby" the woman switched her attention to Elena and tilted her head slightly "Interesting. What kind of accident" she went to speak again but I cut her off "I did a spell. Took more out of me than I thought to do it" she nodded and turned to burn sum sage smoke billowing off the small bundle of herbs. When she turned back she grabbed a stool and sat down "Thank you for the truth Bonnie" I nodded and she smiled "I find it admirable that you would cover for your friend. Your displays assure me I can trust you allow me to do the same. Upon healing Bonnie I also looked into her mind and I know from where you come" me and Elena looked at each other skeptically, how much did she know? She sighed and turned the necklace around her neck "The spell you did that brought you here is foreign to me I do not know how you could come to be here. What exactly were you trying to do so that I may help you get home" I rubbed my arm and looked at Elena who seemed just as lost on what to say as I was.

 What exactly were you trying to do so that I may help you get home" I rubbed my arm and looked at Elena who seemed just as lost on what to say as I was

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"We were trying to sever a link created with old magic. I think instead of tapping into the old magic to sever the link I think it brought is to the timeline it came from" she nodded and looked off in deep thought "What kind of link" she asked "The kind that links one bloodline to another" curiosity seeped into her expression and she hummed to herself "Well that is a puzzle isn't it? I will consult with a witch I trust and do my very best to get you home. Until then we'll need to insure your presences here go unnoticed. Bonnie's grand entrance is sure to be most discussed in the village however I think a change of attire and a quick lesson in the time shall be enough to fix it" Elena looked at me again and I nodded, my magic would warn me if she meant us any harm. She smiled and grabbed my hand as soon as our skin touched I felt her. She could be trusted. But also I felt another thing, the magic I tapped into to bring us here. That means that this is who was in the coffin. This is the woman who defied the laws of nature to save... her children. This is the woman who created vampires. The original witch. Now that she was closer it made sense, she looked like them and the necklace that hung from her neck was the exact same as Elena's. I glanced over at Elena to see the necklace did not rest on her neck anymore. Must be a thing with the timeline.

She gave us clothes and re-did our hair. She pinned my hair up letting loose pieces hang off either side of my face and combed out my bangs. She gave me a pale pink dress that went to my ankles with a thin layer of sheer material as my sleeve. Elena was given soft waves and a pale blue dress that was as long as mine. Elena sighed and we both turned toward her "Much better. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be off to see if I can help you two. Stay close can't have you wandering off there's dangers in these woods" she said turning to the door and leaving us to our thoughts. When she was gone I turned to Elena who let out a deep breath "That's her" I said confusing her at first "That's the original witch" she looked down and processed it before taking a step back "Are you telling me that that's the woman makes my life a living hell? That explains why Klaus wasn't acting like himself and why nothing looks familiar. We're in the time that they were human. We're in a time before he even met Tatia. In fact I don't even think she's here yet" I nodded and she sighed sitting on the stool and running a hand through her hair.

"Bonnie how are we gonna get home? You don't even know how you brought us here" I nodded "I know. I know Elena I'll fix it. I just need time to figure what went wrong, but we can't fully trust that woman to help us. She creates vampires Elena we have to be careful" she nodded and for a moment there's nothing but silence. What is there to really say when you've been stranded so far from home that you fear if you can get back? How could this happen? I felt more weight on my shoulders than ever. I have to get us home. I have to. My thoughts derailed and our attention snapped to the door that had just opened "Hello darlings. I couldn't wait for her to leave. I thought I would say to hell with it and barge in. But my patience is legendary, allow me to introduce myself I am Kol" he held his hand out and I shook it first smiling a little to be polite even though I wanted nothing more than to pull my hand from him. Yet when our skin touched it felt nothing like the Kol I knew and remember. He was human and I could tell by the look in his eyes, they weren't predatory and teasing, they were innocent and warm, he was not the Kol I knew. This man was different. And this man was a warlock. I could feel his magic, it nearly knocked me off balance. I wasn't expecting it. He shook Elena's hand quickly then refocused on me "How's about you and I go on a little stroll milady" I looked back at Elena who shook her head slightly. What could he do to me like this? My magic was stronger. And so I said "Yes" and walked out with him to Elena's surprise and concern. I'll be fine.

 I'll be fine

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