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I was laying in bed rubbing the fabric of my pillow getting lost in my head with the many memories I has with him. It was the small things that I missed the most, his smile, the way his brow furrowed when he saw something he didn't like. How possessive he was over me, no one could ever even look at me. The way he smelled, I just wanted to be with him, and just when it felt like I got him back, they took him from me. The thought darkened me and my lip twitched making the pillow I had once been caressing catch on fire. I blinked and it went away but the fear never changed. Something was happening to me, my anger was triggering new things, and I feared that if I wasn't careful about controlling it I could hurt someone. I turned around and stared up at the ceiling, I didn't want to go home, I couldn't going home meant seeing the space he laid, meant deeper sadness, meant that I would have to face him being gone. I couldn't I didn't want to, I loved him with all I had, there's no loving anything after him.

He was living piece of my soul that kept me breathing without him I feel crippled, I feel empty. I need him back. As the determination rushed back into me I knew what I wanted to do. I was going to bring him back, I had to, how would I make it without him? I got out of bed grabbed my spellbook and cracked it open, I flipped through page after page in the death spells looking for one, anything that could possibly help me. There were many but most of them were spells I couldn't do on my own. I was powerful with all the years of spells I know I was strong, there wasn't much my magic couldn't do. However, I knew my limits and I knew that if I tried this alone I would die. That's no good. I need another witch, and there was only one that I knew was crazy enough to try these with me. Esther. I packed my bag that I'd brought over to Caroline's and threw it over my shoulder. I looked around the room making sure I had everything before I left to the Mikealson mansion.

As I walked down the street I was stopped as the last person I wanted to see flashed in my face "Heyyyy Bon Bon" my fists clenched and my jaw tightened just at the sight of him, I could feel the burning in my veins to kill him. To pull his soul from his body but the flickering of the car lights and the blaring of one alarm shook me back to reality "You ok?" I sneered at him "How dare you ask me that question. We both know you don't even care" he sighed and rolled his eyes "Listen Bon. I'm sorry ok, it kinda just happened and you can't blame me for wanting to kill him. I don't know what happened that made you and Elena lose your minds over the originals especially Elena but me and Jeremy assumed compulsion and some sort of spell, how could you blame us for that? One day it was kill Klaus and the rest of them they don't deserve to live and then it's we love them" he made sense but I didn't want to hear it, especially not from him, I could understand why they would think it was something they'd done but all they had to do was be honest, lying bastards.

"You could have said something to the two of us. I would know if I were under a spell Damon" he chuckled and shook his head "No Bonnie actually I think you know more than enough about magic to know that you're not that strong of a witch yet to know things like that. But let's just let bygones be bygones and be friendly frenemies again" he held his hand out to shake and I smiled and tilted my head as the sky darkened and and the wind picked up and I was hardly even concentrating "The witch you think you know doesn't live here anymore Damon think hard before you underestimate me again" I said walking by him and knocking my shoulder into his toward the Mikealson house. I knew how dangerous it was to come here considering half of them thought it was me who killed him but I didn't. I would prove it. How I wasn't really sure but I would.

I knocked three times clutching my book tightly ready for anything as soon as the door opened. I waited for a minute and another until about 10 had passed knocking every now and again but no one answered I wondered where they'd all went. I turned giving up and deciding I'd just come back later when I bumped into a hard chest "Well I must say you're quite bold to return here Ms. Bennett" it was Elijah he had his hand in pocket looking down at me with a raised eyebrow, he was always so cleanly dressed and put together he reminded me of Esther in that regard "I'm here to see Esther" he made a face of surprise and looked off to the side "Unfortunately for you she's gone off for a few days something about consulting witches on how to bring her son back. The one who died at you and your friend's hands" I raised an eyebrow at him now and stuck my chin out "First I didn't kill your brother I thought we went over this. Second the people who did kill him I'd hardly call them anything. Least of all my friends" he frowned watching my expression to see if it would falter but it didn't. Jeremy and Damon might as well not even exist to me right now, I'd hardly call us friends.

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