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Should I have blown up on Care? I didn't know. I hardly knew why I was mad, I didn't like how she was making him seem like only a monster. He wasn't one, he wasn't. I didn't know if I was trying to prove that to her and everyone else or just to myself. Maybe it was both. I wasn't sure how I would because even he was convinced of who he was. How do you change something when only you think it's possible? Another question I couldn't answer but I would figure it out. I walked into the Grill and I saw him there, drinking, Kol by his side he was laughing about something. Watching him from here I felt my determination spring back to the surface, he was capable of being that man and I'll prove it. I breathed in deep and walked over to the bar "Hey Julie, just some club soda for now" I said earning a nod from her while paced back forth preparing drinks for everyone. 

I didn't look in his direction, I knew better than to give him what he wanted. If I was going to get his attention I'd have to act like I didn't want it "Well, well, too good for a greeting sweetheart" I rolled my eyes and sighed still not looking in his direction "Go away Klaus" I said waiting patiently for my drink "You came over here love, I believe it's you who should go away" I finally cut my eyes over at him and rolled them slightly "Fine. Julie have Matt bring my soda to that table over there... in the FAR corner" I said walking away from the bar counter, I knew I had him, I could feel his eyes on me. I knew him, he hated being ignored and he hated things he couldn't figure out. After everything that happened in the woods me acting this way is most likely confusing him and he'll be over here shortly to figure me out.

"Why are you torturing my brother" Rebekah said appearing in front of me, I hadn't forgotten where we left off the Rebekah of this time hated me, and with good reason. I literally stabbed her in the back "Usually I would enjoy watching him squirm, but I don't like or trust you, so I'm going to make this short and quick. If you cause any harm to my family-" I cut her off "You'll tear my limbs apart one by one while I still breathe" she narrowed her eyes at me "What's your game" she said leaning back "There is no game anymore Rebekah. I'm not trying to kill you or anyone in your family" she watched me for a moment and crossed her arms "You're different" I raised my eyebrow at her and leaned back in my own seat. I was, I wasn't afraid of her, the Elena who left would've jumped trembled at her threats. But I knew Rebekah too, I knew how to win her over, if you make it through the sharp barbs and snide comments she's just a girl who wants to be loved and have a friend.

Even looking at her now, that's all she wanted, and even though the person I was before backstabbed her. I would be that friend "Did your brother send you over here to interrogate me" I asked looking over at him to see his eyes trained on us both "My brother sends me nowhere. I came here to see for myself if what I've been hearing is true. You have taken interest in my brother somehow after everything... all he's done to you, all you've done to try and kill him now you sit here toying with him in some game. I won't let you play with him like your little Salvatores. Tread carefully doppelbitch I don't wanna have to disappoint my mother and kill you" I looked over at her and sighed "I'm sorry for everything before Rebekah, and if it means anything I'm nothing like the girl who stabbed you" she didn't respond to that she just got up and left but I knew I'd thawed her cold exterior, she's not one to fall for the same ploy twice if I wanted us to be cool we had a lot more work to do.

I would do it, to get my family back to the way it was I would work with it, work with her. I had really done it now, I felt him before I saw him Matt placed my soda down for me and as I looked up at him I could feel him, sitting just there across from me. I knew I was right because Matt gave me a worried look that I ushered off with a smile "I'll be fine Matt" I said watching him walk away carefully never taking his eyes off of Klaus. He sat there not saying nothing while I stirred my drink with a straw before sipping it and looking up at him. He was watching me the same way he was when he was over by the bar "I came over here to get away like I wanted so why are you here? Why follow me?" he narrowed his eyes at me "You still haven't explained what game you're playing love. How can I play if I don't know the rules?" I laughed and shook my head "Is this the part where I turn into Katherine and I say there are no rules? I'm not playing a game with you Klaus, if I was you'd see through it and me. I'm surprised you haven't realized that by now" he sat back in his chair and sipped his scotch, his expression never changed.

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